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Thursday, 30 June 2016

Thursday costcutter, shiplate farm

Bit of a detour today for breakfast, myself and Martin lenaghan went via Landsend as there was a match there today so do was on cooking duty, and very nice it was too, then off to the fishery to find there was 13 fishing, bad really considering the venue is new to this costcutter business,
Into the draw at 9.30 and I pull out peg 6, means nothing to me really , I was told that a tree had blown over off the island giving me a nice lead chucking a new feature, I was told it was to far to thrown a wag to but I set up a 10g  affair, and it was easily attainable, the pole rigs today were a deep and shallow one for hard pellet at 14 mtrs and a meat rig for down to my right by an overhanging Bush, I must say this is a really attractive natural lake , with plenty of cover.and a nice depth of about 5 foot in front of me, for company I had Rob dowden on 7 who would no doubt be trying to catch on the lead , casting his whole slice of bread to the island, on my right was Keith Fisher on 6 who was going to be silver bashing today.
On the all in I began at 14 mtrs with a banded 8mm pellet feeding hard 6,s with a catty, it didn't take to long to get attached to a decent carp , which I skilfully managed to reverse into the waiting net, then I lost a foul hooker then I had another in the mouth, I tried the shallow rig and began catching odd fish, so I mainly.stuck with the shallow rig for most of the match, I was having a good day till about 1 3/4 hours from the end, when the fish seemed to desert me, I couldn't buy a bite shallow, I only put 1 carp in the net during this barren spell, I did try the margin meat line briefly to no avail, I just hoped I had done enough early on to keep me in front, Dom Sullivan over on 15 was catching well towards the end , as was Martin lenaghan on peg 3.
Dom may have done better if he hadn't had to go for a swim to retrieve his top 5 , which a carp managed to steal off him !!!!!.
Luckily my good spell in the middle of the match was enough for today as I put 162.12 on the scales to beat travelling partner Martin  lenaghan into 2nd.
Martin weighed 131 dead for second, beating off Dom Sullivan on 15 with 124.4 for 3rd
4th. Stitch Williams on 9a  with 55.8
Silver's went to Mike Owens on 11 with 20.12 of mainly skimmers on soft pellet.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Tuesday costcutter acorn fishery

Only 11 fishing today so plenty of room between us today, I got into the draw bag early, and pulled out ping pong ball 21, its a bridge peg and one I have never fished before, for company I had Ray bazeley on 18 and gabe skarba on 24, so no banter today, I only had the horse behind me to have a chat with, but he was a bit boring really.
But he was a nice looking beast, back to my swim and it didn't take me to long to get my kit sorted, a couple of rigs for pellet across to the island, and the same rigs would be ok for my right hand margin, a shallow rig in case the fish came shallow in the grass, and a rig to fish by the bridge to my left , just over a topkit range away.

To begin the match I cupped in some groundbait to my right , fed pellets across but began to my left by the bridge, and I caught straight away, feeding 6mm hard pellets but with a banded 8 on the hook, having caught so quickly to begin with, as expected it didn't last, so I was soon going across to the far side, and I caught fairly well there aswell, I kept cupping groundbait into the right hand margin but wasn't seeing any signs , but by swapping between the far side and the bridge I kept a steady stream of carp going into the net, but these bridge fish can be a bit on the small side, the bridge swim was getting better as the match went on, also the right hand margin was beginning to show signs of life.
Going into the last hour the fish were in the right hand margin,
I put the 3rd carp net in with 50 mins to and put 12 carp in it before the end, and they were slightly better than the bridge fish, on the all out I had 47 carp on the clicker , but I also had about 20 small stockies aswell, gabe to my left had finished with a flourish, and I could see ed wynne over on 37 catching all day, but as it turned out it was going to be a very tight match, no one noticed Mike Chapman over on peg 6 catching on maggot over groundbait on his topkit, and it was him who just edged it to come first with a very creditable 183.1
2nd and just a few scales behind was ed wynne with 182.8
3rd was me, again just a few scales and a bit of slime behind with 181.3
4th gabe skarba with his late flourish had 172.9
5th Mike laird on 12 with 96.11
6th Lee Waller on 9 with 86.2,
They don't normally come much tighter than that.
Off to shiplate on Thursday for there costcutter then it's round three of the float only league , Landsend fishery is the venue for this round.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Sunday open, Landsend fishery

