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Sunday, 29 June 2014

float only rnd 3 shiplate farm

With 40 fishing this league,  we were using both canals and the main lake, I fancied a draw on either canal or the far end of the main lake as the wind has been blowing that way for a few days, I let bela bakos  pull a peg for me and I ended up on peg 8 on main lake, right where I fancied,  for company I had jason radford on 7 and paul elmes on 9. Also I had drawn chris fox in tge knockout and as he was on 10, I had a good view of him so I could see how he was doing,
I set up 4 pole rigs, a shallow and deep pellet rig to fish at 14 and 16 mtrs,  a paste rig to fish over the same lines, a margin rig ti fish corn over dead maggot, and a wag rod to fish 8mm over towards the island, at tge start I fed all lines and began on banded 8mm over loosefed 6, s at 14 mtrs, the first hour didnt really go to plan I managed a 4lb carp a 4oz tench and a couple of skimmers. It became apparent that our corner of the lake wasn't goimg to be the place to be , paul to my left was struggling with only a couple of small silvers, jason had noth7ng as did steve seager on 9a and chris over on 10 had next to nothing,  looking down the lake the other end seemed to fishing better, everyone from jason down had fizzing in there pegs which even if you cant get a bite at least you know something is there,  the 4 of us at this end had no bubbles at all, I tried the wag and had 3 small chub, not the hoped for carp, I never had much to talk about really, I managed 5 carp, one on pellet on the pole at the start, 2 down the edge on corn and a coiple of late ones on the wag, one of which was fouled in tje cheek, but I needed it as chris ended uo with 4 carp, so that fouler was probably needed, he did suggest I return it, ye like thats going to happen.
I had no chance of picking up taday as kev molten round on 6a had 7 carp and a grassie, so I had to settle for secomd in section with my 31lb, but it was enough to get me throigh the k/o, and I think I would have had enough without it, as for wantimg to be at this end of the lake I couldnt have been mkre wrong as tom mangnall on peg 1 won on the day with 101.9, caught mainly on the pelletwag oit on the corner of the island
2nd and just a few scales behind was glen(2pots) bailey on peg 2 with 100.5. Which was a good result off this peg.
3rd shaun townsend on peg 13 with 87.9, which included a near 13lb grass carp
4th ed wynne on 15 with 74.8
5th tim ford with 71.7 off hawthorn peg 4
6th gordon canning on 15 hawthorn with 63.10
dave haines, s protégé in the shape of rich lacey won the silvers off peg 3 on the main lake with 10.14 of skimmers on soft pellet at 7mtr
2nd in silvers went to the old , master himself dave haines off west pool with 8.4
off to ivy house weds on the new canal, I still have a couple of spaces , so ring me at the shop to book in.
next sunday its off to landsend for round 4, so if anyone cant make it let me know asap so as I can get cover,
down at shiplate they seem to have a few to many white geese, I think steve and carol would be only to pleased to get rid of a few , so if anyone reading this is looking for some low maintenance gaurd animals, look no further just give steve a ring, ideal  time to get one and fatten it up for xmas,

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

weds knockup, landsend fishery

A bit dissapointing today with only 8 fishing, wednesday matches have been getting worse and worse attendance wise. Even making these matches a bit cheaper doesn't seem to have made a difference,oh well, at least the brekkie at shshipham was as good as ever.
we drew at 10 and paul atwood handed me a ticket, opening it revealed peg 13, same swim as last time , a nice swim with lots of options , and island at 16,5 mtrs and a couple of nice marging, for company I had andy hembrow opposite on 11 and ray white on 15. I only had 6 and 8mm pellets with me , as the meat hasnt been working to well for me , so I set up a couple of margin rigs, a slapper rig and a small float rig to fish pellet tight to the island in 12 inches of water,
I wont waste to much time about how my match went as I had a pretty enjoyable/frustrating day, there were plenty of fish against the island and they were keen enough to eat every pellet I fired at them, trouble was I couldnt get my pellet and hook into the mouth of one , thsts not strictly true as I was landing a few but was losing nearly as many foulers,  I tried not feeding and they buggered off,  try fishing off the feed area, no bites, tried golf and that wasnt any good either,  so it was just a case of putting up with it, it got to a stage when I was scared to strike.
the margins produced a few fish with the right hand side being good in the last 45 minutes where I had 5 better fish on 8mm pellet over 6, s.
I lost count of my fish again today but probably had 25 to fish spead over 2 nets and a few silvers so no going over the weight limits today.
I new I had over 100lb,  but wasnt to sure as to how much, in fact my carp went 125lb and my silvers went 10lb for a 135 total and first on the day, andy hembrow on 11 was second with 91lb which included the top silvers weight on the day with 30lb of mainly skimmers on meat at 7mtrs.
3rd was fabio with a couple ounces short of 70lb
4th ron hardiman on 8 (blame that peg on the pegger which for one day only was fabio) with 47lb,
not much else of note caught except for martin alexander on 19 who had 27lb of silvers to take the silvers pool by default.  Off to shiplate sunday for one 8f the float omly matches, I, m looking forward to that.
next weds we are off toyivy house for another sweep on the new canal, ring me at the shop to book in if you fancy it.
on the way home today I commented to fabio that the traffic was particularly heavy, he seemed to understand why reasoning that it must be all people trying to get to stonehenge, oh yes says me , are they have having a festival there as well as glasto then, priceless, poor bloke does get confused easily

