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Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Tuesday costcutter acorn fishery

Back to acorn again today and after a breakfast in the bridge it was off to the fishery, a bit of a disappointing turnout, but considering the winds were forecast to be gusting to 60mph it was hardly surprising,
Pools paid and Ray bazeley soon had his ball bag of doom ready for the off, into the bag and out comes peg 8, not normally in but Ray tied to give all of us a bit of protection from the wind. For company I had Scott Russell on peg 6 and Vince (don't tell the wife I'm fishing ) Brown on peg 10.
Only three rigs today, a bit lazy to be honest and I know it cost me , so a pellet rig for right over , another to fish on the nice flat shelf about a mtr off, and the same rig would do for down by pallet 9, and a maggot rig for 5 mtrs, at the start I cupped in some maggots at 5 mtrs and over on the mtr off line towards the far side, began firing some 6,s down to pallet 9 and fed some maggot to my.left in the margin.
I began on the 13 mtr line towards the island, and it was very slow, by the end of the first hour I only had one carp, and looking around that seemed to be on a par with most other people, only Vince seemed to have a few more. I had to bite the bullet and put another section on and go to the far bank, but the wind was certainly making it hard , I made the mistake of not going round and pruning it back, so after a few fish and a problems with waving grass, I got off the box and went round and set about the foliage with the shears, that's some fish I missed out on, mistake one, by now Vince was catching slapping a pellet around just off the island, I never made one up, mistake 2, I did manage to get something feeding well, but it was on my pallet and not in the water.

There were plenty of fish against the island but the wind was blowing the rig along making foulers a big problem, it was one of the worst days I've had at this venue with foulhooking, to make matters worse I normally land more than my fair share of wrongly hooked fish , but not today, towards the end I had some fish down my left hand margin over the maggot, but mistake three meant I didn't set up a proper maggot rig, I tried to utilize my far bank pellet rig with 5 maggots in the band but it was all wrong, and Vince was still catching odd fish slapping making it worse, I did manage a few fish down by empty peg 9 , but the 5 mtr line was a waste of bait, I had one roach and a skimmer. By the end it was obvious Vince had won with probably over 100lb and I hoped I had done enough to be second, luckily that's how it ended with Vince having 107lb
My net went 80 which was just enough by ten pounds to beat Nick Jones on peg 40, fairplay he drove up from Plymouth to fish today. Weigh sheet below.

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