On match and speci lake today , and with 25 fishing everyone would have an empty peg next to them or at worst an end bank or end of island to go at.
After di,s good breakfast it was time to get the draw organized, 13 on the match lake and 12 on the speci, I let dave"beany" Westcott draw for me , after he pulled 19 for himself, he dipped into the draw and handed me 39 on the speci, I wasn't to happy as I have been here a few times in the last couple of years and its been hard, but today is another day and who knows.
For company I had Nick chedzoy on 40, Glen Calvert on 37 and Chris Fox over on 25, also over on 26 was venue newby James Williams who had travelled over with Norman sterry.
Rigs today were a couple of meat ones , one for 5 mtrs and another for each side margins, and 3 pellet rigs, two for as tight to the island as I could get, one really shallow and another for on the deck in 12 inches of water, and the other for about a mtr off the island as there is a nice flat spot in about 2 feet of water.
To begin with I fed all lines and began on the 5 mtr line in case there were a couple of early mug carp, first drop the float buried and a carp on , shame it was hooked about as far away from the mouth as it is possible to get, but they all count. I stayed on the short meat line for another 30 mins but only had a couple of roach, as did Chris opposite , Nick on my right had a carp early but he was now getting nibbled by roach.
So it was across to island to begin with I started on the deeper rig down the shelf , soon another fouler was in the net, so up tight it was then in the shallow water,  I had a bit of a torrid time initially , foulhooking carp, out of my first 6 carp caught 4  were not lip hooked. I've had this problem before at this venue and I found the best way seems to be attack it and as the match goes on the heavy feeding seems to force the fish onto the deck and fouling becomes less of a problem, today was no different and as the match went on the problem of trying to reverse fish into the net all but disappeared, and it became a nice match, as far as I could tell, the other end of the lake didn't seem to be fishing to form as I couldn't here to much splashing. So I thought that by the end my 30 carp would probably be enough for this lake, I reckoned I had at least 150 lb, but I didn't know how the match lake had fished, it was fairly close really , I ended up dropping 190.9 on the scales.for first place.
2nd and not to far behind was Stuart Barnett on peg 13 with 160.3
3rd Russ peck on 18 with 129.14
4th Glen Bailey on 34 with 126.14
5th Shaun Townsend on peg1 with 121.10
6th Gary o,Shea on peg 3 with 95.7
7th and he moaned his name onto the blog was Joe McMahon on peg 7 with 85lb ish.
Match lake
Paul faiers on 21 with. 21lb
Speci lake
James.Williams  on 26 with 15.12

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Thursday costcutter viaduct fishery

25 booked in for this match today on match and lodge lakes, so 12 on match and 13 on lodge, I fancied a draw on lodge to win on the day, both overall and the silver's winner should come from that lake, whereas the match lake would probably give the better days fishing.
Early into the draw tin and my.drawing arm is a bit suspect as I pulled out 48, although its a corner on the match lake , it isn't the best and one of only two on the lake today without an island Chuck, so all I could hope for today was a.days fishing, unless the fish turned up down the edge to my left.
The left hand margin did look nice as there was an overhanging Bush to fish up to, although it was only.about 12 inches deep by the tree I fancied it for a few, so I set up a .1g drennan as4 with 16 b960 on .16 for there with pellet the chosen bait.
My other lines were straight out at 14 mtrs shallow and deep for banded pellet and a meat.rig just to my right at 5mtrs.for.meat. company wise I had Dave romain on 47 .
At the start I began on the long line with banded pellet, Dave next door began on a small fodder cast tight (well sometimes) to the island, and he caught well straight away, it took me a while to begin getting some bites , but I kept plugging away, and adding odd fish to the net, as the match progressed it became apparent that this lake was proving difficult, it only seemed to be myself , Dave next door and Martin Rogers around the corner on 45 catching, normally on this lake at this time of year its normal to catch shallow but today that was a none starter, I only had one carp and a couple of Rudd on it , so that was another hook wasted, I had a few skimmers and f1,s on meat to my right , but after a bit of a burst there I never had another fish on meat, so most of the match was spent swapping between the long line and the left hand margin, I kept adding fish from both lines, by the end I had 29 carp/f1,s and double figures of silver's, I thought it may be close between Dave and me but Mark had a good finish so he looked favourite to be the lake winner, I was first to weigh as no one to my left troubled the scales, I was pleasantly surprised when my 29 carp type fish went 70.3 and my silver's went 15.3 which included a nice bright goldfish for a total weight of 85.6.

