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Friday, 30 October 2015

Avalon Thursday costcutter

a better turn out today with 15 fishing, I hope it continues as its a good fair venue and generally impossible to predict where the winner will come from, perhaps that what some people don't like , who knows, or is it that you very rarely need over a hundred pounds to win, and some anglers gauge a venues quality by how many ton plus weights come out on the day, which is ok , but a lower weight affair and closer weights is becoming more attractive to many anglers now.
Back to today and I fancied another days silvers fishing , so unless I drew one of the corners where I would have fished solely for carp, skimmers it was then, I waited till nearly the end to draw , I went in when there was only two discs left in the bag , I pulled 16 which I fancied, last peg left in the bag for gabe skarba who was running a bit late, and he ended up with 17.
I got the peg drilled some gimps and sensas lake ground bait into life and started rig making, last match vic bush won the silver fishing hard pellet , 6,s over 4,s so I set up a PC .4g slim with a 18 b960 on .14 to fish at 14 Mtrs, and two .7g pc pencils, one for worm. With. 16 middy 6313 on .10 and the other with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish maggot or small pieces of worm. Gabe had arrived by now and was well impressed with the venue as like he said it looks like a proper lake.
And with ziggy slowing kid up on 19 there was some friendly banter going, even if it was a tad difficult to understand at times , lol.
At the start I cupped in three balls at 6 Mtrs, 4 at 11 Mtrs and put some 4,s at 14.
Starting on maggot at 6 Mtrs I soon had a couple of small roach , so a switch to the worm rig was called for , first drop resulted in a 1lb skimmer, but that was my lot on that line for a while , gabe had just started by now, his first fish was a skimmer just over the pound Mark, shame he put it back on the wrong side of his nets top ring, I never laughed though !!!.
Then it went a bit quiet, but I wasn't to worried as it can be a bit of a slow burner here for the skimmers with the last half of the match seeming to be the best time, halfway through and both myself and gabe had some skimmers , with gabe probably just edging it at this stage , then it all went wrong for me, I think I may have overcooked it with the worms , whereas gabe with his groundbait and pellet approach steadily pulled ahead, also I could see Mike Jones on 13 also thrashing out some roach on his short line( he can't see well enough to fish long) plus I saw him net a couple of better fish, my long pellet line only produced a couple of hand size skimmers, I did get a few more better skimmers on maggot and mainly over the 11 Mtrs line, but gabe kept putting skimmers in the net , so by the end I new I was well beaten, as I new gabe had at least 35lb and I wasn't sure I had 20. I packed up quickly as we finished at 4.15 and with it being cloudy the light would be quick to go.
1st on the day was fishery owner vic bush on 21 with 72.14. Catching 50/50 on the feeder cast to the island and the rest on the pole on various baits, maggots , worms and pellets.
2nd Adrian Jeffrey on 20 with 60.8
3rd Mike west 47lb on peg 3
4th terry Bruton on peg 7 with 41.12
5th gabe skarba with his all skimmer catch of 37.1
6th Ray white on 11 with 32.8
Gabe 37.1
Mike Jones 22.14 peg 13
Me 22.4, definite chip shop sausage today, battered all round then.
Off to viaduct Sunday round three of the silvers league , just a reminder it's a 9am draw not 9.30 as the clocks have gone back.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Landsend open match

