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Sunday, 25 October 2015

Landsend open match

Woke up to a frost this morning which s only the second so far  this autumn , so not to bed then, and it wasn't to hard so hopefully it wouldn't affect the fishing to much . After the lillypool normal tasty brekkie it was off to e fishery, the carpark was busy as carpenters arms 2000 were on the speci lake so we would be using match and three, 27 of us fishing today so we put 14 on the match lake and 13 on 3, not to bothered as to  where I wanted to draw so I let trig draw for me, he handed me peg 3 then pulled 22 for himself, cheers then !!!, I don't mind 3 but it wouldn't really be a peg of choice with the water clearing .
For company I had Mike west on 1 and brian shanks on 5, only three rigs , a pellet rig for over on the island , a meat rig for down the middle and the same rig would do down the edge as it was the same depth, and a pellet rig for 14 mtrs to my left at 10.30 angle.
At the start I fed pellets across and at the angle but started down the middle on meat, first drop I fouled a carp, looking promising then that there may be a few about, but no, 30 mins later and I only managed to put a good skimmers in the net, but things improved slightly by the end of the first hour with 2 carp gracing  the net, by the end of the second hour I was up to 5 carp and a couple of  f1,s . But th ewriting was on the all as opposite , Martin lenaghan was catching on 19 as was Gary Oshea on 21 and trig on 22, plus we didn't know how lake three would be fishing.
As the match progressed it seemed as though the fish didn't want to be on the north bank, perhaps the sun warmed the water up a degree or so against the island, as most people opposite were catching steadily. I went across to the island and had a few from there but with the water being a bit clear and probably cold I couldn't string two fish together from there, the angle line at 14 mtrs gave me one carp and a skimmer , the margin never produced at all which I was surprised at as it's normally a bit of a banker down that deep margin, I snuck a couple more from the far side but it was never going to be enough as I ended up with 10 carp for 47lb and 6lb of silvers for 53lb and no good today, but I was happy to catch that as only myself and Mike west weighed in on our bank with Mike having 20lb.
First on the day went to Gary Oshea on 21 with 81.2 beating in form Craig Edmunds off the next peg.
2nd was rod Wooten on 65 with 80.02
3rd Craig Edmunds with 77.12 on  peg 22
4th Martin lenaghan on 19 with 76.4
5th Andy hembrow on 15 with 58.6
6th was steve Seagar on 46 with 55.10
Top silvers on the day was a bit of a lowly affair with john(the gimp) Bradford on peg 58 with 9.3 of moaned on small fish.
This Thursday its off to Avalon again so anyone wanting to book in ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in, or you can always contact me in veals on 01179260790.

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