Our lake was won by Martin Rogers on 45 with 103.14, but as expected, lodge lake was the draw, Paul Blake on 71 came out on top with 136.13, catching short on meat
2nd Jim butcher on 68 with 132.4
3rd Paul Greenwood on 66 with 114.4
4th a Saunders on 69 with 111.7
5th Martin Rogers on 45 with 103.4
6th me with 85.6
Mash on 60 with 49lb of skimmers on banded pellet

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Viaduct spring league, final round.

After the tasty breakfast at cafe Fox, it was off to the fishery with Mr Fox, I needed to get a section win today to stand any chance of getting into the overalls, so a good draw was needed, especially with the quality of angler that fishes this league. I not the tin of dreams . Which very quickly became the tin of nightmares as I opened the ticket to reveal 55, noooooooooooo,
It's on the Carpark bank of lodge lake, definitely a peg to avoid virtually any time of the year, for company I had Alex nadin on 56, which is as bad as mine , and Paul Blake the other side on 53, which is a corner peg and a good section winning peg.
I moaned my.way to the swim and began getting ready, I wasn't to confident about doing well though.
Normal rigs today, a couple of pellet rigs to fish long at 16 mtrs, one on the deck and one shallow, a meat rig for 6 mtrs, and a margin rig to fish down to my left for meat or maggot over groundbait in about 12 inches of water.
At the start I fed all lines but started on the long pole line on the deck, fishing an 8 over 6,s.
Not to much to mention really apart from a few skimmers from the long line in the first half of the match, I did get a few fish over the margin groundbait line but as they were only single fish I couldn't manage to fool one.
The last couple of hours were the best, I had some more decent skimmers off the long line , and a carp, but lost three foulers, I also had some decent skimmers skimmers from the short meat line, then in the last hour a few fish turned up over the ground bait and I had 4 more carp off that line, but it was going to third at best in the section as Andy Crocker on 62 and Paul Blake on 53 both looked to have beaten me, and they did with Andy winning the section with 100.15 and Paul was second with 95.12, leaving me third with 87.8, which was 55.12 of carp (6), and 31.12 of skimmers, so a days fishing in the end , so no real complaints from me,
Again it fished really well again today with 27 weights over 100lb, first on the day was a man who some say sold his virginity to the devil to ensure good draws. Others say he just has a golden arm, whichever anyone thinks we just know him as THE TRIG!!
He was on peg 125 and ended up with 243.15, catching mainly on the meat short in the last half of the match.
2nd mikey (the naturist) Williams on peg 66, (which was rested the previous day) with 220.15
3rd was tries apprentice Paul elmes , who did well off 121 with 211.9
4th Dan white on 127 with 209lb
5th Rob Jones on 128 with 192.6
6th Scott Purdy on 112 with 179lb
Final league
1st Craig "the trig"Edmunds on 4pts
2nd Gary o,Shea 5pts
3rd bob"marine boy" Giles 6pts
4th Tony Gilbert 7pts dropping a 4
5th Nick chedzoy 7pts dropping a 7.
It was as always a well run and supported league, so roll on next year,

Next week I am running a match at Landsend, but that is now sold out, next Thursday I have booked into viaduct for the costcutter, its on match with possibly an overflow onto lodge .

