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Sunday, 8 June 2014

viaduct spring lge rnd 3

I needed a good draw today as after the last match blow out,  I really needed to be first or second in my section today to keep me in with a shout to get in the main money, at the end. So into the draw tin and out comes 102 which is on tge diagonal bank on cary, with the aerator out in front .  For company I had adr8an jeffery on 100 and the carp deterant in the shape of clint wojtyla on 103, and I had shaun townsend on 70 behind me so I could keep an eye on the quid with him.
I set up a wag to fish 8mm pellet at 30 mtrs, as usual I was using the middy wags as they fly straight and you can swap floats without altering the shot as all the floats in the range take the same shot.
3 pole rigs were assembled, a shallow rig just in case, which was a j range 13a .2g, and 2 4x12 rifs , one for pellet on the deck at 14 mtrs and the other was for meat at 5 mtrs,  at the start I began on 8mm pellet at 14 mtrs,  and I had a carp after 10 mins,  but that was a bit of a false dawn as the lake at oir end was not fishing at all, anglers on the top bank seemed to be catching a few, as was mr mitchell on 109.
it turned into a bit of a grueller for us in the middle section of the lake, like wise the other lakes seem to be better at each end with the corners on lodge and cambell all fishing well,
I did try the shallow rig but to no avail, also the meat line was again a non starter for me,  giving me a skimmer amd a roach so along with the shallow rig,  no more to say about them then.
I had more bites in the second half but mainly from skimmers,  I did end the match with 6 carp to 15lb and at least 25lb of skimmers . I thought I may get 2nd in the section which would be ok, I admitted to 65lb at tje end but when I looked at the silvers I thought 80lb would be a more realistic estimate,  I actually weighed 90.01 which as I thought was second in the section,
1st on the day went to lewis greenwood king on 110 with 203.2
2nd mark wynne on 119 with 195.2
3rd ian exall on 81 with 160.11
4th andy power on123 with 150.2
5th andy neale on 94 with 149.3
6th leon hubbard on 86 with 140.12
ive got to mention fabio as he will sulk if I dont , he weighed in 90.2 beating me by 1oz for a quid, lucky for me shaun was there so I didnt need to use a nugget from my pocket,  I handed shauns straight to fabio,
weds we are off to landsend again , 10 draw and 16 quid pools , so its a bit of a costcutter,  ring me at tje shop to book in or phome mike at the fishery on 07977545882

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