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Sunday, 31 January 2016

Round 2, viaduct winter league

After a passable breakfast at cannards well for breakfast it was off to the fishery , I did the team draw again as none of my mates don't seem to want the responsibility for that one, I pulled out sequence 4, which put Ron hardiman on 113 , Clint wojtyla on 79, Clayton Hudson on 73, we on 43 and Tim Clark on 5, all reasonable pegs apart from clients, although its in the widest part of Cary it can be a toughy.
Back to my swim, and its one of my preferred draws on the lake as it can be a nice wag peg , but with a strong wind coming roof my right shoulder it would make the wag travel along the front of the island, and these carp and f1,s don't really like chasing a bait, but in set it up anyway, also a light lead rod to attack the island, a couple of pole rigs, both .2 drennan as5 patterns , one for caster over groundbait at 13 mtrs and the other for meat over meat at 16 mtrs, for company I had fellow blogger Dom Sullivan on 44 and occasional angler mat Parsons on 42, a quid side bet was struck Dom , then we were off, I cupped in 5 caster infused balls at 13 mtrs and a bit of meat at 16 mtrs, I then picked up the wag rod and managed to snap the main line at the reel as I picked it up as it was stuck around a dead reed stem, that was good then !!!!!. So I chucked the lead out which fell woefully short of the island while I reassembled the wag, it didn't take long, I thought I would try another go on the lead, so threw it again , thus time landing much closer to the island. Both mat and Dom had been on the tip all this time but apart from a coupe of small fish they were struggling, the other side of the lake seemed to fairing better , with the 4 anglers on the corresponding swims on the other side were all catching, I picked up and tried to wind the lead in , but I was attached to some heavy line which was secured to trees each side of my island Chuck , meaning I couldn't throw tight, so I had to go slightly to my right to avoid it, this was definitely a match of two halves for us on our bank, with the first half being a non event then the last half the fish did a bit of a turning up act, mat on my right started catching a few sensible skimmers and Dom on my left had a couple of good f1,s on the tip, then I had three quickest f1,s on the wag, and Jason Radford up on the top bank was beginning to catch on the popped up bread, Chris Davis on 25 was also catching now , on meat but feeding with a catty, both myself and Dom also started to get odd f1,s on the pole and meat, but we were going to be to little to late as we were always behind the pegs opposite and the rest of our section on spring lake, at the weigh in I was happy to put 32.6 on the scales but that only gave me  9 out of 19, which I'd a bit disappointing to be fair, I had the best weight on the 4 pegs on my side as mat had 16lb, Dom had 25 and Chris had 29lb, we were beaten by the pegs opposite and  some of the ones on spring and middle with Adam Mitchell of frenzee swimming orange on peg 26 winning the section with 82lb dobbing bread down the edge, 
1st on the day went to rich lacey on peg 66 with 129.14, catching on dobbed mother's pride down his edge without feeding a thing.
2nd went to in form and guru New signing Ben hagg on 112 with 113.4
3rd Dan white on 110 with 95.11
4th Gordon canning on 128 with 94.5
5th Adam Mitchell on 26 with 82.9
6th Fred.Roberts  on 56 with 77.2
That man des shipp
 on not really fancied 61 on lodge with 35.12 of mainly skimmers 
and hybrids on caster at 10 mtrs 
2nd mikey on 37 with 26.13
Match at Landsend on Thursday, so if you dancing ring me or txt me on 07974807941 to book in

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Windmill Thursday silver's league