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Thursday costcutter, viaduct fishery

After the normal breakfast at the junction cafe, it was off to the fishery for a 9.30 draw, with 33 fishing we were split between Campbell and Cary, also Steve has decided to have a top weight pay out on both lakes then pay down the line , a bit better methinks.
Instead of my normal early draw I decided to wait till nearer the end, when I went into the tin there were 4 tickets left, 111/112/128 and 81, none of which I would mind but I would like to avoid 81 if possible, I needn't have worried as Chris Fox pulled that one out , I dipped in and had 128 stuck to me , at last I was not on Cary. Glen Bailey won the short pope match yesterday with over 200lb , mainly on paste down his right hand margin, no paste with me so today it was going to be meat at 5mtrs, then pellet shallow and deep under an overhanging branch at 14 mtrs to my right , also pellet on the deck at the end of the spit, and a pellet rig for my right hand margin
The right hand margin looked as though it was going to be a bit of a tackle graveyard as the brambles had grown over a mtr out into the lake from the bank, so the acolyte margin pole was the tool of choice for that, there aren't many poles that would withstand the pressure I was going to use to bully the carp away from the briars.
At the start I began on the 14 mtr line with banded  8mm pellet over 6,s, I fed all the lines with the necessary baits , starting on the deep rig it didn't take long to get connected to an angry carp, unfortunately it wasn't hooked to close the mouth by the feel of it, it soon came off though, back in and the same thing happened, so in with the shallow rig and another fouler, so 20 mins in and it was 4 nil, all fouled, then I had a small one shallow, but it was proving difficult, if I didn't feed I had no bites, when I did I had fizzing and foulers, but I couldn't catch shallow. So after 90 mins all I had was three smallish carp, and with inform Steve Shaw catching over on 110 and Tim Ford on 132 also looking as though he was doing ok the righting was on the wall, as the match went on I did begin to put some in the net , but on all my long lines foulers were a minor issue, the meat line never got going, so I switched that to an 8mm pellet line, it certainly got the fish into the peg but they were coming up making them hard to catch, in fact I couldn't hook them shallow, but had no problem foulhooking them. My best line was down to my right on banded pellet, but it wasn't faint heart fishing, it was proper hit , hold and pull stuff, I must say the acolyte margin pole is a serious piece of strong kit, I've had to put a proper bend in it giving those edge fish serious grief, and it did it admirably with no issues.
By the end I had 26 carp and a few silver's, not to bad really as I have had a torrid day with lost foulers , one of my.worst days with that problem, but I weighed in 133.11 which I new was going to be no good today for a Brown envelope,
1st on the day was Steve Shaw on 110 with 222.4, Steve caught fishing around his peg with pellet on the lead.
2nd Tim Ford on 132 with 209.3
3rd was Alex?????? On 123 with 167.8
4th Scott ?????? on 118 with 157lb
5th Scott Russell on 111 with 152.12
6th me on 128 and David simpkins on 102 with 133.11.
Off down there again on Sunday for the last of the spring league matches, if I can win my section I have an outside chance of sneaking into the overalls. No doubt I will be back on Cary.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Float only league rnd 2