Woke up to a frost this morning which s only the second so far  this autumn , so not to bed then, and it wasn't to hard so hopefully it wouldn't affect the fishing to much . After the lillypool normal tasty brekkie it was off to e fishery, the carpark was busy as carpenters arms 2000 were on the speci lake so we would be using match and three, 27 of us fishing today so we put 14 on the match lake and 13 on 3, not to bothered as to  where I wanted to draw so I let trig draw for me, he handed me peg 3 then pulled 22 for himself, cheers then !!!, I don't mind 3 but it wouldn't really be a peg of choice with the water clearing .
For company I had Mike west on 1 and brian shanks on 5, only three rigs , a pellet rig for over on the island , a meat rig for down the middle and the same rig would do down the edge as it was the same depth, and a pellet rig for 14 mtrs to my left at 10.30 angle.
At the start I fed pellets across and at the angle but started down the middle on meat, first drop I fouled a carp, looking promising then that there may be a few about, but no, 30 mins later and I only managed to put a good skimmers in the net, but things improved slightly by the end of the first hour with 2 carp gracing  the net, by the end of the second hour I was up to 5 carp and a couple of  f1,s . But th ewriting was on the all as opposite , Martin lenaghan was catching on 19 as was Gary Oshea on 21 and trig on 22, plus we didn't know how lake three would be fishing.
As the match progressed it seemed as though the fish didn't want to be on the north bank, perhaps the sun warmed the water up a degree or so against the island, as most people opposite were catching steadily. I went across to the island and had a few from there but with the water being a bit clear and probably cold I couldn't string two fish together from there, the angle line at 14 mtrs gave me one carp and a skimmer , the margin never produced at all which I was surprised at as it's normally a bit of a banker down that deep margin, I snuck a couple more from the far side but it was never going to be enough as I ended up with 10 carp for 47lb and 6lb of silvers for 53lb and no good today, but I was happy to catch that as only myself and Mike west weighed in on our bank with Mike having 20lb.
First on the day went to Gary Oshea on 21 with 81.2 beating in form Craig Edmunds off the next peg.
2nd was rod Wooten on 65 with 80.02
3rd Craig Edmunds with 77.12 on  peg 22
4th Martin lenaghan on 19 with 76.4
5th Andy hembrow on 15 with 58.6
6th was steve Seagar on 46 with 55.10
Top silvers on the day was a bit of a lowly affair with john(the gimp) Bradford on peg 58 with 9.3 of moaned on small fish.
This Thursday its off to Avalon again so anyone wanting to book in ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in, or you can always contact me in veals on 01179260790.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Thursday costcutter , harescombe fishery

travelled on my own today as my normal travelling partner Jason Radford was off with a sick note, 16 of fishing today which is a reasonable. Turnout and just about right for this lake , so everyone had a spare peg on at least one side,  into the bag and out comes peg 25 which s the end peg around the far side  next to the landslide, it's an end peg now but due to the landslip the peg is very tight. To the end, but I had an empty peg to My left then Ray bass was on 23, 4 rigs today, a corn rig for down the middle and three hard pellet rigs, one for the left had margin, one shallow and another for on the deck against the island, all with size 18 b960 hooks on .14 line, the corn rig had a middy 8313 size 18 on .12 line,
At the start I fed some pellets across , some down the left margin and some along the mud bank to my right , I started on the corn and had a couple of f1,s quite quickly, but it wasn't going to well, and 40 mins in and some mud was being kicked up along the mud bank in the two spots I had fed, so I went in the shallow rig at 4 mtrs and was soon playin a small proper carp, quickly followed by several more from the 4 mtrs spot , but as I expected the fish didn't keep coming as the water has lost some colour and it was barely a foot deep. Where I was catching, so it was out to a11 mtrs against the mud where I had several more including a monster for this lake of about 6lb, I had been feeding two spots on the far bank and tried the shallow rig over there but couldn't raise a bite on that , I tried the depth rig against the island and had a couple of f1,s. The fishing was never that frantic but it was enjoyable , nicking odd fish from the different lines including the margin, I had more proper carp during the match and a lot fewer f1,s. Than in previous matches, that was probably down to the shallowness of the peg possibly, or I may have not been using an f1 friendly bait, but I thought I had done just enough to win, the only threat I could see was Mike Nichols on peg 20,  and it was fairly close, we were weighed in metric today which to be honest I prefer to lbs and oz,s , I was first to weigh and ended with 25.72 kg
2nd Mike Nichols with 21.62 kg
3rd kev jefferies on 15 with 18.26 kg
4th rich heatley on 17 with 14.48kg
5th glen Bailey on 10 with 14.02 kg
6th Ray (Harry) cooper on 3 with 13.32 kg
Off to landsend this Sunday for an open on the match lake and number three if necessary , so ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in and also it's back to Avalon next Thursday so again ring or txt me on the same number, the matches are now 9am draws owing to the locks going back.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Viaduct silvers league round 2

