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Sunday, 14 September 2014

Short pole series , final round

Back to chiton trinity for the final match in this series, I hoped woodland lake fishes better than it did last week, 24 of us fish this league, and it's proved quite popular, so I will be running it again next year, the lake is booked so I will put the dates up on here before the end of the week
I let misha draw for me and she handed me peg 10. A good peg so no complaints from me, for company I had Dave Evans on my right, on the peg that won last week, and Leon Hubbard on my left, who was on my peg last week and really struggled , I hoped history didn't repeat itself this week as I really needed a top 2 in section to keep me in with a chance of staying in the end of if series prize money.
I set up a pellet rig for 6 mtrs at 11o,clock angle , a meat rig for 5 mtrs at 1o,clock angle and a pellet rig for the right hand margin, the  left hand side was a non starter as it was to overgrown.
I started the match on the longer pellet line , and just cupped 6,s in trying to keep the fish on the deck in the 8 foot deep water , several people caught straight away, so it looked as though it may be better than last week, nope false dawn. At the end of the first hour I had one skimmer in the bag, Dave to my right had a few and Leon had caught as well , my peg never switched on really, there was plenty of fizzing in most peoples pegs including mine but the float refused to go under, I had to wait till the last 90 mins to catch , when I had a couple shallow , one on the deck on pellet and 2 more on the meat line plus a few skimmers from both lines, by the end it was clear that I was going to be well down in the section, so ending the league on a low, never mind , there's always next week,
1st on the day went to Shaun Townsend on peg 23 which was the end peg on the car park bank at the right hand end, he ended up with 12 carp catching some shallow some deep and a few down the edge for 72.11
2nd glen bailey on 26 with 59.1
3rd dick bull on 24 with 58.12
4th Dave Evans on 9 with 51.3
5th bela bakos on 31 with 50.6
6th tom mangnall  on 17 with 50.2
Silvers went to joe McMahon on 32 with 19.3 of  thrashed out whitebait
Paul Elmes 23 points
Chris fox 20 points , 308.2lb
Shaun Townsend 20 points 290.1 lb
Glen Bailey 19 points
Craig Edmunds 18 points 263.5 lb
Dave Evans 18 points  178.1

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