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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Weds, plantation main lake

17 booked in for this one , so quite popular for a Wednesday , after another tasty brekkie cooked at the venue by karen it was daw time, I nearly had the last ticket but Ron hardiman handed me one which when opened, revealed number 4 which I was happy with as andy hembrow won off  this one at the weekend with over 100lb so I expected a few bites, he had aught mainly at 14 mtrs on banded 6mm over loose fed 4,s, so an easy day then, one 4x12 rig for that line with  an 18 b960 on .16 line, and another rig to fish in my left hand margin against some boards with caster and corn, the ri wa again a 4x12 rig with an 18 middy 8313 hook on .16 line again.
For company I had the weekends winner andy hembrow on 3 and rod (two pegs ) wootten
On peg 7 3/4. At the start I fed wo pellet lines at 14 mtrs , lining up with each end of the island out in front  and threw a few casters down the edge, the start was a bit torrid as in the first 30 mins I hooked 4 , landed 1 and lost three, of which 2 were definitely fouled, by now Anton page was beginning to catch over on peg 38 fishing a pellet feeder occasionally close to the island, and sometimes on it, (that should get a response ). And by the end of the fist hour he was well ahead , but Tim Clark round on peg 8 was snaring some carp but as is normal with Tim he was losing plenty, plus it probably didn't help as he had to share his peg with rod !!!!!!!.
I did manage to put a few fish together but as the wind picked up presentation went out of the window and I had to switch to a .5g float to keep some stability in the rig , but with the wind now blowing really hard foulers were becoming more frequent as the rig was being blown along , rod was losing more than me , and Tim well tims Tim, and if he didn't lose more than he caught it wouldn't be a normal day for him.
About halfway through nick collier over on 31 began to gt some good carp down his left hand margin on caster so he was coming into contention , going into the last hour and I felt I was to far behind to do any good, so I put a big pot of casters down the edge , I had taken some nice perch during the match down there but they had dried up, I wish I had put the big pot of casters in earlier as I had 5 good carp down there in the last hour, on the all out it was to hard to call as rod ,Anton , nicky  and myself all seemed to have about the same , in the end it was nick collier over on 31 who won with 92.10 of mainly caster caught carp fishing into his left hand margin, taking fish into low doubles
2nd Anton page on 38 with 85.2
3rd tony Rixon 81.9 peg 4
4th rod wootten on peg 7&8 with 71.7
5th Tim Clark on 8(his shared peg) 67.9
6th chris fox on 26 with 40.1
Steve kedge on 27 with 17.8 , a few skimmers and a lot of white bait

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