A full house of 20 turned up again for this popular series run by the legendary Ray bazeley, we were greeted by a bit of a frost which was bad enough to freeze the puddles on the way in to the lakes , but the lake was ice free, and with a bit more colour in than last time I thought it may fish a bit better. I was in D section for this round which is pegs 24 to 28, end peg 28 would have been nice , but I had to make do with 25, which was the section winning peg from the last round with 5lb.
For company I had Lee Waller on 26 and Mike laird on 24,
Only 2 rigs put up today, a 1g drennan as5 for 9 mtrs at 11 and 1o'clock angles , both groundbait lines , but micros in the feed to the left and casters to the left, a big fish rig but with it being 10ft deep and with a stiff breeze I felt it was right, to be honest a bigger rig wouldn't have made much difference, then I set up a .3g as5 for caster short down to my left about a mtr off a dead reed bed in 4 ft of water.
At the start I fed a bit positive, 3 balls with caster in to the right and 2 balls with micros to the left on the 9mtr lines then started on the short line, it started better than the last round as I was catching small roach immediately, with single caster on the hook.
That lasted about 45 minutes before it showed signs of slowing, but I had enjoyed a nice start with plenty of small roach , but only one net fish of about 6oz. So it was out onto the longer lines where the small roach were obliging along with tiny skimmers, which seemed to prefer the micro line , my match went quite well really as I was getting bites from small fish off both long lines, I managed a small tench over the caster line at 9mtrs and a crucian over the pellet line, in fact it was a bite a church, I also had a nice hybrid another tench and a crucian on the short line , but towards the end of the match carp became a problem on that line , and I landed a few up to 10lb, I wasn't to sure as to what I had by the end , but I was more than happy to plonk 14lb on the scales, which won the section and was top weight on the day.
2nd on the day went to Mike Nicholls on end peg 9 with 12.2 of roach
3rd Dave wride on peg 8 with 8.8, (all the 8,s)
4th Paul barnfield on 7 with 7lb
5th Steve Dawson on 4 with 6.15
6 Mike Jones on 3 with 6.2
I thought I may start a bit of a collection for Mike as he obviously fell on hard times and is struggling to afford a hair cut judging by the picture below,
Proper bad hair day that is LOL
Off to Landsend fishery next Thursday , so give me a ring or text me on 07974807941 if you want to book in

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Tuesday costcutter acorn

After last weeks 4 pegger I was hoping for a few more this week, yes we did get a FEW more, 3 to be precise, so we had a 7 pegger it was then. I don't think the gales and non stop heavy rain was going to encourage people to turn up.
Dave wride did the pegging and never put a bridge peg in, God knows what Mike Chapman was going to do. If I had to choose a swim I would have gone for 5, with the direction of the wind it would have been easy to turn your box around and fish with the wind at your bank, and with no one on the end bank it was always going to be the favourite, the small draw got underway and 5 came out early, stuck to the Palm of John "Turkey" Thompson, who was more than happy as he reckoned the angler on it at the weekend had rested it . I promise not to mention John baker was on it, Turkey's neighbour no less.
Turkey getting his kit ready, first first thing out was the feeder rod.
My peg for the day was peg 2, not upset really , although the far bank or any line past the middle wasn't going to happen due to the Gale that was blowing right to left.
Got the drennan acolyte carp pole out today as anything up to 14 mtrs is easy with this pole, only 2 took its came out, both with solid 8 elastic in, on one top I put on a .5g drennan AS5 float for 5 5mtrs in front and 9 mtrs to my left with the wind, and the other top had a .3g AS5, for the empty pallets each side, which I fully expected to catch by.
To begin with I fed all lines with a few micros and maggots, and began at 5mtrs, it took about 15 mins to hook a carp, and a three pound ghostie was soon in the net, trouble was the Turks had caught a couple of decent fish on the lead with bread.
The first half of my match wasn't to bad I probably had about 10 or 11 carp and f1 mix and a nice perch of about 1 1/2 lb, then for 90 minutes I could gat a bite anywhere, margins , 9 mtrs or the 5 mtr line , out of desperation I tried across battling the wind, but that was fruitless aswell, the float was ripping through to fast.
An hour from the end I went down the edge on single maggot , and bigger me if the float didn't go under, with a proper lump on the end I took my time and safely netted a 10lb plus common, bead handy, back in and another carp on, unfortunately fouled and it came off, then I had another fish from there about 15 mins from the end, I reckoned I had 40 lb but Turkey probably had 60 plus, as for anyone else I never had a clue as I had my hood up and apart from Turkey I couldn't see anyone else, luckily I just about had enough for second with 43lb as expected Turkey had 65lb and Dave wride had just under 42 on peg 31.
Well it did rain all day, my goretex bib and brace is now no longer waterproof, I may send it back to halkon hunt as I have only had it 3 years, it should last longer than that. How did we manage without Eva bags, all my bits and bait nice and dry, mosella do a nice size trolley bag which is more than big enough, and I also got a drennan one aswell which is a bit of a system one as its got three groundbait bowls inside , dead handy, neither of each is overly expensive, its just nice to have your kit nice and dry, as long as you remember to zip the top up LOL

