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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Tuesday costcutter acorn fishery

After a decent breakfast at the bridge in yatton, where the staff coped with the 13 anglers well, (4) it was round the corner to the fishery, 24 fishing today, including a couple of Welsh raiders, Steve Shaw and peanut, always good to see them, also Tom thick was in attendance, so all in all it was going to be a tough one to win as all the normal regulars were on the bank aswell.
Ray soon had his ball bag of doom ready so it was draw time, I got in fairly early and pulled out peg on the island, no complaints.
Company wise I had Ray bazeley on 5, George sumsion on 2 and Steve Shaw on 1.
So rigs today , a maggot rig for down the edge, a pellet rig for up to empty peg 3 and slightly down the shelf across, and the normal pellet rig for on top of the shelf.
At the start I fed all lines then picked up the shallow rig for across, by which time Ray was playing a carp, and by the time I had my first ray had 7, this wasn't going to plan then 😩.
It was definitely a day for careful feeding, not really a forte of mine during the summer months, Ray was just potting a few pellets over his rig, also Tom thick over on 21 was probably doing his normal frugal feeding method as he was catching well, as the match progressed I slowly clawed my way back on Ray to edge ahead of him, but he had 8 fish on the pellet feeder, 3 of which came in the last 15 minutes, when I only had 1, so I new it was going to be close between us but those last few did the damage as he had 101lb to my ounce short of 95, but we were well short Tom who had 150lb, well done matey good to see you back, also he is managing a new fishery down by lydford on the Fosse, so good luck with that. Picture of the winner with a glowing face and a pensioner in tow, sorry Mike.
Also the top six results , and silver's.

Saturday and Sunday this weekend veals have got the people from bsa guns down showing off there guns, so why not come down for a look, also other departments in the store will have some bargains , so pop in and check it out.

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