Sunday, 22 June 2014

viaduct individual league final round

This was the last round of this popular fixture,  with 55 fishing it is always a bit difficult to keep all the pegs occupied for all rounds , but paul and steve did a good job ensuring all pegs were filled for the whole series, even today with the pools paid there were still people missing, I can understand mike west and tom mangnal going to summerhayes , the pegs are a bit closer, so they woukd have more chance of drawing 2 pegs and still being able to hold hands lol.
back to todays match and I really needed a good draw to give ma a first or second in section, giving me a good chance of getting into the overalls. I like to get in early to draw as all the good and pegs are in there,  in goes my hand and oit comes 59, which is the first peg up the right hand bank of lodge lake , a nice peg with a good left hand margin under a tree, for company I had andy power on 57 and clint wojtyla on 60, hopefully he wouldnt be to much in the kiss of death department today,  and with marc jones on 53 it may be a bit hard to secure a section win, i set up a margin rig for under the tree, a deep and shallow/stalker rig and a paste rig, which I tried just once then slung it up the back.
All rigs apart from tje paste rigs had a b960 on .16 for banded 8mm. At the start I began firing 6, s oit to 14 mtrs and fed some 8, s by hand down under the tree, even though there some fish on the surface they were hard to spot, even though I did manage to stalk a few , but it was hard as the light was all wrong,  I caught them mostly by watching for the slight wakes made by movimg fish and trying to judge the distance to slap the pellet in front of the fish, I got it right a few times, bit I am sure I would have had several more if the light had been right.i only managed a handful stlaking, with most of my fish taken on the depth pellet rig , and several from under the tee in the last couple of hours, i also had a few decent skimmers, I thought I had at least 140lb, my omly theat was from mr power who never had a carp till about 3 then proceeded to end uo with aboit 15 by the all out at 5,
my net went 160lb exactly f8r a section win with andy coming second in the section with 121.12 and marc jones was third with 104.12.
on the day the match was won by mash on 98 with 250.4, catching all but 2 fish on tge straight lead and 11mm pellet
2nd andy neale on 81 with 220.7
3rd mustaffa preston on 97 with 208.5
4th steve seager on 94 with 187.10
5th steve tucker on 110 with 177.15
6th mark wynne on 132 with 169.2
7th me with 160lb
in all apart from the 3 weghts over 200lb the were still 23 other weights over 100lb,  excellent fishing by any standards
league overall
andy neale 5pts dropping a 2
steve tucker 5pts dropping a 5
tony rixon 6 pts
paul elmes 8pts
paul blake 9pts dropping a 5 but with 546lb
bob giles 9pts droppingg a 5 bit with 462lb
as always these viaduct series are always well run and well attended , so well done to steve and paul
off to landsend on weds for a costcutter so ring me at the shop to book in, and off to shiplate for the next round of the avon angling float only, so any one reading this and cant make it,  please ring me and let me know asap ta8

