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Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Weds open landsend fishery

Back up to 14 today , a nice number for the match lake, and with a god weather forecast at last we were hoping for a good day, the legend that is roger andoniou drew for me and handed me peg 21, nice , thanks rog, but with the inform trig Edmunds on 11 and mat tomes on 18 who has been catching well lately , fabio was in between me and mat on 19 and Tom thick on 24 is always hard to beat. I was hoping to see a few cruisers as it was nice and sunny but I couldn't see to many and the ones I could see didn't look right for catching, but I set up the stalking rig with an 18 b960 on .16.
A down the edge rig for meat but never had a bite on that and a deep pellet rig which I never used , a pellet rig for up on the far shelf and a meat rig for 5 mtrs,
At the start after feeding all lines it was out on the stalker ,but the fish weren't really interested, I think I had 3 fish on it in the first hour, no one as far as I could see was catching much , apart from trig up on 11 who was getting some on the stalker, I went over to the far bank and a few more , some shallow and some on the deck on top of the shelf, but these landsend fish soon wise up to a pole being waved about over there heads and do a disappearing act till the pole is taken away then they come straight back , after a slow start for everyone the fishing was getting better and better towards the end with most on our bank catching short on meat on the deck, at the end I thought I may have about 150lb but the general concensious (bet that was spelt wrong) was that trig had more and as he was admitting to 140 ish he probably did have more, also Tom thick on 24 wasn't to far adrift , in the end it was Craig Edmunds who won with 167.7 on peg 11, he seems unstoppable at the moment,
2nd was me with 147.2 peg 21
3rd Tom thick 134.8 peg 24
4th Alan oram 112.2 peg 15
5 th mat tomes 112.1 peg 18 ( that's close )
6 th Philip Harding  103.9 peg 19
John(the gimp) Bradford with 23.13 on peg 6

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