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Thursday, 17 December 2015

Thursday affordable , harescombe

15 turned up today which is ok , not to sure as to where the fish would want to be at the mo as the weather is stupidly warm for the time of year, a peg at the windy end would be the obvious choice, but I wasn't to upset to dip into the bag and come out with 29, I think I only drew it as stuart graham wasn't here today to rest it .
It's a flyer as its a little lake all to yourself due to the landslip out in front , also the water source runs in just to the right of the peg so the fresh water hits the swim first, that can only be good then. For company I had Dave cook on 30 then Chris telling round on peg three, the other side of the landslip was Mike Nichols on 24. Rigs today were a .3g rig to fish maggot at 3 and 5 mtr lines  just to my right on the edge of the flow and a pellet rig for towards the island at 13 mtrs and along the left hand bank, there were quite a few carp showing at about 18 mtrs towards the landslip , but unless I set up a wag or lead they were going to stay safe today, also there is a big pipe sticking out of the water at 14 mtrs making rod and line fishing past it frought with problems .
At the start I cupped in some maggots and a few 4 mm pellets on the two short lines and began firing some 4,s to the island and left had swims.
Starting on maggot and it soon became clear that it was going to be impossible to determine as to where they going as the bit of flow coming in via the stream was sending rigs and maggots all over the swim, so ten minutes in and after a couple of small roach I was putting a banded hook on the rig and feeding 4,s only, at least the robins and wrens enjoyed the maggots, I soon started catching small proper carp and occasional f1,s, but it was a case of catching two or three from one spot then switching to another line and resting the others, the only other person who seemed to getting a few was Chris telling who had some fish on dobbed bread to begin with then on pellet later in the match,
I just had fish from all lines , I even had a few trotting in the  flow from the stream , by the end I reckoned on 50lb , with Chris being my closest threat , but I new I had beaten him, and as I was at the top of the lake looking down at all the others , not to much had been caught, I was last to weigh and was happy to see the scales read 60.3 for the win
2nd was Chris telling on peg 3 with 37.5
3rd Martin hook on 7 with 33.8
 4th Roy Liddell on 13 with25.9
5th Alan oram on 9 with 24.9
6th Mike Nichols on 24 with 21.15
I used the drennan acolyte carp pole again and at 13 mtrs it was a nice pole to fish with , even when I did a stint at 14 mtrs it was well manageable, I've only had fish up to 5lb on it so far but I felt very confident , and I can't wait to get some proper lumps on it , but I can't see it letting me down.
Next Thursday on Xmas eve I am running one at landsend fishery , as normal it will be a 9am draw , and it will be a 16 quid costcutter, so ring or text me on 07974807941 to book in.

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