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Landsend winter league, round 2

Luckily Mike and Diane opened there new fishery cafe today, especially as we drove past lillypool at 7.20 and it was still shut.
Verdict on the Landsend breakfast, very good , can't wait for the next one.
In the Carpark waiting for the draw I came across one of our regulars, Pete nurse doing his Indiana Jones impression, as pictured, probably the smartest person on the fishery.
My turn on the speci lake today and I fancied any of the pegs between 31 and 34, I got my wish and pulled out 34, as anyone will tell you who knows the fishery will tell you its a banker peg for a good day, hmmm.
Also I had drawn Mark "the big bopper" poppleton in the knockout, and with him drawing 62 on lake 3 I really fancied beating him. On my lake I had the ever genial Nick sewers on 33 and the even more genial Adrian Jeffery on peg 36. Being an out and out carp peg my day was going to be based around pellets, hard and soft, soft over micros at 13 mtrs on 2 lines and hard 6,s over 4,s up and down the far bank shelf, I drew this peg in last year's league and had 150lb so I was confident of a few, possibly to confident, I began on the soft pellet lines but 30 mins in and only a coupling roach to show for my efforts, it was off to the bottom of the island shelf, that was no better , with not even liners, by now Nick to my left had caught a couple of carp along his end bank margin swim, and opposite on 32 the plump ginger ninja, Andy hembrow was also catching. My peg never switched on at all, I ended the match with 6 carp and a few silver's for 43lb, but I had a serious case of neck ache as Nick caught steadily all match on a variety of baits from nearly all lines in his swim, the picture shows him netting another one.

He won on the day with 122lb, I ended up 4th in the section, so that will definitely be a dropper then,
I am having a bit of a torrid just lately, I can't remember when I had a run as bad as this, but I will keep going and things will change, just in case things don't change , trigger has booked me in for some lessons as he has a few spare dates in March , yea right LOL. Weigh sheets below .

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Landsend fishery, Thursday open

After an aborted breakfast stop at lillypool !!!!!!! It was off to the fishery for the draw, luckily Mike and Diane will have the fishery cafe open for this weekend , but they need a rough number of people who may want feeding on Sunday morning, so if you can txt or ring Mike on 07977545882 to let them know.
Back to the match and I let Mike draw my ticket out last and up ended up on peg 1, Bob gullick won off last Saturday on a low weight match , so hopefully today would be similar, the lake was still partly frozen, well to be honest ever one else's peg was frozen apart from mine, so I did my bit and broke 4 other anglers swims out (cos I'm kind like that) then rescued sheps top 4 after he pulled it off trying to shift ice about, so a bit short on time setting up, so a caster rig for several parts of the swim and a hard pellet rig for along the left hand margin.

