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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Weds open landsend fishery match lake

With only 11 fishing it's always going to be difficult to peg trying to give people a bit of room whilst trying not to allow too much between anglers, but its not always possible, but you can only peg it the best way as you see it.
With des shipp fishing again and moaning that if he drew peg 7 again he may throw a proper wobbly as he thinks its a bad peg, but with Aaron suggesting we put all number 7,s in the draw and stand back and watch the fun, obviously everyone new but des so when he dew he was not best pleased to see peg 7 on his card, he got halfway back to his van before he turned around to see us all laughing waving peg 7,s at him, into the draw proper and he drew  peg1 and the main culprit for fixing the draw, Aaron britnell drew 7 , serves him right , but it all came good in the end.
I drew for myself and ended up on 13 which I was happy with as is been good lately and I was sheltered from the cold north westerly wind, for company opposite I had to sit and watch mike west , and apart from john(turkey)Thompson on 15 I couldn't see anyone else, I set up rigs for caster at 5 and 9 mtrs to my right along the margin , with an 18 6313 on .10. A couple of 4x14 rigs for soft pellet or maggot over micro,s with a 20 8313 on .12 for 14 mtrs up the left and the other over towards the island at the bottom of the. Shelf, amd a 4x12 for the left hand margin for various baits over micros, at the start I fed all line with the relevant baits but began at 9 mtrs with single caster, I was suprised not to get a bite or a perch first drop, in fact it took 10 mins to get my first bite, after i switched to the 5 mtr line and that was from a 6lb carp which took a while to land, back out to 9 mtrs and a lost fouler and a couple of lost perch later that was all I had on my close lines till about an hour from the end when I had another carp and a perch there but nothing in between, so it was out to the left hand side at the bottom of the shelf with soft pellet , first put in and the float just kept going and another small carp was in the net, then a good skimmer, but it went quiet so I put double maggot on and had another  small carp, with this peg if you start catching the smaller carp that's generally all you get and today was going to be exception, whereas mike west opposite was catching proper ones up to 15 lb and no small ones, even up on the shelf it was mainly small carp between 1 and 4lb. Over by the island was slow with only a couple of decent skimmers and no carp which is unusual, by the end mike was reckoning on about 90 lb with Aaron on peg 7 doing well, in the end mike west shaded it with 91.12 catching most of his fish on 4mm expander over micros at 10 mtrs
2nd went to Aaron britnell on peg7, yes peg 7 des and tim with 85.15 on maggot over caster at 10 mtrs
3rd was the Jabba the hut body double , mark poppleton on 19 again with 65.1
4th tony rixon 57.11 peg13
5thtom thick 44.5 peg 5
6th Alan oram 37.8 peg 21
Silvers went to Tom thick 17.5 of skimmers and a couple of decent f1,son soft pellet


  1. lol Tony! I just remembered what Mark Brennan caught on peg 13 when I was on 7, and he won the match ;-)

  2. You make a real effort with running those matches thanks mate and sorry for moaning happy with peg not the wind tho lol nc

  3. pegs 13 and 11 defo fished better today than sunday by the looks of things.....infact the whole lake did.
