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Sunday, 3 February 2013

Viaduct winter league round 1

Firstly I must apologise as I never waited for the full result as I wanted to get home for my tea,
Into the draw tin and I ended in d section which is match lake and 1 to 6 on spring lake,then I drew for numbers and I drew peg 44 for myself, 124 for tim Clark, 88 for clay ton Hudson, 60 for Ron hardiman, 44 for me and 16 for brian shanks, not to bad a sequence of pegs but thee are better draws to be had , I quite like the match lake as there is a big head of good skimmers to be caught as well as some proper f1,s and carp to 7lb, I set up 2 pole rigs ,one for a groundbait line at 13 mtrs and another for caster at 16 mtrs both being 4x10 rigs with an 18 middy 6313 on .10, it's a shallow lake only 3 foot deep tops. At the start I cupped in 2 balls at 13 mtrs and some casters at 16 mtrs and tried to fire some casters to the island for the wag as its a good bet on this lake. For carp and f1,s, on the wag rod I had a loaded drake peacock wag with a middy 8313 on .12.
Chris Higgins started on the wag on 43 feeding caster but straight away he began getting small roach trouble so I didn't really try and get any bait out to the island and wait and see if chris started catching , I started on double mag and soon had a couple of f1,s and a carp in the net then it went quiet, so I went out on the pole at 13 mtrs and had a few small roach before I had a 1lb skimmer but I couldn't get another so I refed it and went back out on the wag for a couple more f1,s and carp ,then I couldn't get another bite so I left it again and came back on the pole at 13 and had another 2 skimmers but that was the end of the Orr on the pole apart from small roach and they wouldn't come quick enough to make it worthwhile, I did pull out of two skimmers on the pole which I don't think really helps the cause in shallow water, and as the match went on dan squire on 42 was catching skimmers on chopped worm and caster out by the aerator , also lee Edwards on 40 was catching the same as me so it was going to be tight between us , trouble was I could see Tom mangnall on 5 ans dave roper on 4 catching odd carp on the tip and bread fished out to the island on spring lake, chris Higgins was having it hard on 43 possibly due to feeding as he was getting small roach only on the wag so he switched to the lead and had some small carp, I never fed a thing and it seemed to work k as I would go out on the wag catch two or three fish then leave it have a quick look on the pole then go back out on the wag for a couple more, my 16 mtr caster line didn't really happen ,although I must have got the ping pong ball in the jar as my first fish on that line was a 4 oz goldfish but it gave up small roach after that, by the end I had about 20  carp/ f1,s and three skimmers for a estimated 35 lb, the section was won bt dave roper  on peg 4 with 7 carp for 60 lb , Tom mangnall was second on 5 with 3 carp for 45 lb, my net went 44 lb  and lee Edwards had 39 lb , I will get the results tomorrow and put them on here tomorrow night


  1. Not a bad draw - you really meant to say a brillant draw - didn't you?

  2. Mike, I,m suprised at you, it sounds a bit bitter and twisted to me as your bad run continues on the bigger scene .
