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Sunday, 4 September 2016

Sedges brick lake

Full house with 20 on the lake, not to sure where I wanted to draw, but 10 or 11 would be my favoured draw for the win or a middle of the lake for silver's, I let Alan oram draw for me and he handed me peg 20, its a end peg but its not the best, the carp do sometimes turn up on this peg but its definitely more famine than feast and its a rubbish silver's peg for the most part, so I never set a rig up for silver's to begin with, I set up a couple of rigs for along the end bank, one on top of the shelf and the other down a bit in 5 feet of water, and a meat rig for 5mtrs.
I started on the slightly deeper pellet rig along the bank, but after 45 minutes and not even a liner it was definitely looking like a famine day , I tried up on the island shelf for 15 mins but nothing there either, odd fish were being caught further up the lake but out end was hard to say the least,
I was now assembling a silver's rig for worm and caster in groundbait, so I deposited 6 balls at 11 and had a few minutes dabble up the edge for no avail, out on the silver's.line and it was about as exiting as I thought it would be, a few eel bites which I turned into a couple of snakes and a couple of skimmers but it was a long wait for a bite, I did connect with a lovely lift bite and connected with a nice lump of iris root system which also managed to swallow the hook.
I had odd bites on the silver's line but it was a no hoper today , it only enlivened up in the last hour when I hooke two fish along the edge but both came off, fouled presume , I did get 6 carp in the last hour on the meat line at 5 mtrs but I could see to many fish being caught at the other end of the lake especially trigger who had managed to draw peg11 , I just hope he never draws a proper flyer, LOL. Those 5 late carp had put me into contention to win the section, my main threat was from Paul elmes on peg 4 who also had a late burst of close meat fish, but there was only going to be one winner today after he drew 11 , there's no stopping trig at all, especially if he keeps drawing pegs like this, he had an easy win with 142 .14, he also benefited from a late burst on the meat towards the end, probably putting 80lb in the net in the last hour.
2nd Glen "2 pots" Bailey on peg 6 with 95.12
3 rd Alan oram on peg 14 with 77.12
4th Martin rayet on peg 7 with 68.3
5th Tom mangnal on 15 with 67.8
6th Steve seager on peg 10 with 67.3
I ended up with 6 carp and 10lb of silver's for 58.11 to sneak the section away for Paul elmes by 6lb.

Silver's went to fatboy not so slim Clint wojtyla with 28.14 on peg 9.
2nd in silver's went to the horseshoe horizontal boxing champion Martin rayet with 23.5 on peg 7
Next Sunday off Avalon so get in touch to fish, all welcome,

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