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

short pole match, viaduct fishery

No real trouble with filling this match as its on cambell lake , we have had a few of these short pole matches in the last few years and they always prove popular,  today we only could use the topset and three more , so down to the number 6 only, nice and comfortable,  with no thrashing a rig  around the end of a 16mtr pole , thats to much like hard work on a hot day.
I let john (turkey) thompson draw for me and he handed me peg 123 which os up in the left hand corner, it can be good for both carp and silvers, but with the wind blowing off the bank and with flat water I wasnt to confident, for company I had tim ford to my right, and this was his first match in a few months as he is still recovering from surgery,  it was good to see him out fishing. I set up 3 rigs , one for the margins with 8mm pellet, a .25 for banded pellet at 3 and 6mtrs and a stalking rig just in case any cruisers came into range,
on the whistle I fed all 3 lines and began at 3 mtrs, to say it was slow by this venues standards was an understatement, in fact without having to bore you too much , I had 3 tench and 9 skimmers in first 4 hours and 5 carp in the last two, 2 from the margin and 3 at 6mtrs, I was kicking myself as I left the paste in the van and tim had a good last couple of hours putting several good carp in tje net. The , atch was never going to be a big weight affair as the lake has been fishing quite hard, I think spawning has taken its toll a bit and the fish need a bit of time to recover properly,  tom mangnall over on 114 looked to have done the best , and it was confirmed with the scales as he won with 124.06 catching on banded 8mm
2nd was 2 pots bailey on 131 had 100.15
3rd tim ford on 124 witj 95. 9
4th mark tanner on 110 with 73.12
5th john baker on 135 with 72.10
6th mike west on 112 with 67.01
ME with 22.10

Sunday, 15 June 2014

float only rnd 2 landsend

Still a good turnout , 40 fishing today again so with all 3 lakes being used I wasnt to sure as to where I fancied to draw , I let tim clark do the honours for me and he handed me peg 3, not a peg of choice, mike nicholls was on it on Wednesday and really struggled,  bit looking on the bright side at least the swim had a rest, the carp on tgis lake were having a bit of a spawn and you never really can tell as to how the fish will react, the carp seem to still want to eat a bit but the silvers dont want oir baits, they much prefer carp roe.
for company I had clayton hudson on 1 and john turkey thompson on 5.there were a few fish cruising so a stalker rig was put together , which is a .2g j13a on .16 with a 16 b960, I set uo a .1g to fish tight over towards the island , and a couple of on the deck pellet rigs , one for 5mtrs and one to fish down to empty peg 2, to be honest I fave both the deep pellet rigs a couple of goes but never had a bite on either,  so I wont be wearing my thumbs by mentioning them again.
I started on the stalker rig and spent the majority of the match on that method, the carp were a bit deeper than normal, probabaly about 15 inches down , so spotting fish was at times quite hard, but I have good polaroids which helps, I had an interesting match finishing with 24 carp for over 100lb, I had 18 stalkers and 6 against the island, I could see I had won the section , with joe mcmahon on 6 the only threat as he had a good last couple of hours, clayton would have done well on peg 1 if he had left the blackbird food in the bag and fished pellet, but he likes murdereing worms .
in the end it fished reasonably well with 7 weights over 100lb, with gary oshea on peg 33 leading the way with 125.1.
2nd was me with 124lb
3rd mike nicholls on 32 with 117.10
4th paul elmes on 25 with 112.4
5th bobo gullick on 27 with 109.4
6th steve tucker on 36 with 107.9
steve tucker with 31.14, mainly skimmers and f1, s
off to viaduct on weds for a short pole match on cambell, I think there are still a couple of spaces left so ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250

Friday, 13 June 2014

landsend correction

Due to the adder up making a clerical error,  glen was given 10lb more than he should have had , meaning I was elevated to 2nd and glen into 3rd, meaning glen two pots bailey aint quite ready for me yet lol

