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Sunday, 8 May 2011

float only lge round 1 viaduct

49 booked in to fish this league which makes the pegging easy with 3x7 peg sections on cambell and cary and one section on lodge, i let fabio drawe for me today as he has a knack of drawing fliers for other people, and today was no excveption as he handed me peg 112 on cambell, which is a proper good peg , and making it better was the fact that the strong wind was mainly off my back ,which is a change as all i semm to do lately as fight the wind with my pole ,and thats a contest you just cant win.
i set up 4 rigs , couple of pellet rigs for shallow and on the deck at 14 mtrs with 16 b960,s 0n .18 , and 2 meat rigs , one for 5mtrs and 1 for the margin both with xedion size 14,s on .18, and as an after thought i went to the van and got a full depth wag rod out just in case all else failed.
at the start i fed some meat each side in the margins and some at 5 mtrs aand cupped some 6mm hard pellet at 14 mtrs, i intended to start at 14mtrs to let the meat lines settle , but mike nicholls on 130 had a carp first drop so i went out to 5mtrs with the meat and had a carp first drop aswell, followed by three more in the next 40 mins but the bites were few and far between so i went out to the 14 mtr line with banded 8mm and started firing 6,s over the top, i was on a 4x14 rig with a bulk about 1/3 up from the hook with no dropper as i cant see what benefit a no 10 shot has when the bait is heavier than the shot , and i began catching quite steadily with a lot of the fish taking the pellet on the last bit of the fall ,so i slid most of the shot up under the float with just 2 no10,s and 1 x 8 down the line and that seemed better with a lot of the fish taking on the drop, i did try shallow several times but couldnt raise a bite on it , i think the heavy rain during the night may have stopped them coming up, so instead of feeding all the time it was better to feed a coup[le of pouches ,catch a couple and feed again, the foulers werent really as problematic as normal iether, i kept trying the 5mtr meat line and took a few more fish there and i had 1 from my left hand margin but small roach kept nibbling the meat so i didnt give it to many the end i had about 30ish carp and a tench and a skimmer for a total weight of 192.10 for first on the day but i nearly cocked it up as i had 86lb in one net and there is a limit of 70lb per net and if you go over 90lb the net is cancelled(oops)that was close, and with the fish getting bigger its going to get increasingly hard to call, as i only had 13 fish for that 86lb
2nd was clayton hudson on 116 with 121.7
3rd kev molten 118.4 peg 111
4th mat tomes 117.2 peg 121
5th bob gullick 110.13 peg 113
6th ron hardiman 97.4 peg 118
silvers went to john bradfords apprentice tom thick on peg 94 with 33.13
i think there would have been a lot more fish caught if the wind hadnt been as strong as the anglers on the opposite bank were struggling to hold more than 6mtrs of pole(aint life a bitch)


  1. well done mate ,our leader nc

  2. It aint the wind that your always facing...its your age!!! Well done bagger.