Landsend fishery for this one, and the next, also I am running an open here on Sunday 26 June, so as per normal ring or txt me on 07974807941 to book in, 9.30 draw.
Back to today and after a good breakfast cooked by di at the fishery it was time to get the draw sorted. As the draw progressed I decided to let Tim Clark draw for me as he pulled 31 for himself, luckily his drawing arm didn't let me down as he pulled out 33 for me, more than happy with that, but unfortunately for me Craig Edmunds drew 34 , a better summer peg than mine as it has a nice shallow shelf on the island to fish on and the carp do seem to enjoy feeding on this ledge, my swim , although its an end peg there is no shelf up the edge , it is the same depth all over, its ok as long as the fish come shallow though out by the aerater which is over 16 mtrs away, and hopefully shallow down the edge may be a goer.
With Chris Davis on 35 , Craig on34 Chris Fox opposite on 32 and Tim Clark on 31, there was going to be no shortage of banter and swearing today.
Rigs today were a couple of shallow pellet rigs for out by the aerater and up the edge, a deep pellet rig again for out by the aerater and up the edge as it was the same depth, and the normal 6mtr meat rig.
On the all in I started on the deep pellet rig, and it didn't take long to hook a carp, trouble being it was hooked in the tail, but after a fairly long scrap I managed to safely reverse it into the net, after a couple more liners I was reaching for the shallow rig, again in was soon attached to my second carp, but being hooked at the correct end of the body it was netted a lot quicker, trig started on the meat short but only roach bites were forthcoming, but seeing me catch shallow he was soon reaching for his island rig, and with it only being less that 12 inches deep, there was orange tails waving at him, and from then on he never fished another rig as he fed a steady stream of carp into his net right to the end of the match, it was a joy to watch 😭😭.
I did manage half a dozen fish shall own by the aerater but they didn't show up in numbers to be a threat to trig.
Most of my.action came from the left hand bank fishing shallow, by the end I had 22 carp for over 100lb, apart from trig who was admitting to 250lb at the end, Tim Clark also reckoned on over 100lb with less fish than me , but he had couple of better fish that may make the difference.
As expected trig won off 34 with 298.2, all falling for pellet fished over on the island shelf in 10 inches of water, well done to him 👏
I managed 2nd with 130.12
T Clark was third with 126.5
4th Shaun Townsend on peg 15 with 118.11
5th Chris Davis on 35 with 116.5
6th Beal bakos with 107.13
Silver's went to John fuidge with 26.6
Chris Davis managed to hook the top a tree on the island towards the end, and had his top 5 pull off, much to the amusement of everyone who could see, luckily he got the boat out after and retrieved the sections , but the tree managed to slip the hook though.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Thursday costcutter viaduct fishery

After another good breakfast at the junction cafe with travelling partner Jason Radford today, it was off to the fishery. There are 23 anglers down from Manchester staying in the lodges, I think most of them were going to fish today, but after a heavy night on the local brew , more than a few couldn't get up this morning, but there was still 36 fishing, so it was on Campbell, Cary and the diagonal bank of lodge, I was quite early into the dream tin hoping for a good peg on Campbell, but it was not to be as I pulled out 86 which is on the top bank of Cary, Clayton Hudson drew it at the weekend and only had one carp, so I wasn't to confident of doing well today. To make matters worse I had forgotten my rods, and I thought the wag may be worth a few fish, Mark poppleton came to my rescue and lent me one with a pellet wag already set up, so off I trundled to my peg, passing all the good peg on Campbell on the way,
Got the peg and set about getting ready,
A margin rig was done to fish to the Bush to my right as Chris Fox drew this a couple of weeks ago and had a couple of big fish down there, also the 6 mtr meat rig was put up, but not to much on those lines today as it was pants, I had a good hybrid down the edge and one small tench from the meat line, most of the action was from the 14 mtr line, and a bit from the wag.
By the end I had amassed two bream, one tench the hybrid and a roach, I did end up with 12 carp, three on the wag, three on the deck on the pole on pellet and six shallow on the pole , I lost a few foulers but that tends to be the norm on this lake as the fish a of a large average size (10lb), my silver's went 10.5 and the 12 carp went 115.13 for 126.2, which was top weight on lodge and Cary but 7 people beat me on Campbell, top on the day was Steve Shaw who is on a good run at the moment with 223.10 of bomb caught fish off peg 111
2nd was Mr consistent Dan white on 128 with 200.9
3rd Emma Drysdale on peg 110 with  189.5
4th Mike west on 123 with 157.14
5th Dan squire on 118 with 150.6
6th Glen Bailey on 127 with 146.8
Top silver's.went to Colin dyer on 129 with 35.7

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Tuesday costcutter acorn fishery