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

weds landsend costcutter

12 booked in so not to bad, we had an interestin  journey down, when fabio advised us that women all over the southwest reckoned he bore more than a passing resemblance to bruce willis, needless
To say both ron hardiman and myself aggreed NOT, it will be interesting to see if anyone else agrees.
Back to the match and it was going to be a quiet day as tom thick wasn't coming. reckons he has lost his mojo a bit , quitter I say, lol.
nick green and his better half booked in for today , it was good to catch up with nick as I havnt seen him for 9 or 10 years, last time I spoke to him was on a new years eve about 4 years ago when he rang me by mistake , alcohol error methinks,  maria was confident today as she had won the acorn open on Tuesday with 117lb, her first ton in a match so well done to her.
back to the draw and I had the last ticket in the draw, out comes peg 13, another corner peg . For company I had bruce the moaner fabio on 15 and nick green opposite on 11, lots of options in this peg so I set to rigs to fish across to the island on pellet, bown the left hand margin with the same , a slapper rig, a meat rig for the right hand margin and one for left hand side aswell, 5 rigs in all, I was getting confused looking at them all, on the whistle I hed all lines and behan across against the island,  at the start tim ford turned up for a bit of a watch, which was good to see.  The start was a bit hard for , fabio, sorry bruce,  began well and had 5 fish in the net bfore I connected with my first , so I was playimg catchup straight away, nick opposite also had a couple of fish on the lead cast at the island , it took me a while to get my head around things as I kept fouling fish, I was really falling off the pace with bruce as he was catching well, but the moaning was beginning to get on my nerves, my left hand margin gave me 2 small carp on meat before I hooked a bigger one down there which stole my rig in a snag, so no more about that swim, the right hand margin was a bit more productive producing giving me several fish in the last couple of hours, by switching between the island and the margin the last 2 hours were my best , and I was slowly catching brucio uo bit I had left it to late, by the end it was clear that it was going to be between bruce and glen bailey for 1st  and I was looking at 3rd at best, as it was bruce(fabio) harding won with 147lb, all taken off the far bank on banded 8mm pellet, and he went 8lb over in one net
2nd was me with 132.14
3rd glen (2pots)bailey on peg 20 had 130.11
4th john dursley on peg 1 with 68.4
5th martin alexander on 17 with 58.1
6th ron hardiman on 22 with 52.4
the gimp with 20.8 on peg 19
next weds we are running a short pole match on cambell only a few spaces left so ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250

Sunday, 8 June 2014

viaduct spring lge rnd 3

I needed a good draw today as after the last match blow out,  I really needed to be first or second in my section today to keep me in with a shout to get in the main money, at the end. So into the draw tin and out comes 102 which is on tge diagonal bank on cary, with the aerator out in front .  For company I had adr8an jeffery on 100 and the carp deterant in the shape of clint wojtyla on 103, and I had shaun townsend on 70 behind me so I could keep an eye on the quid with him.
I set up a wag to fish 8mm pellet at 30 mtrs, as usual I was using the middy wags as they fly straight and you can swap floats without altering the shot as all the floats in the range take the same shot.
3 pole rigs were assembled, a shallow rig just in case, which was a j range 13a .2g, and 2 4x12 rifs , one for pellet on the deck at 14 mtrs and the other was for meat at 5 mtrs,  at the start I began on 8mm pellet at 14 mtrs,  and I had a carp after 10 mins,  but that was a bit of a false dawn as the lake at oir end was not fishing at all, anglers on the top bank seemed to be catching a few, as was mr mitchell on 109.
it turned into a bit of a grueller for us in the middle section of the lake, like wise the other lakes seem to be better at each end with the corners on lodge and cambell all fishing well,
I did try the shallow rig but to no avail, also the meat line was again a non starter for me,  giving me a skimmer amd a roach so along with the shallow rig,  no more to say about them then.
I had more bites in the second half but mainly from skimmers,  I did end the match with 6 carp to 15lb and at least 25lb of skimmers . I thought I may get 2nd in the section which would be ok, I admitted to 65lb at tje end but when I looked at the silvers I thought 80lb would be a more realistic estimate,  I actually weighed 90.01 which as I thought was second in the section,
1st on the day went to lewis greenwood king on 110 with 203.2
2nd mark wynne on 119 with 195.2
3rd ian exall on 81 with 160.11
4th andy power on123 with 150.2
5th andy neale on 94 with 149.3
6th leon hubbard on 86 with 140.12
ive got to mention fabio as he will sulk if I dont , he weighed in 90.2 beating me by 1oz for a quid, lucky for me shaun was there so I didnt need to use a nugget from my pocket,  I handed shauns straight to fabio,
weds we are off to landsend again , 10 draw and 16 quid pools , so its a bit of a costcutter,  ring me at tje shop to book in or phome mike at the fishery on 07977545882

