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Sunday, 22 May 2011

chilton trinity widmarsh

with 2 rounds of the float only and a teams of 4,s on this lake i thought it would be a good idea to run a couple of opens on here , it must havce been a good call as i ended up with 34 booked in. this a lake which you need to approach carefully as it is more like a traditional venue where you need to target the skimmers ,roach and tench but saying that it is nearly always won with a carp weight but the carp tend to inhabit only a handful of pegs and these are well known, today i tried to leave the carp fliers out , but as normally happens the peg closest tend to get a few.
i let fishery manager misha herring draw for me and i ended up on 22 which is on the spit to the left of the shallow bar which runs across the lake from the far side, with this in mind i set up a wag to fish hard pellet at depth on the slope butn it was a none starter as the wind was so strong it was impossible to keep still, and as this was a float only event the lead rods were left at home.
so it was three pole rigs , a .75g for 9 mtrs with an 18 6313 on .10 to fish caster and mag over g bait , a 1.5g for 13mtrs(impossible to fish any further as the wind was to strong) with a 16 6313 on .12 to fish various baits over micro,s and a 4x14 rig for 3 mtrs each side on caster.
at the start i cupped in 2 balls of g bait at 9 mtrs some micro,s at 13 mtrs , began feeding caster each side and fired some 6mm pellets on the wag line just in case (but it never). the match started quite well with plent of small roach falling to caster over the g bait plus a couple of skimmers before it went quiet so i cupped in another ball of g bait and that kick started the peg again with more roach and another skimmer , i had only bought a bit of g bait with me and i think i paid the price as bela bakos at the next peg had put several balls more than me in at the start and had a good run of skimmers up to 3lb whereas i only had the odd one or it may have been that i was on the edge of the shoal as tom mangnall the other side of me only had one skimmer out in front but did manage a 4 pounder down the edge, thye 13 mtr line was a struggle as the wind was making presentation all but impossible , but i did get one small carp and 2 more skimmers , my end weight was 18lb for no good on the day.
first on the day went to dave roper on island peg 2 whose carp went 46.15 all taken on meat down his left hand margin
2nd was paul elmes with 45.15 on peg 9
3rd glen bailey on 13 with 43.9
4th steve preece 30.11 peg 44
5th bela bakos 26.1 peg 21
6th dean malin 25.8 peg 65
silvers went to steve kedge with his usual net of white bait which went exactly 20lb off island peg 3


  1. I noticed there were a number of DNW's. I think for the next match it should be mandatory that everyone weighs in as this will help decide the section splits.It is a practice after all.

    Remember the well known saying of the great Kevin Ashhurst "If you don't weigh in you have caught nowt"

  2. You mean you own a lead rod lol ?
