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Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Landsend fishery, philtone works match

I managed to get in on this one as they made it a 6 on 6 team match, with only 12 on the lake we all had a bit of room, I was hoping for a draw on the far bank 13to24 so the wind would be off our back, I wasn't disappointed as 18 came to my hand .for company I had Anton page on 19 and Clint Montoya on 16 and with Paul elves on 15 Alan oram on 21 and trig Edmunds on 22 it was never going to be quiet, peg 18 is on the end of the far island so there is a gap to fish into so I set up a hard pellet rig for there and the same rig would do to fish to an overhanging Bush just to my left on the island, I put open a meat rig but never had a bite on it on the rare occasions I tried it, the last rig was a caster rig for 5 mtrs.
On the all in I fed all lines and began on the caster line, but it didn't start to well as all I had in the first hour was a few roach and one perch, Anton had 4 carp in the same time and both Paul and Clint off to my left had about the same, so I went over to the Bush and in the next couple of hours I had 6 carp but Clint and Paul had pulled even further ahead, Anton in the mean time had dried up and was struggling to get a bite. Now my bush swim completely died so I went into the gap on pellet, where I wanted to fish quickly proved to be impossible as part of the island had fallen in and it appeared there was some branches or sticks gone in with it making to snaggy to fish so I had to fish more into the middle of the gap, but I did get a couple more carp and some silvers in the shape of f1,s and skimmers, a look back on the caster line gave me a near 2lb perch and another 2  decent skimmers, with no chance of an overall pickup I began to think I may get the silver's and by the end with no one admitting to more than about 10lb I thought that was looking good , as far as the overall on the day it was going to be a three horse race between Martin reyat on 13 , Paul elmes on 15 and trig on 22, but as Paul had been singing like a canary on crack for the most of the match I reckoned he would have it . But it turned out to be a lot closer , with as expected with 91lb. Martin was second with 90lb and trig had 88lb the back up weights we r e ok as well considering the really bad weather with the wind and torrential rain, I had 18 1/2 pounds of silver's but Neil Mercer on pegs 2 and 3 had 19lb, as it was his works match he was allowed to move from peg 2 as he deemed it to windy !!!!!, faggot at least I had my silver's out of one peg lol.

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