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Friday, 6 December 2019

Huntstrete coffin dodgers

It was always going to be a difficult day today, after several frosts the colour had dropped right out, you could see all the leaves and stones down to three foot.
The draw was a bit earlier at 8.30 and leader Ken got it underway on, into the room bag and peg 19 comes out for me, ok really it's a short walk down the steep slope in the car park and your there, it looks nice with an island out in front but to be fair it's not really an option as I think it's just outside the boundaries of the swim, a nice big bush to the right always looks inviting, and a small ready bay to the left.
Over to the right on the other bank was Mike jones, but there was another angler between us and that was Steve Dawson , but I couldn't see him due to the bush. Over to my left was Dave Gillard .
Not a great deal happened to be fair, as we thought it was rock hard with bites at a premium, the lake fished just about as hard as it can do, I fed a groundbait line out at 14 mtrs but only had a few whispy perch from there, being over 8 deep out there I feel it was to deep, the best part of the match was the last couple of hours when I started dripping a few casters in a few areas around the margins in 5 foot of water, maggots on the book only attracted.The micro perch, so I waited it out on single caster, I had 7 f1,s , one good perch (lost 2), and some 2 to 5oz roach, I did try to swing a 4oz roach half an hour from the end which came off and the rig shot into the free above my head, my total weight was 14.6 which was good enough for second, being beaten by Pete Turner on peg 10 with 14.8, so the roach cost me, weigh sheets below.

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