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Sunday, 8 November 2015

Sunday open field lake , harescombe fishery

Only managed to get 13 booked in for this one  , but Andy reckoned on only putting 15 on the lake max , so 13 would mean some extra room, after pegging the lake and having a brekkie it was draw time , as none of us had fished the lake before I didn't have a clue as to what was a good draw, so I waited till the last peg and ended up with peg 10 which today was the first peg around the right hand side. For company I had mat tomes on the end of the dam ,and bela "berty" bakos to my right ,
Getting to the swim I was quite happy as there were some carp topping and I had a nice margin to my left, rig wise I set up a caster rig for close as the lake has a big head of quality roach, but the water had coloured up from when I looked at it on Thursday , so I wasn't to sure the roach would feed properly, so I also set up a meat rig for 6 Mtrs on the deck in 8 foot of water, then two pellet rigs , a shallow slapper as there were enough fish showing to possibly make it a goer, and a margin rig to fish down my left in about 3 foot of water, at the start and with the wind forecast to get strong I decided to go shallow to begin with but feed my other lines , 3 Mtrs caster line. 6 Mtr meat and my margin pellet swim. I only fished 13 Mtrs and wasn't expecting to much, and was surprised when I had a bite first drop, but I missed it , in fact. Missed two more before I connected , I was already. Two fish behind bela after twenty mins, I have seen his random feeding and slapping technique work well before , and today he was feeding at 14 and fishing at 11, but it seemed to be working at the mo, lol.
No one else apart from myself and bela seemed to be getting much action, so we stuck to the shallow fishing and it was nip and tuck for a while till I had three on the trot to ease ahead of my neighbour, and that was how the match panned out with me getting a few extra over bela, especially with 5 late fish from down th edge on pellet, the meat lines only gave me one fouler and the roach didn't want to play ball, so I ended the match with 22 carp for 114lb exactly ,
2 nd went to bela with 84.3
3 rd Mike Nichols had 53lb
4th Ryan Jordan with 41.13
5th rod Wooten 29lb
6th mat tomes 28.14
Stuart graham with 12.2 of roach
Thursday I,m off to Avalon again , so to book in ring or text me on 07974807941 to book in, then it's off to viaduct for round 4 of the silvers league on sunday

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