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Sunday, 3 November 2013

Viaduct silvers league, round three

Made a nice change today, I was picked up by chris fox in his new van , so no driving for me. After another good breakfast in shipham it was off to viaduct, this a very well supported league with angles from as far away as Dorset and Wales attending , and with 53 fishing it's a good affair.
I like to be early into the draw as all the good as well as the bad draws are there, with a strong westerly with heavy showers expected I fancied a peg with the wind at my back, with peg 77 or 78 my preferred numbers, so I was suprised when I opened my ticket and saw 119 looking back at me, a flying carp peg but so far in this series no good for silvers at all . And to make matters worse the wind was in and across me, for company I had bristols finest roofer , bela bakos on 118 and glen Calvert on 121 and opposite on the better silvers pegs in my section was Nigel Bartlett, John green and Paul elmes on 123/124 and 125 respectively , historically all better silvers pegs , but every day is different.
Three rigs today, a couple of .4g both the same in case of snarl ups and a .75 if the wind got to strong.
As normal my main attack revolved around groundbait and caster, so on the whistle I cupped in a small ball at 4 mtrs and three balls on two lines at 11 mtrs, 11 and 1 o,clock angles, and began feeding a few casters down to my right , I only had to shallow my rig up by ten inches to use it down the edge.
I started on the 4 mtr line loose feeding a few casters over that line , and I soon began getting small roach with two 4 oz skimmers for good measure , the anglers opposite started better with some better skimmers and a odd tench but it didn't seem to be fishing to well, 90 mins I had a tench and I was still
Catching small 1 to 2 oz roach so I didn't feel I was to far off the pace as far the section was going, I kept going out to the groundbait lines but all I could get we're odd tiny roach and none of the skimmers I was really hoping for, I did keep an odd ball going in on the long lines but most of my fishing was done on the short line , by the end I had managed 5 tench three good skimmers one of which came from the long line and lots of small roach, and I thought I had done enough to win the section as the anglers opposite on the better pegs had really struggled after a promising start, I reckoned on my catch going 20lb so I was more than happy to weigh 21.15 which topped the section giving me 3 sections wins from three matches, and with the one and only bob gullick on the same score it's still all to play for and with still three matches to go anything can happen, winter silvers fishing can be cruel.
1st on the day went to joe McMahon on peg 110 with twenty tench plus a few perch and bits for 40.11. Mainly taken on caster down to his left towards an old tree stump
2nd Phil cardwell on 77 with 33.10
3rd andy Neal on 127 with 23.14
4th gary(should have been on the river ) o,Shea with 22.9
5 th tony Rixon 21.15
6th mash 21.6
A bit harder today probably down to the cooling effects of the recent days , and the water getting clearer
Any way off  to plantations main lake on Wednesday so ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250

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