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Sunday, 1 December 2013

Silvers league viaduct fishery, round 5

This was the penultimate round and with 4 section wins , a fifth would probably sow the league up, so if I won my section and bob gullick and mark Brennan never I don't think I can be caught,
Into the draw tin and out comes 126 which I wasn't to upset about as I think it has been first or second in every round so far , it's a good peg as the rest of my section goes to my right towards the shallower end of the lake, and so far it has been the kiss of death in that area, for company I was next to steve Seager on 127 and Nigel Bartlett on 125 who wasn't in my section.
I wasnt going to fish any differently to any other match so far in this series as its been good so far , but it has to be said I have been drawing really well in this series, so what would happen if I drew crap , who knows.
I set up the two normal rigs, a 4x12 and  a .4g , which I could use on all three lines with slight depth adjustments, both had my favourite middy 6313 size 18 hooks tied to .10 line, so after mixing my groundbait by hand (I'm not a driller demon) I was ready for the off, at the start I cupped in 2 balls at 11 mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs and fed some casters at 5 mtrs, starting at 5 mtrs on caster I gave it 20 mins but without a bite was soon out to 11 mtrs ,and I soon began catching small roach on caster, I thought maggots might have bought a quicker response, but it never, caster seemed to be the best option on the day. This lake has been fishing very hard for this series , and this section was won with just over 11lb off my peg in the last round, so the bulk of the match was spent between the two longer lines , I did manage one 2lb skimmer off the 11 and 14 mtr line , but most of the match was spent extracting the hook from the jaws of plippy roach, the longer long line did give some hand size skimmers but it was never over active, even the world famous des shipp opposite on 115 was finding more difficult than he likes judging by the moaning, and it's not like des to moan is it, lol.
By the end of the match I had senior moment when I looked in my net as I thought I had about 8 1/2 lb so with joe McMahon leading the section with 8.15 I thought it would be tight , so I must admit to feeling a bit sheepish when my net went 12.5, for the section win I needed (sorry joe), and with both mark and bob who both came second in there sections I think I may have it in the bag, I felt a bit sorry for bob (not ha ha ) as he drew 74 again which is a tough peg, so to come second in his section off it at this time of year , he did well.
1st on the day went to Gary o,Shea on peg 94 with 23.2
2nd lee wherrett on59 with 20.2
3rd anton page on 118 with 15.8. He may have done better if he didn't have to report in to his minder every time he caught a fish
4th mark Brennan on 118 with 14.9
5th rich aherne on 111 with 13.2
6th Craig Edmunds on 102 with 13 lb
Off to landsend fishery on weds so ring me at the shop if you fancy it

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