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Friday, 10 April 2015

Thursday coffin dodgers, huntstrete

Before the fishing there are a couple more real pole offers at veals this week, both maver poles again firstly the enigma 1 pole package , was 799.99 now 499.99
Then the enigma 2 pole package was 999.99 now 549.99 both brilliant value for money at those prices.
Next Thursday mike jones and myself are running a cost cutter at Avalon, 9.30 draw , if anyone fancies it ring me or mike at veals on 01179260790 to book in or txt me on my mobile on 07974807941.
Back to the fishing and this is going to be one of my shorter blogs, after going to the lake for a bit of a session on Tuesday and catching 60lb of silvers off peg 4 on banded 6mm hard pellet over 4,s I was going to place most of my faith in that approach, all I asked was for a draw somewhere around the middle of the lake , into the draw bag ,out comes the yellow disk with number 19 on it again, that's third time on the trot, what's the odds on that. For company I had silvers ace dave wride on 18 and I had to look at mike nicholls on 21 who has been on that peg for the 4th time since Xmas ,
Needless to say , the hard Pellet tacti never worked, and I ended up with 8.12 of silvers, but I did save a bit of face with two carp down the edge which went 24.6 for a total of  33.2, no pickup for me then !!!!.
1st on the day was dave bacon on peg 30 with 65.8, which was 35.12 of bream and 29.12 of carp taken on a mixture feeder and pole
2nd Alan jones on 28 with 54lb
3rd ray (I've had a moment) bazeley on 27 with 44.4 , all silvers.
4th terry bruton on 6 with three carp for 38.11
5th me with 33.2
6th bob price on peg 2 with 27.8 of silvers on bread
All the carp caught today were relocated down into withy pool, the club are aiming to make bridge a silvers only lake, I hope it works for them, but having been around long enough to see other venues try it without long term success, I won't be holding my breath,  there are some good bream and roach venues across the country but it seems to me to be more natural larger lakes which succeed, all the local venues to us such as viaduct, landsend , sedges , Avalon, chilton trinity, I could go on , have large amounts of silvers, and a large head of carp, keeping all happy, there is a thought that carp have very short digestive systems which can't absorb all the nutrients from the pellets and boilies that are used in these venues, so there is still a a lot of nutritional value in there poo, so the skimmers and roach thrive on the carp waste. I,m no expert but a lot of commercial fishery owners seem to think this is the case, and all these venues hold a thriving healthy amount of both carp and silvers, I have been told by one of the bailiffs that. If it doesn't work they may decide to put some smaller carp back in.
This weekend I am running a match at landsend on Sunday, so if you fancy it ring me on my mobile or in veals to book in.

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