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Friday, 13 July 2018

Just a bit of an update from steve.ace.who is currently having a good time in Norway after a very dodgy start with cancelled connecting flights. A brief right up below in his own words

Greeted with blue sky's and no wind we set off full of optimism after a brief discussion with a boat angler who exclaimed there were some nice coalies close to home. On arrival mini and I decided to work the lures for a couple of hours giving us maximum scope to work in without the hindrance of other lines. The next 3hrs or so were great fun with cod to double figures and odd coalies. Onto the bottom rods baited with blueys which I feel is the best allrounder we set our traps and sat down for some tucker. 5 mins in my zippy arched over and our favourite tune was being played on the ratchet, with clutch tightened I lent back into a solid thumping fish, a good scrap for a few minutes and we had deep colour , neatly gaffed in the jaw mini lifted the prize up the rocks, a solid healthy cod sent the scales round to 32.5lb., a great fish for July 🙂. Back on the lures we started to see bigger goalies appear these fish fight long and hard once they get into double figures. Mini had a pb of 12lb which surprised him a bit. Soon after I hooked a goodun which went 14lb . Followed by an arm aching 19lb beast , what tremendous sport they are 😃

Looks like Minnie and steve.are having a proper good time, these orange.And yellow plastics doing the business, available in veals fishing tackle on the third floor in Gardner Haskins above the garden centre, Steve is back in the shop on tuesday, and for  anyone venturing off to Norway in the not to distant future of would probably be good if you came in and had a chat.with him, as he certainly seems to do very well over there. So come in for a Few pointers and free info not forgetting the other knowledgeable members of staff who are only to willing to help .

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