View of my normal tidy swim.
I wasn't ready by the start but I was only a couple of minutes behind, I fed pellets up the edge and put some caster under the tree to my right, I couldn't feed anywhere else as the wind had picked up and a big sheet of icewas slowly moving towards me
I began under the tree with single maggot, I had my first bite after about 15 minutes which resulted in a 4 oz perch, next bite a few minutes later had me attached to a carp which broke my .10 line after a couple of minutes, so a change up to .12 was done , another perch was soon netted followed by a nice little common.
Apart from another perch later in the match, that was my lot from that part of the swim, my match was pretty uneventful, I did get three carp on banded 6 mm up the edge and one on maggot. I had a good skimmer and some perch at 13 mtrs on caster but bites were at a bit of a premium, at least we weren't all sat around a lake all throwing a straight lead into a hole with all the other anglers, so I ended up with 5 carp and a few silver's , normally that would be there or there abouts on this lake , but the carp I had were the smaller swim residents, not the stamp 5/6lb fish but the 3/4lb fish which always live in these corner pegs, the odd bigger carp were caught the other side at the far end, Adrian Jeffery had 4 carp and 6lb of silver's of peg 17 to win on the day with 32.7.
Mike Jones on peg 13 was second with 32.5
3rd went to Mike's younger twin, Nick Jones on 15 with 29.11
4th Alan oram on 7 with 26.5, which included top silver weight on the day of 16.15 of skimmers and f1,s
5th was me with 25.15
6th Vince Brown on 21 with 13.15
Only 11 fished but considering the weather its to be expected really. So dont forget to ring or txt Mike to let him know about food on Sunday

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Tuesday open, acorn fishery

There are normally at least a dozen fishing these matches , but pulling into the Carpark at 10 past 10, the only other person I could see was des shipp, although George sumsionwas sat inside the cafe, with draw time looming the only other person to show up was organiser for the day in the shape of Mike owens.
With only 4 of us we decided to have a rover, after chucking a tenner each into the pools it was time for a draw, I pulled 1 and decided to sit on 34 by the bridge , des pulled 2 and sat on 40, George was 3 and went to peg 11 leaving Mike with the last choice, so he went onto 37 which is his favourite swim after a cold night there was some ice breaking to be done in mine and Mike's swim, while the other 2 were ice free, it didn't take to long to clear a path to the bridge to my right and another channel at 11 o'clock angle to 11 mtrs. Only 2 rigs a .3 drennan as1 for the deep water and against the bridge, and a 4x10 for a bit further up the shelf at 11mtrs,
Peg 34 with the normal winter helper that every swim on every venue seems to get at this time of year.
Main bait today was maggots so after cupping a thimble full not the various lines, I dropped the rig onto the 9 mtr line at 11 o'clock angle, I looked around to see des already playing a carp, writing on the wall methinks. I think he was playing his third before I had my first bite, and a 3 pound carp was safely in the bag, but that was my lot til 12.15 when my swim came to life a bit, not a lot just a bit.
I had odd bites right to the end mainly from f1,s but it was enjoyable, ending up with 26lb.

Which was enough for second as des ended up with 36lb
Catching all his fish by the bridge on soft pellet over micros. Not to bad considering it was cold and about 80 percent of the lake had a lid on it.
It's forecast to get up to double figures at the weekend so I can put the breaker back in the shed.
Off to Landsend on Thursday for a knockup which should be ok, hopefully we will get more than 4 !!!

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Viaduct winter league , rnd 1

