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Sunday, 18 June 2017

Viaduct spring league final round

Went to Landsend fishery for breakfast with Judith and Chris Fox, and very nice too, 4.75.
Then off to the fishery, got there in plenty of time so enjoyed a good chat in the Carpark with some good people, always a pleasant start to the day.
Quite late into the draw , hoping for a peg on Campbell as I havnt been on there so far in the series, I'm beginning to think its only a figment of people's imagination, and today was no different as Judith pulled out peg 97 on the diagonal bank of Cary, it was a hard section as I was next to Andy power on 98 and with trig Edmunds on form peg 88 and Paul elmes on 90, it was always going to be an up hill struggle.
Minimalistic set up today as it was baking hot already and forecast to get hotter, and as I needed to win my section with about 500lb to stand any chance of getting into the league money, ever thing was positive, a wag rod to fish pellet on the deck at 30 mtrs, a meat rig for 5 and 14 mtrs and a shallow rig, a quick look at Andy's rigs had me confused, 4 wag rods with different floats set at different depths, a lead rod and a couple of pole rigs.
At the start I fed my various lines then started on the 5 mtr meat line, Andy was stood up looking for fish to throw his  pellet at, he looked like a ginger heron
Andy was soon playing a carp , then had another, I feared the writing was on the wall, it wasn't until I went to 14 mtrs on meat and had a good fish, probably 16/17lb but Andy had another to keep him well ahead also trig had a couple and Paul in the corner had a couple .
I went out on the deep waggler, it took a while to get a bite but I persevered and eventually had a couple.

As expected Cary fished hard and it was a difficult one to call as far as our section went as , myself, Andy , Paul and trig were adding odd fish all match, by the end Andy had 10, I had 12 Paul had 12 plus some silver's and trig had 13 so the section was tight, Andy had 112lb, I had 114, Paul had 118 and trig won the section with 120, so only one fish separated the top four, and trig had it LOL, as far as the match overall went , Mark wynne on 64 the monk peg on  lodge easily won with 324 .13 of mugged fish, so well done matey
2nd Tom downing on 85 had 215.3
3rd des shipp on 119 with 188.13
4th James guy on 110 with 187.4
5th Sam Powell on 135 with 171.11
6th Loeb Atwood on 81 with 160 .11
There we r 18 weights over 100lb today and I was 16 with 114.2 so it fished quite well considering how hot and flat it was.
League wise mark wynne won with 4 points
2nd trig Edmunds with 6 points
3rd Paul Greenwood 6 points, bigger dropper
4 th Paul elmes 7 points
5th Chris Davis 7 points bigger dropper
6th Bob Giles 8 points
Jnt 7 Dan white and me with with 9 points. It was a good league with good anglers making it a difficult one to win so well done to the framers.and  winners.
Also after missing a match last week it was good to have Judith sat behind me taking pictures and the piss out if me,

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