A good turn out today with 22 waiting for the draw, Mike Chapman soon had it sorted , ably assisted by his right hand man Ray bazeley, most people would get an empty peg at least one side, so plenty of room then. I was early into the ping pong bag and wasn't disappointed to pull out ball 3, Alan Smith won the Sunday open here with 124lb and des shipp was 5th off it on Saturday, so there were a few fish to be had, I know Alan fished paste down the edge , but that's not for me, and as for des he would probably have had several lines on the go with a few different bait options, none of that's for me today, all hard pellets, 6,s to feed and an 8mm in the band, rigs today were  a .10 for against the far bank in 12 inches of water  , a deep pellet rig for down the middle and a slapping rig just in case, and a rig to fish down by pallet 4, for company I had the miniscule Welsh Aussie stu Barnett on one and the Frampton legend Keith Turner on 5, behind me was John "the boy in striped pyjamas" Thompson on 40, this picture was taken shortly before he fell in head first trying to clear out his margin, I still can't believe I had gone for a wander and missed it.
And he refused to give an action replay !!!!!!
The whiawwstle went , a bit late as is normal with Mike , and I began down the middle on the deep rig, and missed a couple of what I can only presume we're liners, so I tried the shallow rig and caught a 4lb fish straightaway, but that was my only bite and fish from that line, I was already 5 fish behind Stuart, so I went across to the island on the shallow rig, and apart from a non event try down the edge I spent the majority of the match across to the far side, I went across before the start and cleared two spots on the far side just left and right of my peg, strangely though the right hand spot hardly gave me a fish, most of the action coming from the left hand area with some nice fish up to 6lb.
It turned into an enjoyable match catching steadily right to the end, it appeared the island was the place to be as Stuart was catching as was Keith, while the rest of the lake appeared to be difficult, I ended up with 39 carp to Stuart's 25 and although Keith had had some bigger fish I new he had a lesser weight ,
Stuart was first to weigh on peg 1 and had 95.12.
I plonked 138.4 to be first on the day
3rd was Keith on peg 5 with  73.8
4th Mike laird on 6 with 53.9
5th Glen Bailey on 25 with 51.10
6th kev Perry on 22 with 51.2
And I won a quid off the midget at the next peg.
I'm still trying to get a few names for Wednesday at Landsend, if I don't get. A few more its going to be a non starter, I will decide tomorrow morning and advise those who have booked.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Viaduct spring league, penultimate round

Travelled with Chris Fox again today , so it was a delicious breakfast at cafe Fox, nicely cooked by Caroline.
We got to the fishery with plenty of time , so plenty of time for a bit of piss taking, I don't like to miss an opportunity.
Second into the draw tin after Chris Fox, he gets 112, nice and I get 105, not so nice.
For company I had Paul Blake down in the corner on 109, and Mike walker on 103, so I had plenty of room, and with the breeze blowing into this end of the lake I fancied it may be ok.
Before I carry on, I have a bit of a seat box SOS for callum Craig who was sat on 53/52 and 55, so if anyone knows of a decent upholsterer who can make him a wider seat for his box. Drop me txt and I will forward it onto him.
Back at my peg and this is going to be a short blog from he are , as all I could muster in 6 hours was 4 carp and a small skimmer, I had one shallow , 2 on the deck on pellet and one short on meat 30 mins from the end, not the mm most enjoyable of days , to make matters worse I had Luke sorokin in the k/o, but he couldn't make it so he sent a reserve in the shape of his grandad, Rob Jones, who was opposite on 74, and he proceeded to dump me out of the k/o, he had 7 carp for 79lb and my 4 went 44lb, oh well there's always next year, I ended up 3rd in the section, so nothing less than a section win in the last match is required, then I will have to rely on people above me dipping out, so an overall pick-up is looking unlikely, it fished ok today , not as consistently as recent weeks, but still good,
1st on the day was Gary o,Shea on 85 with 231.5, catching all his fish shallow on the pole with pellet.
2nd was Dan white on 81 with 226.12, he would have won easily but he lost a net as he had 88lb in it, welcome to the numpty club matey lol
3rd that man Craig Edmunds on 131 with 223.6, there's uninstalling him, he looks set to win the series, but he can be caught by a couple if he craps out in a fortnight.
4th Nick chedzoy on 111 with 183.2,
5th Rob "drawbag" Giles on 114 with 170.7
6th callum Craig on 53 with 154.8,
7th Mark wynne on 135.11 off peg 135
I'm running a match at Landsend on Thursday as a bit of a practice for Sunday's float only its a 9.30 draw so if you fancy it give me a ring or txt to book in on 07974807941, don't leave it to late as if I don't have enough by weds midday I won't run it .