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Thursday, 5 November 2015

Harescombe , Thursday costcutter

Not to bad a turnout really considering the weather forcast, 13 hardy souls in attendance, for comfort I fancied peg 2 as I would have some shelter from the wind and rain, well blow me down if I don't go and draw it !!!!!.
I planned on a meat close line and two pellet lines, one across against the island and another down the edge to my right, nice and simple, the pellet rigs had b960 size 18 hooks on and the meat rig had an 18 middy 8313 hook on.
At the start I fed the pellet lines and started on the 5 Mtr meat line with 6 mm meat on the hook, after 45 mins and with. Only two small carp for my troubles I was soon reaching for the far side pellet rig, and apart form a couple of fish from the margins the rest of the match was spent working a banded pellet along the far bank, feeding 4,s with a catty and fishing a banded 6 on the hook, as the match progressed it became fairly apparent the fish wanted to be in the wind , feeding more confidently in the ripple, although I was comfortable with little or no wind to trouble me the fish were hard to nail down, with not many times when it as possible to get mare than 2 fish from one spot before a move was needed, by the end I thought I had 40lb ish and actually weighed in 45 for 4th on the so it was ok, the match was won by Adrian Jeffrey on peg15 with 74lb , Mike Nichols continued his love affair with the venue and came second with 69lb, from about peg 21 I think and Martin hook was third on peg 7 with 50lb, don't know the rest of. The weights as the weigh sheet had disappeared by the time. Got back to the carpark, no doubt Mike Nichols with have it on his blog.
Sunday I am back there again but I am running a match on field lake which is the second one up, I do have two spaces still so if any one fancies it txt me on 07974807941 to book in.

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