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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Harescombe Thursday costcutter

Got to the fishery in plenty of time to enjoy one of Andy's nearly adequate breakfasts,
Only 12 booked in so plenty of room with ever other peg dyeing used, I wouldn't mind a draw on the far bank but it wasn't to be as I pulled out peg 12 which is just out of the Carpark, to be honest ever peg is a Carpark peg as you will tell from my picture.
For company on my left was venue regular and ex Gloucester canal ace , Terry girdelstone on peg 10, on my right was the ample figure of Shane Turner on 14 .
My main bait, well only bait today was hard 4,s to feed and some 6,s to band , no maggots ,casters, corn meat , so it was pellet or bust.
Two rigs for the far bank, a small bulk rig and a lightly shotted rig for months drop, or shallow up if the fish came off the bottom, another rig was put up to fish on the deck at 4 mtrs, my two far side rigs would also do for down the edge to my right fishing with the wind which was strong and gusty and coming from different angles, but mainly left to right , after feeding the far side I began at 4 mtrs but apart from a couple of foulers it was a wasted 35 minutes, I was already behind Martin hooke on 20 and jock liddel on 18, who had both started well on maggot on there took its, catching f1,s, so I went across to the far side and started to get some indications, and I put a few fish in the net, I also began feeding a few pellets.down the edge , there appeared to be plenty of fish on the far side but the strong wind was making presentation hard, the rig was blowing through and I was foulhooking a few, but I persevered with it, probably to long, although I had some fish over there I was going nowhere fast really ,with Martin and jock still catching opposite they looked to have the first two places sown up, with 2 hours to go I started fishing down the edge to my right and began catching f1,s straight away, and I caught right till the end , probably putting 50lb in the net in that two hour period, I ended up with 73.10 which was enough to overhaul jock but I was still well behind Martin hook who was top on the day with 93.15 , all caught on maggot fishing just his topkit with maggot,
Jock was third with 69.8
The rest of the weights are below on the sheet.
Off to Landsend on Sunday, in still have a couple of spaces so ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book, I probably have e a couple spare places for my short pole series which is 4 matches all fished on woodland lake at Chilton trinity, so ring or txt me on the number above for more details if you are interested.

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