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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Tuesday costcutter acorn fishery

I had tried to get a costcutter going at Landsend fishery, but it just ain't happening, I'm beginning to think it just a lack of anglers available on a Tuesday and the ones that are out seem quite happy to visit the same fishery every week, so I bit the bullet and booked into acorn myself with Chris Fox, Judith was off today aswell son we went into the bridge in Hatton for breakfast and very good it was 4.25, its good value for money .
Got to the fishery in plenty of time, and with 16 booked in we still had plenty of room, Judith drew for me and pulled out ball 21 from rays ball of doom bag, its a bridge peg but it hasn't been used in a while as the aerater was in peg 20 and people didn't like the wake it was kicking up, so Ray turned it off before the start, so I went and turned it back on I think the fish are used to it and the sudden silence of it going off unnerves the fishy creatures.
Only two rigs today, a .2 as4 to use topset and one by the bridge to my left, down by empty pallet 20 in the rough water from the aerater, also across down the shelf by the bridge and the other was my favourite shelf float, a .1 as4, both rigs had the normal size 16 b960 hooks on .16 sensas power, a good consistent line which is fairly close to the diameters it states on the packet, unlike many of the others. So I was soon ready.
At the start I fed all lines then begun down by the fridge on my topset and one, I gave it an hour and had one small carp and several f1,s, then it died never to return, even though I tried it several times during the match, apart from a couple of weird liners I never had another fish there.
I went across to the far side, but the fish didn't seem to want to stay in the shallow water, I did get a few but it wasn't happening at all, so two hours in and not really to much to show, only Ray bazeley on peg 1 seemed to be catching.
The second half of the match was definitely best for me as I was catching down the shelf over and in the rough water down by pallet 20, most of my fish were on the small side as these bridge dwellers seem to be , I had some better fish down by 20 with the biggest one going about 8lb.
Now the only problem with leaving aerater on is the noise, it seems to have an adverse effect on some people , and I must be one of those lol.
By the end I though I may just scrape 120lb which Ray on peg one thought he had aswell , but I was a bit out and ended up with 111.4 which was enough for second , Ray bazeley on peg one ended up with 123.7 so well done to him, in third place was my team mate gabe skarba on peg 27 with 90.14.
4th Mark Walsh on 4 with 82.6
5th rich lovering on 15 with 69.10
6th Chris Fox on 9 with 61.2
Silver's went to Mike Chapman on peg 18 with 6.8.
It must be getting warmer a Judith has left her thermal boots off for today , she is back with the walking boots.

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