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Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Acorn Tuesday costcutter

15 today , a few less than last time I came here, possibly due to the weather forecast giving fresh cold northerly winds with the chance of hail showers, and they didn't disappoint, it was effing freezing.
So into the draw bag and out comes ping pong 34, a nice bridge peg, that ed wynne had won off at the weekend, he caught on caster though, all I had was hard pellets and a pint of maggots, for company I had venue regular Dave Stephenson the other side of the bridge to my right on 33.
Another long walk from the back of the van then,
Lots of options with this peg, as obviously the bridge is a big draw, but with the wind blowing left to right the trip would be coming away from the bridge, not ideal as the fish love to live under it, but I set up a pellet rig to fish as tight as I could to the bridge about 3/4 of the way across, another pellet rig to fish just off the far bank and along to the bridge, a pellet rig for down the middle , tried once and never picked up again.
A maggot rig for under the bridge close in.

At the start I fed all lines and began on the deep pellet rig against the bridge, I soon had a carp in the net, followed by several more in the first hour , before the bites stopped. I had a look tight in under the bridge and had my only bite of the day there which was a 4lb carp, I went across to the far side and had a couple , but it seemed to be difficult for most, Dave wride on peg 5 seemed to be the only catching ,
I spent the rest of the match swapping between the deep bridge rig and the far bank rig, picking up odd fish from both, I did change the hook on the deep pellet rig for a maggot hook, and I did get a couple of extra fish on the maggot that I may not have had on the pellet, I dropped a bit of a bollock really as I never went over tight to the bridge till towards the end of the match, and I caught quite well when I did, I'm not sure I would have caught enough to trouble Mr wride or gabe skarba on 37 who was having a flying last couple of hours , fishing soft pellet in his right hand margin. Dave Stephenson had also bestselling a few in so I thought by the end I would have about 60lb , with Dave next door having possibly the same . Gabe and Dave wride had the first 2 places sown up with gabe taking it with 87lb
2nd Dave wride on peg 5 with 78.12
3rd was me with 59.4
4th Alan oram on peg 6 with 55.12
5th Dave Stephenson on 33 with 52.8
6th ed wynne on 21 with 46.12
Gabe below with part of his catch
Off to Landsend on Sunday for an open on match and three, txt or ring me on 07974807941 to book in, be quick not many spaces. Left

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