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Sunday, 13 May 2018

Short pole series round 1

Todber manor on hillview lake was the destination for this match , and the series has proved popular this year with 27 booked in and paid for. Also we had some new anglers fishing , along with some old friends who have decided to have a go, we also had a junior in the shape of Freddy wojtyla having a go , and with his dad, Clint helping him out he should do ok, we could do with a few more youngsters fishing to help with the future of the sport, a quick word on breakfast, we stopped at cannards well , and it was ok, 4.25 on the rixster scale.
Everyone was on time or early so the draw was on time, I had the last but one ticket and ended up on 50, a peg I have never fished but these couple of pegs on this side of the spot have been hard, either end peg on here have been the ones to draw, these were occupied by Jason Radford on 49 and the other end on 53 was bob(where's my bridge) gullick, always going to be hard to beat him on that, but as with all the swims on this lake they are really accessible and comfortable.
 Anyway, back to the fishing, and I'd decided to go for an out and out pellet attack, rightly or wrongly, probably the latter to be fair, I set up a pellet rig for the margins, not a bite !, Another for pellet shallow, Another  none starter, and two pellet rigs for on the deck, one for 5-6 mtrs, pole length limit, and one for up the margin shelf at 3 mtrs in 4 foot of water, it turned out to be a difficult match for me with it being hard to string two bites together, Lee (woolavey) Williams to my right was hedging his best a bit and was silver bashing , and doing ok with roach , small skimmers and baby tench, and Jason was doing ok on pellet aswell, but I was proper struggling, I was feeding 6,s and fishing a banded 8, but things certainly weren't going to plan, and that was about as good as it got, I was catching odd carp but never enough to worry Bob on 53, or the anglers behind me on the other side of the spit, as they were doing ok,  it not as good as Bobby g.
It was difficult enough for me to stop using my clicker, I stopped on 24lb but by the end I thought image over 40 but certainly not 60, as for either side, I thought I had been beaten by both Lee and jason, but I managed to beat Lee but Jason had a 12lb common and he beat me by 4lb, I ended up 6th in the section of 9 as I was beaten by most people on the other side of the spit, but 52lb of small carp is still a decent days fishing.

As we expected Bob came out first today with 108lb , a low weight by this venues standards , but a lot of venues have been hard , due I think to the fish recovering from spawning.
Gordon(the lush) canning was second with 99.15 from peg 59 and joe McMahon on 45 was third with 88.15.
Silver,s went to Mike nicholls on 41 with 24lb .
Well done aswell to Freddy who stuck it out on a difficult day but had some nice fish.
Weigh sheets below, even though it was difficult, there were still plenty of fish caught, but being a bit harder made for a fairer match.

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