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

ivy house, new canal

Would have like to have seen a dozen here today , but Wednesday matches continue to be poorly attended, not sure what the answer is, I cant believe its just down to cost,  who knows. so only 8 were fishing, just a friendly knock up then.
After the normal tasty breakfast cooked by karen it was draw time, I had the last one left in the tin and oit comes peg 9, its the widest peg on the canal at nearly 17mtrs. I had fabio to my left and chris fox to my right,
there were a few fish on the top so I set up the stalker rig, set at 13 inches as fishery rules state there must be 12 incches between float and hook, rumour has it I fished 6 inches deep last weekend , but I never , must be the normal useless rumour mongers going into chinese whisper mode again, shame these people aint got the balls to say anything to the face of the people they targeting,  but they never do , do they, (pricks, sorry mum).
I wont say to much about the match as I had a very enjoyable day, I had one fish stalking in the first half hour,  bit tgey werent o happy to show themselves today, probabaly due to the torrential rain, which the weathermen actually forecast,  I had a couple of stockies at 11 mtrs on banded 6mm over catty fed 4, s, then spent the bulk of the rest of the , atch at 16 mtrs and occasionally 17 which took me up to the reeds across on the far bank where I fed 6, s and fished banded 8, s, I did try several times doen the margin and had 3 carp on corn , one of which was 8lb, the beauty of these canals is that you see exactly what is going on,  so by the end I thought I had done enough as I thought I had at least 90lb, I actually ended up with 111lb which was enough to win, second was ron hardiman on 3 with 73lb and fabio was third with 70lb, but he did win the silvers with 36lb of mainly skimmers, on worm and caster at 5 and 9 mtrs, chris fox was 4th with 65lb and shane turner 5th with 50 plus,  the venue seems to be going from strength to strength,  with well attended weekend matches and midweek costcutters, and with all the hard work andy and karen are putting in, I, m sure its going to be a success.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

ivy house open

This is a venue thwt is certainly gaining popularity with anglers from bristol across to oxford , and today was no different as 38 were booked in,  but with trig suffering from work stress, he decided to have a day in bed instead, andy spread us out a bit today, with 9 pegs on the canal lake, a lot of people including me fancied a draw on the canal as its been fiwhing well for silvers aswell as carp, so I wasnt at all dissapointed to pull peg 1 on the canal, its an endgpeg that gets fished a lot by pleasure anglers, and it's been producing a lot of silvers in the shape of tench aswell as a lot of stockie carp, for company I had ivy regular , magoo on peg 3.
I set up 4 rigs  , a dead maggot rig for the left hand margin, a pellet rig for down the middle , another for tight over against the far side and a slapper stalker rig,
on the all in I began down the middle with a banded 6mm over kindered 4, s , it tokk me about 20 mins to get a fish and that was a small tench,  after 35 mins I had added one more, so with an odd shape visible I decided to go out on the stalker rig, and it wasnt long  befre I was playing my first fish which turned out to be a 8lb grass carp, next fish about 5 mins later was another grassie but a bit smaller probably 6lb, andy had told me not to fish down the right hand margin as it was very snaggy with lots of branches under the surface, but I fed a few pellets down there and it wasnt long before I could see fish doen there in about 12 inches of water,  so I dropped the stalker rig in there and had a stockie carp,  I had been feeding 6, s across to the far side,  so I went across with the shallow rig and had a couple of small carp from that aswell, I had an interesting day , and by swapping between the the far side and right hand margin I kept fish going into the net, and if I saw a fish mooch7ng along the surface I would have a go at mugging it , luckily I did get several, and they were much bigger than the far bank and margin fish, with about 2 hours to go the wind picked up and blew all the white fluffy willow tree crap into my peg and I really struggled to fatch anything, as it was nigh on impossible to get a hook bait through it, the wind picked up and blew it out of my corner with about 30 mins left , and I had a few more stockies before the match ended, I didnt really know how much I had but I was fairly confident I had over 70lb , so I was a bit surprised to end up weighing 96.15,  to be top weight on tje canal,
but with des shipp on peg 5 which is the old peg 13, it was never going to be enough, and as usual he didnt dissapoint as he banged  172.1 onto the scales, catching on caster at 13 mtrs and down the edge , feeding 4 to 5 pints catching fish to nearly 19lb.
I was 2nd with my 96.15
3rd steve walters 8n 35 with 94,6
4th shaun townsend with 86,12 on peg 48
5th red on 23 with 67.12, tyeing with ben leach on 36 with 67.12
silvers went to smiffy with 21lb of skimmers on peg 32
back up there again on Wednesday for a knock up on tje canal so I am looking forward to that,