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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Plantation Wednesday open

Still a good turnout even with the bad weather forecast, 18 fishing so it just goes to show that this is a popular venue, we even had a couple of venue regulars fishing including goose fat vowels,
I must admit to fancying 7or 8 but des pulled 2 tickets out so I took one and ended up with 38 stuck in my hand, it's a point peg looking back down the lake , unfortunately today it was into the teeth (not antons) of the strong wind that also included some sleet for good measure  , so I was set for a damp cold day , I can't really complain as I have spent most of the winter being at the calm end of the venues.
The peg threw up a decent silver net recently so I set up a 4x16 rig with the usual size 18 middy 6313 on .10 to fish caster and maggot over g bait at 11 mtrs. I set up another float of the same size to fish soft pellet or maggot over micros at 14 mtrs , that rig had a 20 middy 8313 on .12 . The last rig was a4x12 with the same hook and line as above for my right hand margin as it does produce some ice perch and carp tight in under the bushes, after cupping 4 balls of g bait at 11 mtrs (wrong) and some micros at 14 mtrs at 11 and 1 angles and throwing some casters down the edge, I started on caster fully expecting a bite from at least a small roach but never had a bite , a switch to single maggot also didn't work, hmmm, after 30 mins without  a bite I went out over the pellet line with a soft pellet on, no bite either, so a switch to double maggot over the micros gave Me my first bite after 45 mins and that was from a 7lb carp, by now kev molten on 8 turkey Thompson on 7 were both catching , in fact the further up the lake you went and the less wind effected the lake became , more fish were being caught, I,m not going to waste to much time talking about my match as it was vey hard at this end of the lake , my groundbait line didn't produce one silver fish, I had one carp there and lost a fouler ,the two long lines gave me 5 more carp and 4 skimmers all on maggot, under the bushes on caster I had one 4oz roach so today was going to end up with no pickup , most of the action was from halfway to the far end, trouble with drawing this swim is that apart from 2 people at the top end I could see everyone on the lake , kev molten was streaking ahead of most fishing banded 8,s over 4,s fished at
13 mtrs, Anton page was catching well on 24 in the last half of the match on maggot over caster and micros at 16 mtrs, also des shipp on 12 was getting a few, even turkey n 7 was having a go but the paste didn't seem to best effective this time, at the weigh in my attempt at catching put 31.4 on the sheet which was no good overall, but it was good at my end, I new I should have done a section at each end lol.
1st on the day was kev molten on 8 with a brilliant winter weight of 124.4
2nd Anton page 70.14 on 24
3rd des (90  pence) shipp on 12 with 59.1
4th John Thompson 42.14 peg 7
5th steve kedge 38.5 peg18
6th tony rixon 31.4 peg 38
Silvers went to steve kedge with 13.13
There is a match at Avalon on Sunday if anyone is looking for something to do, if you want to book
in ring me at the shop or ring mike west on 07850284696, it's a good fishery so go and give vic some support,

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