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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Thursday costcutter viaduct fishery

Travelled down with Joe McMahon today, and after a nice breakfast at the junction cafe it was off to the fishery, a good turnout with 34 in attendance, split between Campbell and lodge , not on Cary as its a bit o it of sorts at the mo, but it is nearly back to as it was.
As normal quite early into the draw tin, and out comes 66 on lodge , another corner , I'm thinking of changing my name to little Jack, its a nice peg with lots of form and history, there are lots of overhanging tree's to the left which always hold fish, but it can be a bit torrid getting them out as there is also an old peg under the tree's that can be a bit expensive on end tackle if your not quick.
So I set up a rig to fish pellet under the tree's, a margin meat rig for my left as you can't fish to the right as there is a big bush tight to the peg, a deep and shallow rig for pellet at 14 mtrs , the same two rigs would do to fish to the end of the tree's at 13 mtrs, job done then.
On the all in I began on the deck at 14 mtrs , but a couple of liners had me reaching for the shallow rig, but 20 minutes later and no bites , I switched to shallow out on the end of the tree's, I soon had a carp swiftly followed by another, then it went a bit wrong with the next couple doing me right in under the tree's, so the next port of call was to go into the tunnel of branches under the tree's, I had a couple of quick fish then liners and foulers became a problem, , I was landing odd fish but wasn't catching quick enough, also the fish were on the small side, 3 to 5lb , not the big single or low doubles you normally get on this lake,
I stuck with it but it was nth going to plan, I did get one carp and a tench down the edge, but the whole lake as far as I could see was proving difficult, I did have a good last two hours fishing out on the end of the tree's, first on the deck , then shallow, I finished the match well, but the fish in the peg today were definitely on the small side so I reckoned on having at least 120 lb, only a bit o it as I had 137.12.
1st on the day was Roy worth on 114 with 255.9 of lead caught fish
2nd on 128 was Dan white with 163.3
3rd j mills on 73 with 150.6
4th me
5th Scott Russell on peg 115 with 117.9
6th mal Fowler on peg 118 with 103.15
7th Jack billet on 121 with 103.2
8th longshanks ??? On 73 with 101.12
L johnson on 69 with 43.5 of skimmers on pellet

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