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Thursday, 23 May 2013

Weds open, viaduct fishery

23 fishing today so Campbell and part of Cary were to be used, first into the draw tin and out. Comes peg 127, not to disappointing as it can be ok, even though only 20lb came off it on Sunday , for company I had Alex Murray on 128 and my travelling partner Jason Radford on 126.
Three pole rigs today, a deep and shallow pellet rig and a meat rig for 5 mtrs and a deep pellet wag rig, I wasn't confident of catching anything shallow as there was a really strong cold wind blowing , luckily off our backs on our side of the lake. I didn't intend to fish the pole to long today so I only put up 13 mtrs (I think as we are getting older we seem to be morphing into mike nicholls) at the start I cupped in a few 8mm pellets at 13 mtrs ,fired some out onto the wag line and began plopping a few pieces of meat at 5 mtrs, by now the pole line had a bit of fizzing so it was straight out with the deep pellet rig, I bumped a fish first drop then lost a fouler just after, I was getting a few liners so I tried the shallow rig but apart from a skimmer there was nothing do there either, so back on the deck but apart from an occasional skimmer and liner there was nothing doing, I did bump a couple of skimmers due the 14 elastic being a bit harsh so I swapped top sets to a lighter 12 elastic which helped, no one was really catching to much , apart from the Bristol daffodil in the shape of tony witcombe on 118 who was flying for the first couple of hours on the old slimy paste rig , for the second match in a row we have been witness to a diving and swimming exhibition on this lake, after Paul elmes on Sunday swimming after his top 4 we now had Paul cofoy ( I think that's how it's spelt) having to chase his rod which got pulled in on peg 119.
Back to my peg and nothing was happening, the match started at 11.30 and I never landed a carp till 1.40!!!! Alex was by now catching on the lead as was Jason the other side of me, with it looking as though even Jason was going to beat me , I got my phone and and began googleing golf shops.
Out onto the wag line and I did get three quick carp so I began to feel better but I was well behind several anglers on the lake, the last couple of hours were just spent rotating around my three lines picking up occasional skimmers and carp but not catching much on any method , Alex was catching
On the deep wag by now but at least it looked as though I was catching Jason up (phew) .
I ended up with 10 carp and some skimmers for a total of 86lb, luckily my silvers went 27.10 which
Sneaked me second in the silverfish pool so. A bit of. Money recouped.
1st on the day went to Roy (the lead ) worth on peg 90 with 244.7. Thirty carp and he was trying to tell
People he had 12 of them on the wag !!!!!!!!
2nd Roland Lucas on 110 with 177.3
3rd Alex Murray on 128 with 172 .15
4th nick collier on 125 with 152.7
5th tony witcombe on 118 with 150.2 , tony would have done better, but having put his third carp net
In he then forgot to put any carp in it meaning he had 88lb in one net so he was only given 70lb for
That net , lucky he. Never went over 90lb in the net as he would have lost the entire net.
6th mat tomes on 132 with 139.6
Silvers went to fishery boss Paul greenwood on 88 with 47.3 of skimmers
Still got a few spaces left for Monday at landsend so ring me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in


  1. Not long mate I think you could be taking over from Colin dyer but fair play pal I think you know your long reign is coming to the end thank you for being a good ambassador to the sport of fishing

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