Breakfast at lillypool this morning , under the New tenants. Not to bad hopefully with a bit of tweaking and a bit more speed it should be ok.
Just about got to the fishery in time for the draw, which I did for our team,  we ended up with Clint on 123, more miss than hit of late, Clayton on 87, always a chance of a few on the lead which is right up his street, me on 59 which can be a good skimmer peg but this year the skimmer havnt really shown on this side of the lake, Tim on peg 1 so a day spent mainly down the edge for carp, and lastly Ron on 11, always a chance of a carp on the wag or lead, and its a good skimmer peg, but not as good as the ones behind the island , generally.
Back to my swim and two pole rigs, one for meat under the tree to my left, normally a banker for at least one animal, even in cold weather, but with the lakes being frozen over on Saturday this may not be the case today, also a rig to target the lakes good skimmers over groundbait at 14 mtrs. And a wag rod to fish meat or corn at about 25 mtrs, company wise I had Steve Tucker on 60 and Anton page on 57.
At the start I fed several balls on the pole line , cupped some meat down the edge , then started on meat on the wag.
As did Steve and Anton, I fully expected a bite early doors but 40 mins in and with no indications I was reaching for the pole, Chris Davis on 61 had a good fish straight away on meat on the long pole and mat Parsons on 64 and Jason Radford on 66 were both into fish early on.
Back on my pole line and my first fish was a 6oz skimmer, and that was my last skimmer on the pole, after that it was down to small roach, by now several carp had been caught mainly on the wag, this is a float only section so no leads flying all over the lake.
So it was back out on the wag with meat on, still no bites for but tucks managed a couple on his punched colony, and Chris Davis added another on the wag, I eventually had a bite but it was fouled, I played it hard for a while and really expected to get it out, but it came off, I decided to rest it a bit and had a look down the edge, after a few mins the float went under, but not what I would say properly, and it turned out to be fouled again, it came out from under the tree very calmly, then decided the far side of the lake was much more attractive, so that's where it went , stealing my rig at the same time.
So another margin rig procured and plumbed, then back out on the wag , but with corn this time, I did have two quick carp on it for over 20lb but apart from a good skimmer later in the match that was my lot for the match really, Anton and me struggled, but next door tucks gave a proper shoeing ending up with 7 carp on the wag with polony on the hook, Dan squire on 56 also started catching, his wag was landing one side of the rope and mine the other, he was getting liners and bites ,and mine sat motionless, as did antons, who was casting more towards him, he did manage to snare one but that was his lot. Mat Parsons on the monk (64) had caught all match. So that was our lake winner.
1st on the day was new guru signing Ben haggard on peg 16 spring with 16 carp for 140.15, he caught on the lead out to the island on various baits
2nd mat Parsons 130.5
3rd Andy nestle on 131 with 93.7
4th Mark Brennan on 112  with 85lb
5th Fabio on 75.5 on 128
6th Steve Tucker on 60 with 71.5, he did have over 76lb , shame it was all in one net so he was only awarded 70lb, that error cost him £80 in the pools, these fish are bigger than you think sometimes.
First in silver's went to j Allen of frenzee black on 116 with 16.4 of skimmers
Second in the silver's Mike Williams on 68 with 16lb of f1 perch and skimmers,
Going to have a match at Landsend on Thursday, so ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Silver's league , windmill, round 1

Firstly to let people know, lillypool cafe will be open Sunday morning at 7am with new staff, so we shall have to wait and see how it is, it will have to be good.
Today I had breakfast in Abby,s  cafe in emery road, and for £5.50 it was very good, after that it was a quick skoot around the ring road and I was at the fishery in plenty of time.
Ray bazeley was organising this 8 match series instead of the huntstrete one , and as the people having a sneaky practice said it was fishing ok, I was looking forward to it. Twenty anglers are fishing the series, with it split into 5 peg sections, with only first and second in each section.
Into the draw box and out comes 21, its a peg right in the middle of the island gap, and with the first cold wind of the winter blowing into me , it was likely to be a cold uncomfortable day.

 And as with most venues it was going to be a muddy one.
Only 2 rigs , both the New drennan as5 floats which seem to sit and fish very well, even in rough conditions, a .5 for top set to hand for roach and a .8 for 6mtrs on two lines left and right . Both over groundbait, but with micros to the right and caster to the left, the section was always going to be hard to win as des shipp was sat on 23 standing in for someone ,
Ray called the all in and after putting a ball on both longer lines I went in on the close line , fully expecting the float to go straight under as I had been told small plippy roach were a nuisance, wrong the float just sat there without moving , after 30 mins and only 2 roach fry in the net and with des on about 15, I decided to go to the longer lines, I started getting regular bites dust the fishery were tiny, but with no one else in the section doing much I stuck with it, I wasn't expecting to be able to catch des up , unless I could get a few bonus fish, but they seemed thin on the ground on our side of the lake, unless it was a carp you wanted, but no carp of ANY size counted today unless it was a true crucian. I stuck with it and was rewarded with three better skimmers up to a pound and a tidy perch of about 8oz, but des had a skimmer and towards the end had a crucian, which I new was going to put him out of reach, and so it proved, with his net going 7lb 6oz.
To my 6.1
The match overall was won by Paul barnfield on peg 3 with 8.15 of decent skimmers on soft pellet, it didn't fish that well, probably blue in the main to the first cold snap of the year.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Sunday open, Landsend fishery

