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Monday, 29 August 2016

Gary wall memorial match

The normal bank holiday memorial match today for the popular Gary wall, who lost his battle with cancer a few years ago, only 17 fishing today , trouble is every commercial in the area seems to have a match on this day ever year, splitting up the anglers, but at least we would get plenty of room, after di,s normal spot on breakfast it was draw time, trig Edmunds was early in the draw, and pulled out 2 tickets stuck together, so I took one and opened it up to see peg 1, quite happy as Mark poppleton won off it Saturday with 160lb on paste, they would have to like pellets or meat today then.
Main lines of attack today were pellet over to the island in about 10 inches of water, a bit shallow really as the lake is about 18 inches down, also up along the left hand margin is normally good , and a couple meat rigs, one for on the end of the tree to my right and another tight in under a Bush to my right.
On the all in I fed all pellet lines but started on the meat rig by the tree, it wasn't crazy as I had 2 mug fish in the first 30 mins , and I wasn't getting any liners so I came off this and went across on the pellet, I had a burst of fish there, but being so shallow they soon spooked away from the shallow water, I went across to the long left hand margin , but that didn't go to plan as I only had 1 fish from there the whole match, even though i tried it several times, the lake seemed to fishing ok judging by the bankside banter, with Ken rayner on 15 seeming to be doing the best, but there was 5 pegs up on lake 3 , and with no one walking about it may be a sign it was producing, there were plenty of fish on the island lapping up the pellet, but these Landsend fish are some of the cagiest fish you will come across especially when targeting them in really shallow water, it was a case of moving around the island picking off odd fish , I did manage to mug a few and had another one on the meat line, the last hour was torrid to say the least , losing several fish at the net which were lip hooked, I only managed two fish in the last hour , so not good, infighting may cost me and it did, I thought I had about 120lb and as I was the first to weigh it turned out I wasn't to far out as I had 118lb exactly,
1st on the day was Ken rayner on peg 25 with 160lb, I left the weights at the fishery so it's all a bit approx lol.
2nd Alan oram on peg 46 with 149lb
3rd Mike west on 41 with 119lb
4th Joe McMahon on 19 with 118.2
5th me with 118lb and only top 4 paid out
6th Adrian Jeffery on 13 with 112lb
Oh yes and Craig Edmunds was 7th with 111lb,
At least I got my quid back from yesterday
Silver's went to rod Wootton on peg 42 with 13lb and beany sneaked 2nd off peg 7 with 9lb,
Another day fishing tomorrow, off to acorn, three days on the bounce, I can't wait to get back into the shop on Wednesday for a rest lol.
Next week its the sedges on brick lake , names for the match are
Jason Radford, myself, rod wootten, Chris Fox, trig, beevor, Joe McMahon, Glen Bailey, Martin rayet, Martin McMahon, Gordon canning, Adrian Jeffery, Steve seager, Leon Hubbard, Clint wojtyla, John Bradford, Dave hodgson, Tom mangnal, Mike west, and kev molten, Alan oram is first reserve, so if any of the above can't make it let me know asap so I can let Alan know.

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