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Thursday, 17 September 2015

Thursday cost cutter , avalon

i beginning to find it a bit strange that we are only getting small turnouts for these matches, only 10 today so we spread out on pegs 1 to 23 , I let ziggy draw for me today as we were having our normal pound , I ended up with 16 which is on the small island on my own, it's normally a good carp peg on the wag and lead, so just the wag for me then. I also set up a margin rig for pellet to empty peg 17 and a deep pellet rig for 16 mtrs, also a skimmer rig for 5 mtrs for worm over caster and worm in groundbait. I should have set up a shallow rig but never , well not at the start anyway.
At the start I cupped in some 6,s at 16 mtrs, and three balls of g bait at 5 mtrs, also some pellets to the empty pallet but apart from a liner that was a no hoper then. Starting at 16 meters with a banded 8mm I had a carp second drop then a skimmer, then nothing, I had a bit of fizz over the close line so went out with half a dendra , a short wait and a 2 lb skimmer was soon netted, I was also feeding pellets to two spots against the island and it didn't take to long for them to start slurping , but it was weird I had loads of fish in the swim but I couldn't get a bite, I had one fish on it but it was all very frustrating . I kept trying it but was going nowhere fast, I was also falling way behind in the carp stakes as glen Bailey , Mike west and Adrian Jeffrey were all catching well with glen and Mike catching well on the  paste and Adrian on the wag, I should have just concentrated on catching some skimmers but I kept trying to catch carp, but to no avail, I did set up a shallow rig with a couple of hours to go and had two quick carp and some nice hybrids , so I think if I had set it up at the start I would have had a few more carp , but I,m not sure it would have been enough as glen was still catching as was Mike west and I could see some splashing up on 23 where Gary (ned) Flanders was getting a few aswell, I kept dropping back onto the silvers line and netting odd good skimmers along with a couple of tench, by the end I thought I would have at least 25lb of silvers and 4 accidental (lol) carp, I hoped it would be enough to take the silver pool, but I new ziggy and Mike Nichols on peg 1 would be trying for them, but my 25lb turned into 34.5 for a silvers victory, so money back today which is always handy, the match was won by glen on peg 19 with 172.12 of paste fish.
2nd went to the Avalon bridesmaid , Mike wet with 134.12 again on paste on peg 9
3rd Gary flinders on 23 with 129.7, again mainly on paste
4th Adrian Jeffrey on 13 with 113lb
5th me with 61.9.
Off to land send again on Sunday on lake three with an overspill into 4 if I need it , so if anyone fancies it give me ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in r ring me in vials on 01179260790, it will be a 9.30 draw fish 11 to 5,
Also for those fishing the silvers league at viaduct , steve would like your monies or at least a phone call to confirm you are fishing, so ring him on 01458 274022

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