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Sunday, 18 September 2016

Sunday open, Landsend fishery

16 fishing today, would have been 17 but a normal twat timewaster who sent me several texts confirming they were fishing but never showed, they also never answered there phone, so in future , no name no fish, but then again they may have had a plays able excuse, but even so it doesn't hurt to let organisers know, moan over with, life's to short to bother with some people.
Back to the draw and I let Judith draw for me again, peg 35 on the speci lake was my home for the day, for company I had a regenerated Pete notton on 34 , back for his first match in a few years, good to see him back . The other side was newlywed Joe Godfrey on 37, we were using the Carpark side of this lake with the rest pegged around lake 3.
I got to my peg and was pleased to see a few fish moving around on the surface, so I put together a stalker rig, plus rigs to fish pellets over on the island shelf, one for meat at 5 mtrs and a rig for maggot down the edge, but plumbing up down there revealed over 2 feet of water , which I felt was a tad to deep,
Even though the lake was over a foot down, there was still 12 inches of water tight in so I was happy with that, with a few fish still on the surface  I decided to try and mug a few to begin with, and was rewarded with a double figure common within seconds of the start.
Nice start, the first hour was ok as I had 4 more fish on the stalker rig before they disappeared, I had a quick look on the meat line and had a decent skimmer first drop, then after that it was nibblers, and although I tried a few more times during the match, it was nibblers aplenty. Most of the rest of the match was spent across on the island shelf, where I had been feeding three spots with a catty and 6 mm pellets and used a banded 8mm on the hook, the only other person who was catching now was Pete on 34 , but he had a bit of a disaster when his 16 mtr section snapped, luckily I had a spare section in my bag which fitted his just about right, so he was able to carry on fishing across, and I began to curse my generosity as he began to catch really well, and it wasn't to long before there wasn't to much between us, , but I just kept plugging away moving between the three far bank swims , as I feared the inside maggot line was totally useless , but I was getting enough fish across to edge ahead of Pete, but they were on the small side , from about 3 to 6lb, but at least something was going into the net.
By the end I thought I about 120lb with people pegs Pete on about 100,
I wasn't to far adrift by my standards as I put 134.3 on the scales for first on the day.
2nd was Pete with 115.3
3rd Steve seager with 102.8
4th Gordon canning with 61.5
5th Clint wojtyla with 59.14
6th beany with 51.12
Silver's went to Paul faiers with 23.2 on peg 38
All pictures courtesy of Judith rixon

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