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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Summerhayes weds open

On the first Wednesday of the month Pete runs this match as a rover I,m not to keen on rovers as it tends to favour the locals with lots of knowledge on the venue, I had a quick walk around the the lakes as you can fish any of the lakes, the only stipulation is that you leave at least one peg empty between you and the next angler, there were 25 booked in so that's exceptional for a midweeker recently, firstly you draw a number to sort out the draw sequence, an early number is always an advantage , so when I pulled out 23 I was a little bit upset , when it was my turn most of the main form pegs had gone , so I plumped for 23 on Lilly pool, it's a nice corner peg with a nice Lilly bed at 11 mtrs and a lot of cover in my left hand margin, there were lots of reeds to my right but they were to high and thick to be a sensible option. I fished a match at the venue last year and Aaron britnell drew it and had a reasonable weight of it , catching up the left hand margin on pellet, so I set up a depth pellet rig for out to the Lilly's, a shallow rig also primarily by the Lilly bed, and a couple of margin rigs, one for corn into the reeds at 5mtrs with corn as this bait has been doing well here recently, and a pellet rig for 12 mtrs along the edge just past the reeds, at the start I fed all my lines and began out by the Lillys, I should have known better !!!!! , an hour and 15 minutes later and with only one roach in the net things weren't really going to plan, I lost several tug of war contest with carp and Lilly's , both shallow and deep , stuart barnett on peg two at the other end of the lake was catching steadily, also adie bishop opposite on 11 was having a few on paste out by his Lilly pads but wasn't catching fast enough. I went down on my corn line and had two quick fish, and apart from another one a bit later in the match that was my only three bites in that spot, there were odd fish mooching through the reeds but it didn't seem overly populated,
I had been feeding with a catty on my 12 mtr line and several fish were at times slurping up the bank, I spent a lot of time trying to catch these, and I did get a few , but as is normal in these situations, the fish are a bit pole shy, I could get a quick one then they would disappear, only to turn up again once the pole is removed, I think I got it wrong today as in the last 24 mins I came off the bank a bit and had 4or 5 better fish, perhaps I should have done it earlier, I ended up with a dissapointing16 carp and a lonely roach, which was going to be no good whatsoever, I actually weighed just over 48lb 2 nd on the pond but way off the pace, the match was won by Giles cochrane on peg 20 on longs with 76lb
2nd steve kedge on 12 sellicks with 71lb
3rd I think was Dom Sullivan on 3 sellicks with 67lb
4th Ron hardiman on 18 longs 65lb
5th stuart barnet , 2 on Lilly with 61lb

Off to chilton on woodland on Sunday, still got a couple of spaces so ring me at the shop to book in if your interested

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