anyone interested I am running a landsend match next Sunday 9am draw as the clocks go back, ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in .
Back to today and after the silvers final yesterday it was going to be a tough call as to which peg or areas might be good today, into the draw tin and out comes 99, 😊. Gabe skarba drew it yesterday and had 32lb for second , so hopefully the skimmers would still be in the vicinity, for company I had bristols finest auto electrician on 100 and kev Newman on 97, I wasn't going to change to much on what I did yesterday , so 2 rigs made up , both .25g pencils , one with a small double bulk and the other with the shot a bit more spread, bait wise all I had my table were some casters a small handful of dead reds and some groundbait , which was my normal veals gimps gold mixed with an equal amount of sensas lake, at the start I put in one small ball at 4 mtrs , 2 at 11 mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs, all with a few casters in. I started on the close line on caster feeding a few by hand, I dropped off the first three roach I hooked possibly due to there minuscule size, then I had a few but 45 mins in and the inside not really happening I was soon dropping a caster n the hook into the 11 mtrs line, but that was not to much better with small roach being a nuisance, so out to 14 mtrs and at was where I spent the rest of the match, catching small hand size skimmers to begin with, plus carp were being a proper pain in the ass, by the end of the match I reckoned I had lost 18 and landed one , also smashing a topkit in the process, how is .10 hook lengths don't break , and the top set. Breaks instead, but I was pulling quite hard !!!!!.
I did start to catch the odd better skimmer in the last half of the match, and the swim was getting stronger the closer to the end of the match we got, I probably put 12 lb in the net in the last 30 mins, I didn't want the match to finish, but it did and after a quick look I thought I had 25 lb ish, and it looked as though that was going to be enough to win the section which is what you need in this series, when the scales arrived my net went 27.13 which was well good enough for the section, in fact it was good enough to for third on the day, the lakes fished a lot harder than the previous day , and the bait going in the day before certainly triggered the carp into having a munch as most people had no end of problems, Andy power reckons he lost 28 and lots of people were into double figures of lost carp.    1st on the day went to don Sutherland on peg 124 with 33.14 on maggot over groundbait at 14 mtrs
2nd andy power n 103 with 28.12
3rd me with 27.13
4th Craig Edmunds on 69 with 24.04
5th Nick chedzoy on 112 with 23.02
6th mark leahy on 125 with 20.14

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Viaduct silvers all winners final

I travelled down with Chris fox to this one , just to make sure he turned up to have one of the shit pegs, lol. So after the normal hot and tasty brekkie in shipham in the lillypool cafe it was off to viaduct for the draw, 46 were fishing and most of the talk was hoping for. The preferred pegs in the middle of lodge or themed 120,s on Campbell , no real mention of Cary except for trying to avoid 80, but we didn't have to worry as Bob gullck who managed  to push in front of the old boys in the draw queue pulled that out of the tin, serves him right 😂😂.
Shame Paul elmes didn't suffer a similar fate , but he pulled 78. Which is a Cary peg you always got t fancy.
I went into the tin and out pops 119, a nice carp peg but really lacking in any silvers form for a while now, so only the section or go for realistically , but with steve kedge on 116, client wojtyla on 123 and Gary Oshea on 126, which is where he had a good weight on Thursday. So I had my work cut out.
Rigs were as simple as ever 3 to make up, a .2g for down my right hand margin, which s a good depth and historically is good for tench and good perch, but recently it ain't , then I made up a .3 for top set  and 1 and also for 13 mtrs at 2 o,clock angle to my right and a .25 Corby pencil for 13 mtrs in front, double bulked for skimmers hopefully .
At the start I put a small ball of caster laced groundbait at 4 mtrs , 3 at 13 mtrs in front and 2 on the angle, loose fed some caster down the edge, starting at 4 mtrs feeding caster I was soon catching small roach in the 1/2 to 1 oz range , not. My favourite size fish, but at least something was going in the net, I gave it 45 mins And with no fish of any quality , I binned that line , well not totally binned I kept feeding it and had the occasional go on it but the size of fish stayed the same. Out at 13 mtrs and I couldn't get a bite to begin with, but after about 20 mins I started to get a few hand size skimmers,
But as has been normal here of late it's a case of catching a 2 or 3 then refeding and going to the other line and repeating the process, so although it wasn't fast and furious it was interesting with enough bites and indications to hold my attention, unfortunately my margin line only seemed to hold the same small roach I was getting at 4 mtrs so that was a waste of a hook then, so. I spent most of the match on the two 13 mtrs lines , I did. Get 4 good skimmers and two tench, one good one and the other a small stockie one , plus a good number of hand size fish, at the end I thought I may have 17lb ish bit after a quick look I thought 20 was a better bet, I new I had beaten the anglers in my section opposite but steve kedge had 7 tench on 116 plus other. Silvers, steve was first to weigh in our section  and put 20.7 on the scales, I got my net out and it looked close but I just edged it with 22.15, it was the 3lb er I had 5 mins from the end , Mr kedge now owes me 2 quid , perhaps I can talk him into double or quits tomorrow in the second round of the silvers league ,
Today's winner and going home 750 quid better off was mark saunders on peg 112 with 35.01 of mainly good skimmers on caster at 6 mtrs,
2nd was gabe skarba on 99 with 32.06. So all the good skimmers are far from dead in Cary
3rd steve den dad on 129 with 29.01
4th Andy power on 68 with 28.11
5th steve tucker on 110 with 26.04
6th Paul elmes on 78 with 26.03
Back tomorrow for the second round of the silvers league, then it's harescombe on Thursday for there costcutter, then next Sunday I am running an open at land send fishery so phone or txt me on 07974807941 to book in for Sunday, if you fancy harescombe just be at the fishery before the &Sam draw time