After the final breakfast at lillypool cooked by Wendy and her crew, it was off to the fishery, 19 booked in but only 17 showed, so we used the match lake and 4 pegs on the speci 25/28/31/32.
Mat tomes drew for me and handed me 25, the far bank corner peg, Its been an ok peg lately with some good silver's aswell as some carp, so what to do. I decided on a carp attack as the there were plenty of silver's experts on the match lake and Alan oram on 28 was favouring a silver day. Back to my peg and its a nice peg with lots of options with a long margin and an island at 17 mtrs, son just about reachable.
 Plus at 16 mtrs up the edge there is a wooden post which tends to be place to target for the carp, as it is just short of a submerged cage which holds some fish but it is a bit of a tackle grave yard.
Only 2 rigs today (so far) . Both to fish banded 6mm over loose Fed 4,s, one for at the bottom of the island and margin shelf and the other for up on the island shelf and along the edge.
Starting towards the island on the deeper rig I fully expected to get an early carp, but it never happened, in fact up till one o'clock all I had to show for my efforts was 2 hand size skimmers and a roach, so it was off the box and up with a silver's rig to fish caster to hand as there are some good perch and roach here, and there is always a chance of a few good f1,s,
I began feeding some casters close but decided to give the long margin line another go, firstly up the shelf . I lost a fouled ,then nothing so I shipped out the deepening , and bugger me if I didn't get a carp on the drop, and three more in quick succession after that in the next 25 minutes. Then it went quiet so I came back on the caster line and had some nice roach and a good perch, so the rest of the match was spent either short on the caster or long (17mtrs) on pellet. I ended up with 6 carp and some silver's, but thought I was miles behind , especially as that man Craig Edmunds was emptying on peg 18 fishing his meat in various parts of the peg, I did lose two carp from the long line, one came off for no apparent reason and the other made it to the wire cage , making off with my hooklenth, I also hooked on on the short line on caster, and had it beat , but I totally screwed up with the landing net hitting the carp on the head hard enough to bust off the .10 line , DOH. It turned out be a close match apart from trig who paralyzed it with 141.9, all on meat
2nd was Trigs star pupil Paul elmes on 31 with 64.11
3rd. Mike west on 3 with 45.4
4th Steve seager on 15 with 43.13
5th Tom mangnal on 24 with 42.6
6th me with 42.2
Alan oram on 28 with 12.2
Me with 10.6

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Thursday costcutter harescombe, and some league dates

A good turn out today with 16 fishing, the forecast was for moderate winds and not to cold, but with the fishery built on the side of a mountain that was never going to be right, and it wasn't as it blew a Gale and was freezing cold . This will be a short description of my day as it was hard for most, I drew peg 9 and struggled, caster or maggot close or down the middle produced only small fish and a couple of f1,s . The bulk of my weight , which wasn't great came from the far bank on banded hard pellet ,but I only had 21lb which was 4th on the day and they only paid 3, about right for me recently, at least I wasn't last again lol,
1st was Adrian "2eggs"  Clark on peg 3 with 45.4
2nd was Terry girdelstone on 19  with 34.14
3rd Alan oram on 30 with 23lb
A rare picture of me with a fish on recently, picture courtesy of Chris telling who I must say takes a nice picture, but he was like me today, SHIT, lol

