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Sunday, 14 May 2017

Two match blog

I fished Saturday and Sunday this week, todber manor on Saturday and Chilton trinity on Sunday.
I travelled down with Chris Fox on Saturday, with a breakfast stop at cannards, and to be fair it was very nice, they had an older lady in the kitchen doing the food and she was very good, so 4.5 on the ainscough scale. Got to the draw and found John candy had a new assistant match Secretary, non other than the colonel himself, Nigel Sanders, John doesn't let him right anything or play with the money but he has been entrusted with the fishery stapler.
35 fishing today so we were spread over hillview and ash lakes, not to fussy about where I drew as you are in for plenty of bites wherever you draw, so out pop's 74 on ash which is one out of the corner, that was inhabited by tackle uk,s finest and fishery regular ash, last time I was on this lake I was on the end peg and had over 100lb to win the match and caught mainly on the wag and pellet , so that was assembled , but with the wind due to pick up I wasn't really expecting to get to long on it, other rigs were for meat at 5mtrs, a margin pellet rig and a deep and shallow pellet rig for 13 mtrs.
To cut a long story short , the pellet wag became unfishable very quickly due the increasing strong wind blowing left to right, but I did manage three fish on it in the first thirty minutes, but I was a few fish behind on the people in the middle of the lake which tend to be the flyers as its a bit narrower. Ash had begun catching some skimmers , so I went onto the pole at 13 mtrs with banded 8mm over 6,s fed via a catty, and I had an enjoyable match from then on, catching 1 to 3 lb carp , the margins only gave me a two skimmers so a bit of a dead loss there, also the short meat line only kicked in towards the end when I had my biggest fish of about 8lb and several more skimmers, I even had a barbel of about 1 1/2 lb, as far as I could see I had done ok on my lake with just Gary o,Shea being the biggest threat, but behind on hillview Alex Murray and Fred Roberts on 57 and 56 respectively were catching steadily, when the scales got to me on our lake Gary was top weight with 96.1, but I just edged him out with 112.2 which included  24.8 of silver's.
Alex beat me into 2nd place with 127.13.

3rd place was Fred Roberts with 106
4th Steve Lee with 96.12
5th Gary o,Shea with 96.1
6th Nick merry with 92.14
Ash Tompkins 35.12 next to me
2nd me with 24.8 of accidentals
The match was sponsored by marukyu, so a big thanks to them, always good when suppliers and manufactures get involved, its always appreciated.
Now for Sunday and round one of my short pole series at Chilton trinity, only the topset and three more allowed , so after a breakfast at the copper kettle cafe in w s m it was down to the fishery, 24 fishing again this year so sold out again, so thanks all for turning up.
Misha drew for me and handed me 27 which is in the middle of the Carpark bank, not an ideal draw.and it turned out to be a difficult section, I can't right to much about it really as it was a bit of a non event really , I ended up with 8 carp 2 skimmers and a perch, I had two carp shallow , 6 on the deck and a skimmer and a perch and another skimmer down the edge .
The early leader was Joe McMahon on peg 17 catching shallow , obviously he had his tactical talk from his dad before the start and had the forthought to do the opposite, Chris Fox down on peg 6 did his best to chase him down but never had a fish in the last hour and a quarter , but then again nor did Joe, but he had done enough to win with 119lb, with fish to 18lb, well done him.
Chris Fox was second with 89.3
3rd was "our" Dave , Dave Evans on 32 with 88. 7
4th Martin rayet on 8 with 78.11
5th Clayton Hudson on 15 with 62.9
6th John white on 14 with 58.2
Silver's went to Martin McMahon , who must have listened to what Joe told him to do as he ended up with 17lb of whitebait off peg 13.
 2nd in the silver's was Mike Nicholls on 19 with 16lb of again mainly whitebait.
Full weigh sheet below
Off now for a week in west bay with Judith hopefully for  a bit of beach fishing and lrf , also might try a sneaky try at a mullet or two, I was hoping for a day on a self drive boat out of beer , but the forecast is looking to favourable, but they do get the weather wrong don't they !!!!!

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