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Avalon Thursday costcutter

Only going to be a short blog this one as only 8 of us turned up, so it's not enough to be called even a sweep, realistically I would like at least 10 or more to make it worthwhile, so I am doing another in a fortnight and if I don't get enough on that one I may not bother any more, I can't understand it really as its one of the fairest venues at the moment with the silvers and the overall being won off different pegs each time, the skimmers are spread out all over the lake probably due the uniformity in depth and features, and the carp are also spread fairly evenly with winning weights coming from all over the place,
So today I drew peg 36 and ended up with 27.10 of skimmers on worm over groundbait at 6 and 11 mtrs and six small carp on corn at 14 mtrs for 19.8 giving me a 47.2 total, no good in silver or overall,
First on the day went to the Aussie Taff , stuart barnett on 48 with 84.12, catching on pellet at 16 mtrs along the end bank
2nd and somehow Jason Radford on peg 42 came in with 80.12 of paste fish
3rd vic bush on peg 32 with 63.13 which included the top skimmer net of 39.7, all his fish falling to hard pellet
4th me with 47.12
5th Ray white on 30 with 39.4
As I said I will run another in a fortnight and hopefully get into double figures in attendance, it will be a 9am draw as the evenings are drawing in, this weekend it's a double header at viaduct with that'll winners silver final on Saturday and round 2 of the silvers league on Sunday, hopefully it will fish ok but the weather has cooled down and we are having some nasty easterly winds at the mo and it ain't going to change till the end of next week.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Viaduct open , lodge lake