League dates for this year
Short pole series at Chilton trinity woodlands
15th may
10th July
7th August
21st August
Entry to league £40, that's peg fees for series and pools for last match.
Float only league
29th may viaduct
12th June Landsend
3rd of July Landsend
31st July Avalon
14th August shiplate
28th August viaduct
Entry £56 that again is peg fees for series and pools for the last match, ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in, no time wasters or serial let down merchants need ask, if you ain't able to make  all the matches or perhaps miss only one don't even ask, pools are compulsory, so if I get let down I will expect you still to pay , unless there are extenuating whatever's.
Viaduct spring league
24th April
8th may
22nd may
5th June
19th June
To book in to this one ring Steve at the fishery to book 01458274022, again he would appreciate no let owners,
I will say it again, unless you can fish all or nearly all don't ask

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Acorn Tuesday costcutter

Only 11 fishing today , so plenty of room again, so all good pegs then, into the draw bag and out comes 31 ping pong ball, its been ok recently so I was hopeful. I said last blog that that one was going to be a short one, but it wasn't that short , this one will be . First four hours of the match were rubbish with only 3 Carl and 2 perch in the net, I did lose a f Ewing couplers from the far bank, but what fish were in the area just seemed to be passing through without stopping, I did get a few down to empty pallet 32 but it was to little to late, catching best on double maggot over caster, I also fed to empty pallet 30 but never had a bite that side, I also think I got it wrong today as I started feeding down the shelf, but when I began feeding tight to the pallet in shallower water I began catching, grave error on my part methinks.
I lost a few lip hooked fish as well towards the end pulling to hard on small hooks, if I had taken my time I wouldn't have been to far away to getting in the money,
1st on the day was Dave write on peg 2 with 56lb
2nd des "I wish I could draw better" shipp with 53.4 on peg 5
3rd George on 34 with 43.12

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Sunday open viaduct fishery

Off to lillypool first for the normal tasty hot breakfast, only to hear that next week is the last time Wendy and her crew will be cooking , as she is going to another cafe in Weston called the copper kettle on locking road, hopefully the New tenants at shipham will be as good as her , fingers crossed . But it will be big shoes to fill.
Off to the fishery and into the draw queue, hoping for a peg at the Carpark end of Campbell as that's where the bulk of the fish seem to be , so what do I pull, 123 which is about as far as you can get from the fish at the mo, its good when the weather is cold as the fish like to live along the top bank, but with the but with the unseasonal weather so far this winter, the fish want to be at the other end in the shallow water. 123 used to be a good silver peg but this season it had been rubbish, and with the carp not wanting to be up this end of the lake, I thought I may struggle, so here goes a short blog, I set up the normal silver rig for 13 mtrs over groundbait, a caster rig for down the edge as there can be some good perch, and a lead rod for out in front and towards the end bank. After  I fed the pole line's I began on the lead. First with corn then meat . But apart from a couple of early small liners I never had a bite in 30 mins so I binned that and went onto the pole , but it was pants. Adrian Jeffery on 125 had some early carp, but it didn't last , the other end seemed to be fishing well as far as I could see with most catching carp, my match never got going , I did get a 2lb skimmer and lost one straight away , but apart from odd hand size skimmers , I got plagued by small roach, I hindsight and watching what was happening it seems the way to go at the mo is to feed caster and fish meat or corn on the hook, my groundbait approach was deffo a roach magnet today on this lake. Consequently I ended up with 8.7 which was useless, the only Money I picked up was a quid off Steve kedge who chucked back, but would have beaten me as he had a carp and silver's off peg 94, thanks Steve lol.
As expected the Carpark end fished well with Richard aherne on 132 having 175.2 using meat on the wag.
2nd mat taynton on 74 with 136.5
3rd Chris hook on 110 with 111.13
4th Don southerland on 130 with 106.6
5th Nick Sanders on 127 with 100.11
6th Paul elmes on 112 with 94.14
Adrian Jeffery on 125 with 22.8 of skimmers plus 2 trench on corn over caster at 6 mtrs.
Next Sunday I am running one at Landsend, so give me a ring or txt on 07974807941 to book in