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Wednesday, 25 June 2014

weds knockup, landsend fishery

A bit dissapointing today with only 8 fishing, wednesday matches have been getting worse and worse attendance wise. Even making these matches a bit cheaper doesn't seem to have made a difference,oh well, at least the brekkie at shshipham was as good as ever.
we drew at 10 and paul atwood handed me a ticket, opening it revealed peg 13, same swim as last time , a nice swim with lots of options , and island at 16,5 mtrs and a couple of nice marging, for company I had andy hembrow opposite on 11 and ray white on 15. I only had 6 and 8mm pellets with me , as the meat hasnt been working to well for me , so I set up a couple of margin rigs, a slapper rig and a small float rig to fish pellet tight to the island in 12 inches of water,
I wont waste to much time about how my match went as I had a pretty enjoyable/frustrating day, there were plenty of fish against the island and they were keen enough to eat every pellet I fired at them, trouble was I couldnt get my pellet and hook into the mouth of one , thsts not strictly true as I was landing a few but was losing nearly as many foulers,  I tried not feeding and they buggered off,  try fishing off the feed area, no bites, tried golf and that wasnt any good either,  so it was just a case of putting up with it, it got to a stage when I was scared to strike.
the margins produced a few fish with the right hand side being good in the last 45 minutes where I had 5 better fish on 8mm pellet over 6, s.
I lost count of my fish again today but probably had 25 to fish spead over 2 nets and a few silvers so no going over the weight limits today.
I new I had over 100lb,  but wasnt to sure as to how much, in fact my carp went 125lb and my silvers went 10lb for a 135 total and first on the day, andy hembrow on 11 was second with 91lb which included the top silvers weight on the day with 30lb of mainly skimmers on meat at 7mtrs.
3rd was fabio with a couple ounces short of 70lb
4th ron hardiman on 8 (blame that peg on the pegger which for one day only was fabio) with 47lb,
not much else of note caught except for martin alexander on 19 who had 27lb of silvers to take the silvers pool by default.  Off to shiplate sunday for one 8f the float omly matches, I, m looking forward to that.
next weds we are off toyivy house for another sweep on the new canal, ring me at the shop to book in if you fancy it.
on the way home today I commented to fabio that the traffic was particularly heavy, he seemed to understand why reasoning that it must be all people trying to get to stonehenge, oh yes says me , are they have having a festival there as well as glasto then, priceless, poor bloke does get confused easily

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