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Sunday, 10 July 2016

Short pole series 2nd round

Before this weeks report, just a note to say I am running a float only open at Avalon next Sunday, 17th, 9.30 draw fish 11 to 5. Ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in, or ring veals and speak to me or leave a mage for me , tel 01179260790 .
Back to today and a full house of 24 fishing, not to sure as to where I wanted to be , misha drew for me again today, and I wasn't complaining when I saw number 15 on the ticket, its a bit of an end peg on the far bank, and John had been in with his digger and sorted a bit of collapsed bank to the left of the swim, so it looked as though I would have a nice bit of scraped back clay bank to fish to, so first thing when I got to the peg was to have a scrape around with the weed cutter to check for snags, it soon became apparent it was a no go area as it was full of roots and snags. For company I had Tom mangnal on 17 and Pete nurse on 14, rigs today were a deep and shallow rig for 6mtrs, (the pole limit) a meat rig for off to the left at the same distance, and  a pellet rig for on the deck about about a mtr off the bank where as far as I could tell the snags had finished.
In started on the deep pellet rig and lost a fouler quite quickly, Tom caught one early on shallow meat, and with no more signs on the deep rig , despite the fact my peg was fizzing massively, as was everyone else's as far as I could see !!!!!.
So it was out with the shallow pellet rig, it took me a while to get a bite , but I did , landing a carp which was soon followed by another, but apart from a roach that was my last shallow fish from that line, in fact I only had one more shallow and that was when I slapped a pellet against the new clay bank, to was by now catching a few on shallow meat, it seemed the way to go today, possibly due to it being slower sinking, whatever it was pellets didn't seem to be so effective today, the rest of the match was spent trying not to fall to far behind Tom, my peg was hard to say the least for most of the match but towards the end in the last couple of hours I began to put a few fish together, switching between the meat line and my nearly down the edge rig, by the end I thought I had 65 lb but Tom reckoned on 100lb and Clayton over on 25 thought he wasn't to far behind, and he wasn't as Tom weighed in 101.8 for a narrow victory.
2nd Clayton Hudson on 25 with 96.1
3rd Joe McMahon on 13 with 77lb
4th Glen Bailey on 3 with 76.6
5th Martin rayet on 10 with 75.7
6th was me with 75.3
Silver's went to Martin McMahon on 24 with 15.12 of mainly roach fry.
2nd Paul Blake on 32 with 10.5

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