firstly steve is still waiting for a few to confirm as to whether they are fishing the silvers all winners final on Saturday, so please ring him and let him know.
Thursday I am running one at Avalon again 9.30 draw , same rules , no floating or buoyant baits allowed including bread or artificials to be fed or used. So ring or text me on 07974807941 to book in, don't ring me in veals I got a week off, also Sunday 25th October I have one at landsend fishery so ring or text me on the same number to book, that will be a 9am draw as I think the clocks go back that day.
Back to viaduct and the draw , pegs to avoid really are the ones on the carpark bank so after trying to will peg 56 into Dom sullivans hand I only go and draw it myself !!!!!!!!, bugger, it's a peg with hardly any carp form and as far as the silvers go, the skimmers very occasionally Go or a break from being caught on the middle pegs . I discounted going for carp which may have been a mistake and decided to see how many silvers I could catch, looking on it as a bit of a practice for the silvers double header this weekend, the silvers all winners final on Saturday and round 2 of the silvers league on Sunday.
Only two rigs put together , both 4x12 rigs with my now normal size 18 middy 6313 hook on .10.
One rig was to fish close with spread shot for roach and things and the other was a small double bulk affair for hopefully putting a few skims in the net from the long line at 14.5 mtrs, at the start I cupped in 2 balls at 11 mtrs and 3 at 14 , but started on the close line with single caster on the hook, the small roach were fairly obliging , and with no one else seemingly finding the silvers on the munch I decided to stick with it , by the end of the first hour I was still catching 1to 3 oz roach and I had also had 2 8oz perch so was probably winning th esilvers at this point , but then odd skimmers began to put in an appearance further up the lake , trigger on 62 had a couple to go with his early carp on meat, Chris Davis on 70 was really struggling as were the anglers on the other silvers peg, Nick merry on 68, Roland Lucas on 69 but I think he was really fishing for carp and kev molten on 60 was fishless at this stage, Dom Sullivan on 73 had now begun to catch on soft pellet over softened 4,s , I tried the long lines, the 11 mtrs line was very slow but out at 14 mtrs I could get a bite a chuck but it was mainly small roach again, with only very occasional hand size skimmers, I spent the rest of the match switching between the two lines, I had my best fish from the inside line with a few more sensible perch and a loner skimmer of about 11/2 lb. it was fast turning into a bit of a small fish race for the silvers with Dom catching small skimmers on his pellets , then on maggot over groundbait towards the end, but we were being threatened by trig who was getting odd good skimmers on meat and Chris Davis was was now also getting a few better ones on chopped worm and caster so the silvers were going to be tight, as for the overall , you can't give an angler like Gary Oshea a peg like 66 and not expect him to catch. And he wasn't disappointing as he was catching steadily, not manic but enough to stay in front of trig who was making the most of the empty pegs around him, to end the match with 8 carp and several good skimmers, the last 30 mins I did have some hand size skimmers turn up on the long line and I couldn't get in there fast enough, but I thought it would b to little to late as trig and Chris had decent fish and Dom had topped up with a good hybrid and perch down his edge. I was third to weigh in and was really surprised to plonk, 24.11 on the scales, I was happy with that, and I led the silvers right round to Dom on 73 who put 27lb in the net, so no coin today.
1st place went to Gary Oshea on 66 with 101.9
2nd Craig Edmunds on 62 with 85.15
3rd Paul elmes on 57 with 31.8
4th mark wynne on 53 with 30.2
5th Jason Radford 29.13 on 59
6th Jamie Bowden on 64 with 28.13
I think it may get harder at the weekend as the wind is going to come from the north forcing air and water temps down which in turn will clear the water so a spot on draw will be more important than ever, you still got to fancy lodge lake pegs 68/69/70/71 60 and 62 , or somewhere on Campbell in the mid 120,s but who really knows as fish are funny things and don't always do as you would expect.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Harescombe thursday costcutter

Back up the m5 again to fish this nice little fishery, there was a much better turnout with 16 fishing, so after the not to bad a breakfast it was into the draw bag , out comes 22 , which doesn't really mean to much to me as I think it's a fairly fair venue with no peg that you would expect to win, even the much hyped 29 by the landslide only rarely seems to win ,for company I had terry girdlestone on 23 and today's travelling partner Jason Radford on 20. I only bought pellets to fish with today, so it was 4,s to feed and a 6 for in the band, so three rigs , a shallow one , a deep one for down the middle and another to fish on the deck against the island ,and also it would do for down th edge .
Terry called the all in and I started down the middle on the deck , it seems the norm that the lake can be a bit of a slow starter, and today seemed no different with very few fish being caught, 30 mins in and I was still fishless, but I wasn't to worried as I could see some fish on the far bank obviously feeding on the pellets I was firing over, so 30 mins in and I was going across with the shallow rig, never to try the deep down the track rig again , I was soon catching steadily on a banded 6 mm hard pellet , and the biggest part of my match was spent over by the island fishing 8 to 12 inches deep, getting plenty of bites and putting enough fish in the net to be doing ok as far as I could see, I had been feeding some 4,s down my left hand margin where the marginal spiky grass had been cleared , and I did have a few from there towards the end of the match, by the end I thought I may have just approaching 100lb but terry thought I would have closer to 130, but I new I never had anything approaching that weight, terry was the first person to trouble the scales and plonked 47.9 in the pan,
I was next and wasn't to far out with my estimate as I had 96.9 which was enough to take first spot .
2 nd was Mike Nichols on peg 12 with 67.12
3rd glen Bailey in 14 with 56.15
4th stuart barnett on peg 3 with 48.9
5th terry girdlestone on 21 with 47.9
6 th rich heatley on 11 with 41.5.
For those who are interested the viaduct silvers final is being fished on the Saturday 17th of October , for those that have qualified can you please let steve know asap as to whether you are fishing, phone him at the fishery on 01458274022 to confirm
Off to viaduct for a match on lodge lake Sunday , then next Thursday its another costcutter at Avalon, so to book in txt me on 07974807941 or ring me in veals on 01179260790 to book in

