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Sunday, 17 July 2016

Avalon fishery float only practice

After the normal good breakfast at Landsend, where di was under a bit of pressure as it was very busy, but credit where credit is due , her and olive did good, though olive did look a bit flustered.
Off to the fishery and with 34 booked in Vic let me use the whole lake, finally got the draw underway, so I waited for the right person to come along to draw my peg, who gambles up, no other than self proclaimed drawer of flyers, Nick chedzoy, so after drawing 32 for himself, he only goes and draws 24 for me, anyone who knows the venue will know that it is a very good peg in a corner with lots of history, I had to walk to my peg as Vic wanted the top Carpark left for the 24 hour divvy boys on the top lake , shame really as I would have only had a 10 ft walk to my peg, but its a hard road all the way to the top, so no drama really.
Soon got the box positioned, and I must say it looked good , with a nice end bank to fish to, although its normally a bit of a snag pit.
The tree's are about 20 mtrs along and as I had left the float rod in the van the weren't going to be used today, so inset up a couple of pellet rigs for the end bank at 15 mtrs, one shallow and one on the deck, which was about 3 foot deep, a deep and shallow rig for straight out at 14 mtrs, and a meat rig for 6 mtrs.
At the start I fed the end bank with a catty, threw some meat to 6 mtrs, but began at 14 mtrs on the deck, it started well with 2 carp in the first two put ins, then I fouled one ,  ten mins later and after another lost fouler, I was reaching for the shallow rig, and that's where in spent most of the match, feeding and swinging the rig around , feeding 6mm hard pellet and using a banded 8mm pellet on the hook, it was never hectic , but in was getting odd fish, and I wasn't seeing to many fish being caught, to be honest, apart from Martin lenaghan opposite on 23 and Steve seager on 20, I couldn't see anyone else as the tree's and bushes obscured my view, although I did spend most of the match out and shallow, I did fish into the end bank, but it left me a bit traumatized, I was getting beaten up by those edge dwellers, and to make matters worse I new the fish weren't particularly big, but those small commons are dambed quick, tying me around reeds and roots , I was losing more.hooks than landed fish, so not to much time was spent down there, even the long shallow line had its problems, I had two plastics break, but they have been in all year so that's down to me really.
The fish were a lot bigger on the long shallow line, with fish to just about double figures, including this nice ghostie.
By the end of the match in thought I had about 120lb, which according to the bankside banter , it should be enough for today, when the scales got to me , Tom mangnal was top with 86.15, I was confident of beating that , and for once I wasn't to far out on my guess as I my fish went 125.2 for first today
2nd was Tom with 86.15
3rd Steve Skelton on 28 with 70.14
4th Dave romain on 44 with 69.12
 5th Steve seager on 20 with 65lb
6th Nick chedzoy on 32 with 63.5
Silver's went to Paul faiers on 35 with 21.8.
Quite a close match really, I don't think we had enough cloud cover and ripple really for it to fish better, the quality silver's didn't seem to want to know it.
Emma Drysdale is running a short pole match on Saturday's starting soon , so for more info contact her via face book , she only needs a couple more to fill it.

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