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Monday, 12 October 2015

Viaduct open , lodge lake

firstly steve is still waiting for a few to confirm as to whether they are fishing the silvers all winners final on Saturday, so please ring him and let him know.
Thursday I am running one at Avalon again 9.30 draw , same rules , no floating or buoyant baits allowed including bread or artificials to be fed or used. So ring or text me on 07974807941 to book in, don't ring me in veals I got a week off, also Sunday 25th October I have one at landsend fishery so ring or text me on the same number to book, that will be a 9am draw as I think the clocks go back that day.
Back to viaduct and the draw , pegs to avoid really are the ones on the carpark bank so after trying to will peg 56 into Dom sullivans hand I only go and draw it myself !!!!!!!!, bugger, it's a peg with hardly any carp form and as far as the silvers go, the skimmers very occasionally Go or a break from being caught on the middle pegs . I discounted going for carp which may have been a mistake and decided to see how many silvers I could catch, looking on it as a bit of a practice for the silvers double header this weekend, the silvers all winners final on Saturday and round 2 of the silvers league on Sunday.
Only two rigs put together , both 4x12 rigs with my now normal size 18 middy 6313 hook on .10.
One rig was to fish close with spread shot for roach and things and the other was a small double bulk affair for hopefully putting a few skims in the net from the long line at 14.5 mtrs, at the start I cupped in 2 balls at 11 mtrs and 3 at 14 , but started on the close line with single caster on the hook, the small roach were fairly obliging , and with no one else seemingly finding the silvers on the munch I decided to stick with it , by the end of the first hour I was still catching 1to 3 oz roach and I had also had 2 8oz perch so was probably winning th esilvers at this point , but then odd skimmers began to put in an appearance further up the lake , trigger on 62 had a couple to go with his early carp on meat, Chris Davis on 70 was really struggling as were the anglers on the other silvers peg, Nick merry on 68, Roland Lucas on 69 but I think he was really fishing for carp and kev molten on 60 was fishless at this stage, Dom Sullivan on 73 had now begun to catch on soft pellet over softened 4,s , I tried the long lines, the 11 mtrs line was very slow but out at 14 mtrs I could get a bite a chuck but it was mainly small roach again, with only very occasional hand size skimmers, I spent the rest of the match switching between the two lines, I had my best fish from the inside line with a few more sensible perch and a loner skimmer of about 11/2 lb. it was fast turning into a bit of a small fish race for the silvers with Dom catching small skimmers on his pellets , then on maggot over groundbait towards the end, but we were being threatened by trig who was getting odd good skimmers on meat and Chris Davis was was now also getting a few better ones on chopped worm and caster so the silvers were going to be tight, as for the overall , you can't give an angler like Gary Oshea a peg like 66 and not expect him to catch. And he wasn't disappointing as he was catching steadily, not manic but enough to stay in front of trig who was making the most of the empty pegs around him, to end the match with 8 carp and several good skimmers, the last 30 mins I did have some hand size skimmers turn up on the long line and I couldn't get in there fast enough, but I thought it would b to little to late as trig and Chris had decent fish and Dom had topped up with a good hybrid and perch down his edge. I was third to weigh in and was really surprised to plonk, 24.11 on the scales, I was happy with that, and I led the silvers right round to Dom on 73 who put 27lb in the net, so no coin today.
1st place went to Gary Oshea on 66 with 101.9
2nd Craig Edmunds on 62 with 85.15
3rd Paul elmes on 57 with 31.8
4th mark wynne on 53 with 30.2
5th Jason Radford 29.13 on 59
6th Jamie Bowden on 64 with 28.13
I think it may get harder at the weekend as the wind is going to come from the north forcing air and water temps down which in turn will clear the water so a spot on draw will be more important than ever, you still got to fancy lodge lake pegs 68/69/70/71 60 and 62 , or somewhere on Campbell in the mid 120,s but who really knows as fish are funny things and don't always do as you would expect.

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