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Thursday, 25 September 2014

Weds open , summerhayes fishery

Turned up for the draw with fabio today , to find 21 fishing, we still had a couple of our colonial friend in attendance in the shape of  of lee wherret and Giles cochrane , what no peanut, it transpires he has developed an RSI in his right wrist, he reckons from over use of the landing net , but I think we all know the real reason.
We were all on longs today so it was a case of every other peg, into the draw tin and out comes 21, right down in the windy corner of the lake, for company I had the Bridgwater marathon champion steve kedge on 23 and fabio on my right on 19. Pete had topped the lake up with a foot of fresh water , and it seemed to have a bit of a brown bloom on the water, Giles won off  my peg a few weeks ago, catching a lot of his fish on caster over to the island, I won't be doing that cos I ain't got none, also he had a few on dead maggot to his left , now I got that , so I set up a rig for down there, a rig for corn over micro at 6 mtrs was put together, and the last rig was a pellet rig for on the deck against the island , which was now 2 foot deep thanks to the extra water, by now the bane of canal lakes started with the wind really getting up and being at the point of the island at the end of the lake, the wind couldn't make its mind up as to which side of the island it wanted to blow down, at the start I began on corn over micro whilst trying to feed some 4,s over to the island which was just short of 14 mtrs, my normal pellet Catty couldn't do it due the wind so I had to use my strongest one to get them there. On the short pole line I had three bites in the first three put ins, missed the first , then had a skimmer followed by a small carp and with a bit of fizz going on I expected to get a few more , but the fizz stopped and so did any indications, I did get a couple more skimmers from there during the match and a couple more small carp but it was proving hard, the maggot margin lines were fruitless, I had one bite down there and missed that but it looked like a liner or small fish bite, most of the rest of the matchwas spent trying to feed and fish against the far bank, but was difficult to get sensible presentation, and there didn't seem as though there were to many fish in the area as both fabio and steve kedge were struggling, by the end I had a few skims and about 10 small carp which pulled the scales down to just over 23lb, fabio chucked back and kedgy had 24 lb ish, so I had to hand fabios quid straight over to him, I didn't stay for the results as fabsy and me were in need of some comfort eating so we were probably in the services before the weigh in was done , closely followed by mr cochrane, as far as I know Alvin jones on peg 37 looked to have won with over 60lb so well done to him,
Sunday it's off to landsend for an open, so if anyone wants to fish just ring me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in, it's a 9.30 draw

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