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Viaduct silvers league , round 1

after the normal tasty breakfast at lillypool cafe it was off to the fishery ,49 were fishing today , there was meant to be 51 fishing but a couple of Larry let downs knocked it back, I can't believe people can't phone or txt to let organisers know they ain't coming, it's hard organising these things, that's me whinge over and done with.
I got early into the draw tin, and I fancied a peg on lodge preferably 68/69 or 70, I wasn't to disappointed to find 71 staring back at me from the swim card. It can be a good skimmer peg , suffice to say I had a bit of stick from the rest of the queue, for company I had inform craig(trigger) Edmunds on 73 and another tony ? On peg 70, and with Fabio, Dan squires , Nicky Collins and Paul elmes at our end of the lake it was never going to be quiet , and the banter was good , unfortunately for Fabio it was mostly directed at him, after all he hasn't fished to much this year so we had a bit of catching up to do, but he took it well.
I like to keep all things as simple as possible for my silvers fishing , so only two rigs to make up. Both 4x12 floats , heavy enough as the water is down at least a foot , one for a double bulk and the other a more conventional pul the float only type rig, both had size 18 middy 6313 hooks on .10 line, I have tried a few other hooks but this pattern from middy rarely lets me down, it doesn't look like a strong pattern but it seems man enough to land most rogue carp providing there lip hooked.
I don't use any worm on this venue it seems to be a bit of a carp attractor at this time of year , so it was a ground bait and caster approach, and not to heavy on the casters, ground bait was my normal mix of veals gimps gold and sensas lake. At the start which was blown a tad early by steve, that was a first he is normally a couple of minutes late but he caught us all on the hop today, he must have a new battery in the clock. I cupped in one small ball at 4 mtrs, 2 at 11 mtrs and three at 14 mtrs.
I started at 4 mtrs and soon had a few small roach and skimmers and a hybrid of about 8oz, but that was my lot there really apart from a few small fish when I tried it during the match. I was soon out at 11 mtrs , and I was catching hand size skimmers straight away, plus a couple of the lakes better ones, and there isn't to much to say about my match really as it went well, swapping between the 11 and 14 mtrs lines feeding both lines with occasional balls of g bait with a sprinkling of casters, I started on caster hook bait , but a switch to maggots on the hook was better, but caught steadily till about the last 45 mins when the carp turned up , upsetting the skimmers, but at the end I had a quick look in my net and reckoned on 45lb ish, I was a bit fearful of going over 50 in my net but trig confirmed what I thought and it looked like mid 40,s. In fact it was 46.8 which was enough for first on the day , and it was a busy day as I had a lot of small skimmers plus some better ones, I never got through a lot of bait , probably 1/2 a pint of caster and 1 1/2 kilo of groundbait,
2nd was Dom (limp wrist ) on 103 with 35.1, catching mainly on 4 mm expander over groundbait , which was good to see as most thought Cary was going to be really tough, so we'll done to him.
3rd steve kedge on130 with 32lb
4th Dan squire on 55 with 29.5
5th Nick ewers on 125 with 29.3
6th Paul elmes on 60 with 29.2
That was close then. 😂
Off t harescombe again on Thursday  so plenty of bites there then and back to viaduct again next Sunday for a match on lodge lake again