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Monday, 13 May 2013

Acorn pole only round 5

It was my turn to be in B section today which has been the section for the best weights so far, all I had to do was try and avoid pegs 1 & 3 as 4/40/6/7/8/9 had all Ben good for some fish so far , so I had a change of draw method today, as I generally like to get in early but today I hung back and I ended up with 40 which is the bridge peg and I think it has won the section each time, so hopefully this could be my first pick up so far in this series . For company I had mark(bunt) broomsgrove on 6 who was going to fish for silvers, and the carp must have known this as his side of the bridge was solid with carp moving and slurping off the top, my side , nothing, on my right was glen bailey who looks as though he may have turned the corner as far as fish catching goes and was confident after catching 90lb last week ,we,ll see.
Opposite on the island on 1/3&4 was dave wride Tim ford and John Osborne all fishing with there backs to me which some may say is there best side.
Back to my peg and and it's a peg where you fish shallow to the bridge but occasionally they will come away into open water, so I set up a rig for that and also a 4x10 rig for over on the far bank both for hard pellet with 18 b960 hook on .16.
I also set up two rigs to fish meat , one at 5 mtrs and one on a topkit down by the bridge, at the start I cupped in some pellets to the far side some meat on the two relevant lines and started firing 4,s to the bridge and just off, starting by the bridge I expected a bite first drop, but nothing happened, the water was a bit clearer than last match, but these cooler temps must be making a difference. It and John caught virtually straight away, but the people to my left and right weren't catching either, it took me 20 mins for my first fish, thereafter I started to get bites but it was hard, it was a case of firing in some pellets then slapping the rig hard a few times then dropping the rig straight down on top of the area, but even then bites were intermittent , after 3 1/2 hours I had 30 carp but a lot of them were on the small side, but with bites virtually none existent now by the bridge I checked out the meat lines, the topkit by the bridge only gave up 2 f1,s, and the 5 mtr line yielded 5,
By now glen was back on his beloved paste fishing, I still can't get my head round fishing with a float
At 45 degrees, he even fished with it laid flat on the surface at one stage, what happens there then does it shoot across the surface to signal a bite then , he was also foul hooping a few aswell, a lot of
His fish were coming out out wearing a Korda stab vest.
 The last 2 hours were ok with another twenty carp gracing my net giving me a total of 55 carp plus
The two f1,s for what I hoped would go 100 lb but with a lot of smaller fish I wasn't sure, I was
Happy when the nets went 111.14 for a section win and first on the day, but only just with Tom thick
Round on 31 admitting to 46 carp it was close he eventually weighed 108 lb and I think andy France on 34 had 80 plus for third , full results are on mike nicholls blog(silverfox angling will find it),
Off to landsend on weds and the float only series starts next Sunday with the first round down at
Viaduct fishery, so big weights will be expected especially as this cooler weather has probably
Stopped the carp having any thoughts about spawning

1 comment:

  1. Peg 40 has 2 section wins (both match wins as well), last two matches, first match it was 3rd in section (The Bridge Troll was on it), second match, the practice paid off and The Bridge Troll drew it again, this time managing 2nd in section and third match Tom Thick managed 3rd in section from it. Same old names drawing flyers.....
