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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Silvers match, viaduct fishery, spring lake

A bit disappointing on the turnout today with only 13 of us , and if it hadn't been for ten of us from Bristol it would have been proper sad, I was a bit suprised as spring lake tends to be the best silvers lake at the venue,
Into the daw tin and out pops peg 10 which is the monk peg on the Cary bank, not to disappointing as I had plenty of room as the next peg was Aaron britnell on 6 and Tim pallant on 12, hot peg 19 was drawn by the fishery professional, Paul greenwood , so he Should be the man to beat, I wasn't going to do anything different to what I have been doing so far this year so it was mainly a groundbait attack at 11 and 14 mtrs and a caster line short, I wasn't to sure as it would be ok today as the water was like gin, and with no wind to ripple the surface it may be difficult,
After feeding 2 balls of caster laced groundbait at 11 mtrs and 4 at 14 I began on the 4 mtr line feeding a few casters and fishing one on a 4x12 rig , after 20 mins on that and no bites , it wasnt looking to good , especially as fabio on 3 and Paul on 19 catching some moderate skimmers and roach, so I went out to the 11 mtr line and had a small roach first put in, a switch to caster on the hook and the fish size improved with 4 oz roach really playing ball, I had been feeding the 4 mtr line with 4/5 casters at a time and dropped the rig back over it , and it went straight under ,the next two hours was enjoyable as I caught small roach fairly consistently, I also had 5 good perch up to a pound  but the swim died with about 2 hours to go so the rest of the match was spent on the two long pole lines, I stared catching roach with odd ones up to 12oz but in the last 90 mins I had 8 reasonable skimmers so by the end I thought I would have 30lb ish, but with fabio still catching but losing a few right up to the end it was to close to call, the decider was the 2 1/2 lb bream that I was playing on the all out , I beat fabio with that late bream as I weighed 32.15 for first on the day .
2nd spot went to fabio on peg 3 with 30.10
3rd Nigel Bartlett on peg 2 with 25.3
4th Paul greenwood on 19 with 23lb
5th Adrian Clark on 16 with 21.5
6th nick collier on 24 with 18.14

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