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Sunday, 3 July 2016

Float only league rnd 3. Landsend fishery

Still had a full house today with 41 fishing, so we were using the three main lakes, after di,s normal spot on breakfast it was time to get the draw underway, I had Neil Mercer in the k/o so I let him draw for me after he pulled peg 1 for himself, he handed me peg 24 , so opposite Neil, so at least we keep an eye on each other, several rigs today, a margin rig , not used today, a meat rig for 5 mtrs, and three rigs for along the end bank by a tree growing out of the bank on water level.
And at only 14 mtrs along the bank , no to painful a day then.
So two pellet rigs for along the bank, one just off in 3 feet of water and another tightish in in 2 foot, about a foot deeper than I would have liked, but there is no shelf along this bank, and the last rig was a shallow rig just in case fish started slurping against the bank. Soon ready to begin, with a bit of time to spare.
The start of the match began well for me , as I had two carp straight away from the meat line in the first 10 minutes, but apart from a lost fouler that was the end of the days sport from that line.
I was soon going along the end bank, where I had a couple of quick carp but not a lot after, at the 4 hour mark I was on 8 carp, two skimmers and a golden tench, whereas Neil opposite had been catching well, fishing across to the shallow water on the island, it wasn't an option for me as the island is over 20 mtrs away. Going into the last couple of hours and going nowhere fast i decided to really up the feed to try and make something happen, and it did get better as I couldn't get the rig in fast enough towards the end, with the peg getting stronger and stronger, but it was to little to late as Neil had me well beaten, and when you've got Craig Edmunds on 19 and Paul elmes on 18, both in my section, third was my only realistic position, especially as both of them had caught well, with trig seemingly doing the best, and he did as he won again today with a good weight , well 206.6 to be precise, catching mainly in the shallow water against the island.
2nd went to Nigel Mercer opposite me with 144.4
3rd was Paul elmes on 18 with 127.11,
4th Joe McMahon on 11 with 126.3
5th me with 113.5
6th Steve Tucker on 16 with 108.13
Alan oram on peg 6 with 35.10 of mainly skimmers with a few f1,s thrown in for good measure
2nd was Ken rayner on peg 21 with 28.10
Trig with a few of his fish, there is just no stopping him at the moment.
My next open is a float only match on 17th July at Avalon fishery, so to book in ring or txt me on 07974807941 .

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