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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Weds landsend open

Only 11 of us fishing today so plenty of room, I was offered some friendly advice on how to peg it ,as   The experts reckoned the windy end of the lake would be hard and nearly unfishable, but after giving them the chance to run things which meant sorting the draw and pegs , taking the money  and doing the weigh in ,it was left to me again(what a suprise no doubt this will get a comment) the draw saw. Me heading to peg 7 which is a peg I really like as the fish tend to show up on the far bank with the peg getting stronger towards the end, hopefully today would be the same.
I set up several rigs , a couple for meat to fish at 5mtrs and down each side margin, a pellet rig for over to the far side which I hoped would be the most productive line .
At the start after feeding all lines I decided to. Start on the 5 mtr meat line whilst feeding the far side with 6mm hard pellets, I stayed on the meat for the first hour , not because I was catching , but because there were no signs of fish on the at bank ,a bit worrying really as you can normally see tails and swirls in this peg after a few pouches of pellets, after the first hour with Only a good skimmer and a nice IDE to show for my efforts, over to far side wasnt much better as I had one small carp in the next 30 mins, with mat tomes on 23 catching and Tom thick on 21 also getting a few, the writing was on the wall, and trig up n 15 was doing ok on meat down his margins, although I did get some nice skimmers and a couple more nice. IDE my peg never really got going , I did get 5 more carp fishing down the island towards peg 6 and one on the meat at 5 mtrs, but no chance of a pick up today, the honours went to mat tomes in first place on peg 23 (windy end) with 124.8 catching on pellet over towards the island then at 5 mtrs towards the end
2nd Craig Edmunds on 15 with 121.1 , and he went skinny dipping after to retrieve a top set which blew in
3rd Tom thick on 21(windy end) 120.1. Tom would have won but he had a hole in his net and a carp fell out of it as he pulled his net out, of coarse no one laughed
4th dan white peg 1 (windy end) 112.15
5th Aaron britnell 67lb peg 19
6th tony Rixon 49.11
John Bradford on peg 3 with 31.14 some skimmers on soft pellet and small perch and roach on caster, oh and John was at the windy end aswell lol

1 comment:

  1. we know what you meen tony the carpenters arms has got experts just like yours they dont do a lot either
