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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Weds open , chilton trinity , woodland lake

14 booked in for today which is ok for a Wednesday, especially as its over 40 miles to the venue, fishery boss misha herring let us spread the pegs all round the lake today so it was roughly every other peg, that was till I got to 29/31/31 where I put 3 together , senior moment for me again,!!!!! But it was the gimp in the middle so no real damage done there as he was only going to fish close on caster or roach. I wade for the last ticket in the draw , when there was two left it was between Aaron and me as to who had the last one , so I let misha draw mine and she handed me 23 which was the end peg on the causeway bank, Aaron ended up next door on 25 , up on the end bank on19 was mat tomes, who hasn't been out to much lately so it was good to see him. I like this lake in the winter as its a case of feeding a few lines with some soaked micros with spattering of 4,s , today it was 11 mtrs and 14 straight out and at 2 o,clock angle and then fishing various baits over the top , but maggots tend to be as good as anything, I also set up a margin rig to fish corn , but several attempts on this failed to produce a single knock so no more about that then. The far line rig was a .75 rig with a 20 middy 8313 on .12 line . I started on 11 mtrs but after an hour I only had a few small roach and a small skimmer, so after an hour it was out to 14 mtrs and that was where I spent the rest of the match,   I ended the Macht with 10 carp and double figures of silvers, mainly skimmers, all falling to double maggot, as ar as I could tell I seemed to have done ok , the only threat was kev molten over on 15 who I was probably beating up until 20 mins from the end when he had two quick carp down the edge, which pushed him into the lead, and that's what happened as I thought I had about 60lb but kev weighed in before me and put 71.7 on the scales , my mix of carp and skimmers went 62.10 which was enough for second
3rd was Martin lenaghan on peg 31 with 34.1
4th chris fox on 8 with 33.8
5th mat tomes on 19 with 28.3
6th Tim pallant on 12 with 22.7 of skimmers caught on a mix of worm and maggot over groundbait

1 comment:

  1. Pallant (Pools Fodder) out of the money again!
