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Sunday, 29 November 2015

Viaduct silvers league. Penultimate round

travelled with Chris fox today, so after the normal lillypool brekkie it was off to the fishery, the wind was meant to be horrendous with gusts possibly to 60 mph, so bearing this in mind a draw on the left hand banks would be best so the wind would be mostly off the left shoulder, early into the draw tin again , and out comes 53 on lodge , definitely not the draw I had hoped for as I needed a section with or second at worst to keep me in contention for Some overall monies, and this peg has been no good in the league so far ,  with Nick Collins on the first match doing the best with 19lb , but still not a section win on that day, it has a lot more form as a carp peg as its a nice big reed fringed bay with a big willow tree overhanging between me and nick ewers who was on 73. To my right was bristols finest auto electrician , Tim Clark on 55, which had won our section in the last two rounds.
4 rigs today, 3 of which were 4x12 floats , one for my left hand margin, another for under the tree, both of those were for some hoped for perch and hybrids, another for the 5 mtr caster line just in front . And a .4 pencil to try and tempt an odd skimmer at 14 mtrs to my right on a angle.
To begin the match I cupped in three balls onto the 14 mtr line fishing with the wind , which to be fair  was ok for me as I had some shelter from a bank and some trees, so wind strength was not to much of an issue for me , unlike many others , it was making any long pole fishing all but impossible for most.
After feeding the caster lines I began at 5 mtrs in front, it took twenty mins to get my first fish which was a Rudd (I don't like small Rudd), it was certainly slow , but looking round it seemed the same for everyone , with no one setting it on fire, after an hour I had added some more small roach and a few small hybrids, but if it carried on like this it would be the final nail in my series coffin, I had a look on the groundbait line at 14 mtrs but all I could get were some small roach, I did top it up and try a couple more times but it seemed the skimmers didn't want to be on that line.
The margin and tree swim both produced one small roach each, so it was back onto the 5 mtr line catching small roach with an odd one going 6oz, I spread the shot on the rig and found that was better , with the fish nailing it on the drop, by the halfway mark I thought I had about 4 lb, which was still probably winning the section by then, only Andy power on 60 was catching small fish in my section, I couldn't see Tim, but I heard him telling someone he was really finding it hard, out of interest I tried my left hand margin rig over he 5 mtr line, as I was catching on the drop, and that was the turning point for me , the swim seemed to come to life, it appeared the fish wanted it 12 inches off the deck, I had some good roach up to 12oz, more surprisingly I had a couple of 3lb bream way off the deck and some chunky hybrids, I also had a nice near 2lb hybrid from under the tree, aswell as some chunky roach, but I also lost a couple of carp there , and I always felt the carp weren't to far away and I missed some sail away bites there but the caster was untouched, liners most likely from the carp, I did see quite a few swirling and boiling along the end bank.
Luckily my off the deck rig on the 5 mtr line kept giving me odd fish nearly to the no of the match , so by the end I thought I had about 15 lb , the only threat was from Tim who had a late burst of  skimmers towards the end , plus a big perch and a hybrid , but it was just to little to late for him as my net went 19.6 to his 15.15, so I got the much needed section win,
1st on the day went to Chris boulten on 126 on Campbell with 21.3
2nd Dom Sullivan on 112 with 19.9
3rd me on 53 with 19.6
4th ziggy slowinski on 124 with 18.8
5th Chris fox on 130 with 18.4
6th Gordon canning on 125 with 17.5
A really close match to be fair, and I think if the wind had been a bit kinder the weights would have been much better, as for my swim , I probably wouldn't won the section , it was purely down I think to being able to get some sensible presentation as I had some shelter, ha ha ain't life a bitch.

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