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Thursday, 22 October 2015

Thursday costcutter , harescombe fishery

travelled on my own today as my normal travelling partner Jason Radford was off with a sick note, 16 of fishing today which is a reasonable. Turnout and just about right for this lake , so everyone had a spare peg on at least one side,  into the bag and out comes peg 25 which s the end peg around the far side  next to the landslide, it's an end peg now but due to the landslip the peg is very tight. To the end, but I had an empty peg to My left then Ray bass was on 23, 4 rigs today, a corn rig for down the middle and three hard pellet rigs, one for the left had margin, one shallow and another for on the deck against the island, all with size 18 b960 hooks on .14 line, the corn rig had a middy 8313 size 18 on .12 line,
At the start I fed some pellets across , some down the left margin and some along the mud bank to my right , I started on the corn and had a couple of f1,s quite quickly, but it wasn't going to well, and 40 mins in and some mud was being kicked up along the mud bank in the two spots I had fed, so I went in the shallow rig at 4 mtrs and was soon playin a small proper carp, quickly followed by several more from the 4 mtrs spot , but as I expected the fish didn't keep coming as the water has lost some colour and it was barely a foot deep. Where I was catching, so it was out to a11 mtrs against the mud where I had several more including a monster for this lake of about 6lb, I had been feeding two spots on the far bank and tried the shallow rig over there but couldn't raise a bite on that , I tried the depth rig against the island and had a couple of f1,s. The fishing was never that frantic but it was enjoyable , nicking odd fish from the different lines including the margin, I had more proper carp during the match and a lot fewer f1,s. Than in previous matches, that was probably down to the shallowness of the peg possibly, or I may have not been using an f1 friendly bait, but I thought I had done just enough to win, the only threat I could see was Mike Nichols on peg 20,  and it was fairly close, we were weighed in metric today which to be honest I prefer to lbs and oz,s , I was first to weigh and ended with 25.72 kg
2nd Mike Nichols with 21.62 kg
3rd kev jefferies on 15 with 18.26 kg
4th rich heatley on 17 with 14.48kg
5th glen Bailey on 10 with 14.02 kg
6th Ray (Harry) cooper on 3 with 13.32 kg
Off to landsend this Sunday for an open on the match lake and number three if necessary , so ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in and also it's back to Avalon next Thursday so again ring or txt me on the same number, the matches are now 9am draws owing to the locks going back.

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